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Everything posted by peteb

  1. [quote name='silddx' post='1171931' date='Mar 22 2011, 11:35 AM']Talk to this man. [url="http://www.andybaxterbass.com/guitars.php"]http://www.andybaxterbass.com/[/url][/quote] Cheers, an interesting site! I was a little surprised at how expensive some of the 70s stuff was but equally, some of the older fenders were actually a bit less than I would have imagined…..
  2. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='1167222' date='Mar 18 2011, 02:46 PM']No, I think it's the Mill Lane club at South Kirby I like playing the Tap it's a great pub. Have you played there ? and what band are you in ?[/quote] Oh, I thought that Spike (Landlord) said that someone from Empress was playing there with another band there soon I have played the Tap many many times over the years with a variety of bands - recently with Spank The Monkey and now with Paddy Maguire.....
  3. Certainly the 45-105 stadium strings have red/blue windings - I assume that all stadium strings do!
  4. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='1166873' date='Mar 18 2011, 11:30 AM']Due to our singers back problem we have not been able to gig for six weeks and its not showing any sign of improving but I had a call from our guitarist who wants me to play on Sat night with him and a drummer and singer he knows. I have agreed and just got the set list with a good few on I am familar with, a few that I have played but not in along time and several that I probably should really know but have just never bothered with I only have a few hours available on Sat afternoon due to other commitments so it could be an interesting night but after a six week gig break I am really revved up to play as I cant believe how much I have missed it [/quote] Will this be at the Brewery Tap??
  5. [quote name='SteveK' post='1156894' date='Mar 10 2011, 05:04 PM']When people (not just musicians) ask, "What do you think?". They generally want positive comments. Anything negative is often not taken too kindly, which makes it kinda pointless. It's also difficult to know how much credence can be given to a comment when we don't know the credentials, tastes, ability etc of the commenter.[/quote] Pretty much this really...! I remember someone putting up a clip (the OP actually) that was not what I would normally listen to but quite interesting - however, I found the singer's voice rather annoying! If I had commented to that effect I am sure that silddx would have defensive about his singer (I know that I would have been) and I am sure that many people would think that her delivery is just fine. It’s just my opinion and what do I know?? I may well put some band stuff up at some point, but if I do it will be to share with people here in the hope that they enjoy it. If they do and feel like make favourable comments, then I am sure it will make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. But if you don’t happen to like it please feel free to keep your opinions to yourself! Don’t get me wrong, I will seek out critical comment from people I know and whose opinion I trust and who have an understanding of the type of music we’re playing, but anyone I don’t know – I hope you like it but if you don’t, go and listen to something else!
  6. Hi Justin The SWR is a great cab - sorry to see it go! Glad that you're putting it to good use.... Cheers - Pete
  7. [quote name='Anthony Joseph Wiaczek III' post='1153195' date='Mar 7 2011, 11:27 PM']monitors on beer crates +1!!![/quote] Hey, always a classy stage production in Hebden Bridge....!
  8. Hi Justin Nice to see my old cab being put to good use...! Cheers - Pete
  9. I don’t understand why people get so bothered about all this? I go and watch different types of bands for different reasons and with different expectations. When I see a covers band, I don’t expect to pay in under normal circumstances (at least not more than a nominal amount), probably at a smaller venue or possibly at a larger one-off event and I expect to be entertained. Hopefully, they won’t have the same set list as the band I saw the week before! Having said that, some of the best bands that I have seen (and played in) have been cover bands. A tribute band would probably be playing at a bigger venue, have a bigger show (lights, sound, etc rather than costumes) and to charge in – a slightly different night out I would expect to pay more to see an original band, for them to play a set full of well put together material and a decent well thought out show (and not in a pub)! I will judge an original band far harder than a covers band, but then the rewards for the band are far greater than playing for a bit of beer money / extra cash! There is room for different types of bands – I don’t even see that they are competing as they are generally playing different venues and people go to see them for different reasons………
  10. [attachment=74189:Pete_1___Copy.JPG] [attachment=74191:Pete___P...2___Copy.JPG] [attachment=74190:Pete ___P...y___Copy.JPG] Some shots of last Saturday night's gig with the Paddy Maguire Band - a curtain raiser for the first Hebden Bridge Blues Festival to be held in May. We had the excellent Marcus Bonfanti sit in with us at the end of the set but unfortunately no one seems to have taken any photos then Not so sure about the dance moves in the middle pic....!
  11. Some shots of last Saturday nights gig – a curtain raiser for the first Hebden Bridge Blues Festival to be held in May. We had the excellent Marcus Bonfanti sit in with us at the end of the set but unfortunately no one seems to have taken any photos then Not so sure about the dance moves in the last pic…!
  12. Another one here who has just fitted a J-Retro Deluxe to my Mayones Jazz First impressions after one rehearsal are good, even thru I didn't get much chance to explore the different tonal options available. As a second opinion, the guy who fitted it raved about how powerful it made the bass sound! Can't wait to try it out at a gig at the weekend..........
  13. Bizarre thread I think that GP says in the introduction of the book that it is by and large a collection of anecdotes of his experiences with famous people that he has come across over the years and he seems happy enough to admit that he has acted like a tw*t on occasions when he has been stoned (who hasn't)! You don't get a CV like that without being very very good and I think that a lot of the good luck that he has undoubtedly enjoyed has come about because of his incredibly positive outlook to life! Great player, very funny bloke and very unpretentious…..
  14. [quote name='leschirons' post='1125526' date='Feb 12 2011, 10:55 PM']Still got mine and I love it. Best of luck with the sale. It's a great price for some serious kit.[/quote] Thanks, I agree – It's the ideal lightweight but powerful combo for gigging
  15. Hope that you lot are right about these preamps - just got one thru the post from Mark @ Bass Direct today...!!
  16. Generally the problem is that the stingray's pickup poles don't align properly with the G-string I've just put in a passive EMG pick up in my ray, keeping the MM curcuit - sounds great and no more G-string issues!
  17. I have a really good pro quality 4U rack for sale for £60 It has a few minor battlescars, but a very well built and virtually indestructible top quality rack case – would cost upwards of £150 to get one made up of similar quality these days Any shipping, paypal costs, etc to be paid by buyer – happy to meet up at a motorway service of your choice (within a reasonable distance) for petrol money……… Cheers – Pete
  18. Bump - no one interested in this ace combo? These used to sell like hot cakes a couple of years ago...!
  19. Justin has just picked up my SWR Goliath 610 cab Nice guy (as was his bass playing dad), easy to deal with, no problems at all..... Cheers - Pete
  20. JTUK & Eddie are right – Goliaths are great cabs and if I had a more sensible car I’m sure that I wouldn’t be selling and still gigging this cab now! I hope that I haven’t misled any one about the speakers! I was told that this cab used special lightweight speakers and I understood this to mean that they were neos (it is not that much heavier than the two Goliath 410s that I have owned). At the time I knew nothing about the difference between ceramics and neo speakers. The speakers are definitely the originals and it makes sense if they are ceramics as I do prefer the sound now that I am aware of the difference. Anyway, it's a great cab whatever the speakers are and I am sure that it will do great service for Justin…..
  21. I am reluctantly moving on SWR Goliath Snr 6x10 bass cab (1000w @ 4 ohm). It seen a fair bit of gigging action in it’s time, but is still in pretty good condition and more to the point still sounds great, powerful with plenty of punch! The speakers are still in great condition, so need for re-coning, etc for a long time yet. The last time I used this cab was with a blues rock band on a big stage at the Dundee Blues Festival last year, where I got loads of compliments about what a great sound I had! I know that that this type of gear these days sometimes gets overlooked in favour of new lightweight gear but this is still a way of getting a great onstage sound for a very reasonable cost. It is probably a bit lighter than you might think (due to its neo speakers) and will fit in most hatches – I can fit this cab, a 4u rack and two basses into the back of my Celica coupe easily enough! This has got to be one of the best sounding cabs that I have ever played thru and at £320 is very good value……. Due to size, etc I would prefer the buyer to pick up if at all possible (I’m based in Bradford) Cheers – Pete
  22. I am buying and selling a few bits of gear at the moment and first up for sale is my Mark Bass CMD103H combo It is in excellent condition, great tone, very loud and transparent – I’m sure that most people here know what Mark Bass amps are like and this is basically a great piece of kit, not to mention highly versatile and portable This combo would set you back at least £1,150 new in the shops (RRP £1,353)...! For technical details please see: [url=""][/url] I am looking for a very reasonable £680 and would prefer the buyer to pick up (I’m based in Bradford) but will consider any nominated courier (obviously shipping and insurance at the buyer’s cost) – I am quite happy to meet within reasonable distance for petrol money if that is easier Cheers – Pete
  23. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1086119' date='Jan 11 2011, 09:34 PM']I'll see what I can do with Cubase and a drum machine. And the drummer in the function band has a Zoom thing so can record the tune on the next gig (its not until April tho'). Should be interesting!! A Chic duel [/quote] Now that does sound like fun...!
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