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Everything posted by kevin_lindsay

  1. Yeah, it's a great instrument. The neck wood and the fingerboard are really something special also
  2. [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/62%20reissue%20Jazz%20Bass%20refinish/9354ab5a.jpg[/IMG]
  3. [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/febc649d.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/7c79dca7.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/9cbf9c43.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/d6a37d01.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/ba472075.jpg[/IMG]
  4. SOLD TO LOZBASS!!! XOkay, some of you may have seen the build thread for this fabulous bass, made by this Forum's own Wes Steed. If youve not seen the build thread (or if you want to have another look), here's a link: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/90374-steed-basses-build-thread/ The bass has a fabulously, chocolatey brown Brazilian rosewood fingerboard. This piece of timber is over 60 years old, and is the highly sought after Dalbergia Negra variety (the variety that Jimmy Coppolo charges a $1,000 upgrade for on his basses - yikes!!!!!) Anyhow, the bass is a cracker, with all the punch and grunt you'd expect from a classic P-Bass. The Instrument is lightly relic-ed and comes with a hard case also (as shown in the pics below). The specs are: Body - 2 piece lightweight alder (the instrument is light soothers no problem if you planned on using it on long gigs) Neck - lightly flamed maple with Dalbergia Negra Brazilian Risewood fingerboard Celluloid pickguard (custom made by Pickguardian in the USA) aluminium full shielding plate under the pickguard. Lollar P-Bass pickup Full nitrocellulose lacquer finish on body and neck. Thr body's Olympic White finish has no clear cost (like the very early 60's Fender finishes, do it's really vibrant. Vintage style CTS pots Switch rage vintage style output jack Bridge and pickup chrome cover plate "ashtrays" included also. I received this bass 4 weeks ago on Friday and, as I mentioned earlier, I'd much prefer that it was being used rather than simply sitting here a mty place looking, playing and sounding fantastic. Price is £900 delivered in the UK Any questions, feel free to contact me. Thanks fir looking guys, Kevin [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/4a6895e9.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/8116180a.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/52a24113.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/44c4118f.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/69db249a.jpg[/IMG]
  5. The first thing I did when I bought my USA reissue '62 stack knob Jazz was remove those stupid washers! Here's what Thr pesky items look like once you take them off [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/Springwashers.jpg[/IMG] I've never had any problem with accidentally changing the tone controls when adjusting the vol knobs, so I can see no need for the ratchet washers being in place
  6. Yeah, I re-read my reply earlier and it could read like I was a bit snotty - wasn't my intention. Earthing Thr shielding plates through the pickup holes and attaching them to the earth of the circuit via a wire would be easier (and also far more secure than the method on mine dnd Thr old basses where you were basically relying on pressure to make the circuit! Hahaha)
  7. [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/62%20reissue%20Jazz%20Bass%20refinish/2990cd18.jpg[/IMG]
  8. Forgot to post a pic of the rest of the bass!! Here you go:
  9. That's really interesting mate, it's great hearing how different versions do the wiring. I guess the shielding plate in the control cavity on yours must be wired directly to the earth so that the earthing is completed? On my reissue if the earth strip wasn't in place, then the shielding plates wouldn't be attached to the earth do would just serve no purpose. Most modern jazzes just have the earthing wire to Thr underside of the bridge plate - I've never seen the wire soldered onto the bridge plate on Amy of the vintage or modern USA Fenders I've owned (I've had at least 20 post 1990 Fender basses, and at least 10 pre 1975 ones). Most modern reissues (apart from the USA ones) don't seem to have the metal shielding plates in place. The early 60's jazzes didn't have the shielding plates wired directly to the control plate earth, so needed the earth strip fed under the bridge to complete the circuit. If it wasn't installed, then the shielding plates end up serving no purpose. Here's s pic from the excellent reference book - The Fender Bass, an illustrated history published by Hal Leonard. You can see the earthing strip that was on the old basses (think of Jaco's "bass of doom" for example, you can see Thr strip on there) [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/25e0415d.jpg[/IMG]
  10. I really appreciate the comments guys. Here's the bass with some of my other F products - leaning against the worlds most cluttered bookcase! [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/62%20reissue%20Jazz%20Bass%20refinish/9354ab5a.jpg[/IMG]
  11. And here's the bass in the format I prefer to use: [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/62%20reissue%20Jazz%20Bass%20refinish/95da96c4.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/62%20reissue%20Jazz%20Bass%20refinish/eb6578f0.jpg[/IMG]
  12. Here's some pics of the bass with the covers in place
  13. I'm getting excited now!! Neck has been reattached [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/b6be6cb6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/24ccd3b1.jpg[/IMG] Strings in place [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/62fe9c00.jpg[/IMG] I'll leave the bass to settle overnight and in the morning I'll give it a full setup (check neck relief, action. Set the intonation, and balance the pickups). But for now - ta-daaah!!! Here's how it's looking!! [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/cbbbf256.jpg[/IMG]
  14. Let's move the earth wire into it's channel do that only a small part of the wire is left to make contact with the underside of the bridge plate [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/3dcaae88.jpg[/IMG] Let's get the bridge plate in place [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/c8216ed3.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/802f72c1.jpg[/IMG] Simple job now to wire the pickups and earth leads into the control plate next.
  15. At last! Time to get this beast reassembled [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/9c2f58c0.jpg[/IMG] Some of you might be thinking "what are those four screws in front of where the bridge will be?". Well, on the original basses there were 4 felt string mutes which most folk removed. The screws are there to cover the holes. Here's a pic of how the felt mutes looked: [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/25e0415d.jpg[/IMG] Anyhow, remember the metal shielding plates in the bottom of the pickup and control cavities? Well, they're all wired together, but but they aren't wired directly to the ground of the pickup circuit. So, how do they get earthed? Here's the brass earthing strip that solves the problem [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/3bc78604.jpg[/IMG] It slots under the bridge pickup shielding plate, and goes under the bridge itself also. [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/88b9ea23.jpg[/IMG] When the bridge pickup is screwed in to place, it presses the cavity shielding plate down on to the earthing strip, and as the control cavities are wired together, this allows the earthing circuit to work for them all. So how does the earthing strip get to connect to the control wiring earth? It makes contact under the bridge, and theeres an earth wire from the control cavity that mates with the underside of the bridge. Here's how it looks: [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/6c117444.jpg[/IMG]
  16. Nope! It's not a build, it's a refinish and reassemble! Hahaha
  17. The headstock comprised: White primer, shell pink, and then the headstock and neck was clearcoated. I'm really pleased with the end result. The body is ready for hand buffing tomorrow - a really boring, tedious job, but it'll be worth it when it's finished.
  18. The logo is the period correct one for a 1962 Jazz Bass. It's the perfect finishing touch
  19. Headstock now complete!! I hope to get the bass reassembled this weekend. [IMG]http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y289/kevin_lindsay/d546e4ef.jpg[/IMG]
  20. Paul Young - I'm Gonna Tear Your Playhouse Down!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqmjbiA_wnc&sns=em
  21. Well, I was buffing the body last week and I got a slight rub through, not totally through to the White undercoat, just enough to give a slight blush to the pink finish. I knew it was there, and although neither my brother or some friends said they could see it, I was drawn to it every time I looked at the body. So, I decided to redo the body! Wiping off the new finish was a complete breeze - took less than 15 minutes to get back to the natural wood again. The body is now re-finished in the Shell Pink (White primer, Shell Pink and then clear coats). It's been drying for almost a week, and I've smoothed the whole finish with 1200 grade wet and dry. I'll leave it for another week before buffing it to a shine. Hopefully everything will go smoothly this time? Also, the replacement Fender headstock decal should be with me tomorrow. I'll post pics of the headstock with it in place soon.
  22. Yeah, the APFS guys played Gilmour's 50th, and apparently then did so as Brit Floyd at his 60th!!
  23. The Australian Pink Floys Show is stunning - a fantastic gig if you're a pink Floyd fan. I know that a load of guys involved with the APFS left over avyear ago to form Brit Floyd. I'm going to see Brit Floyd in Glasgow in May. For anyone interested in seeing/hearing what Brit Floyd are like, you can get a FREE dvd copy of their live debut gig last January from their website. Here's a couple of clips: Time http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsUt6f4dXZ4&sns=em Pigs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2RALs-uTI0&sns=em
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