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Everything posted by winterfire666

  1. balls, just spent up too, i would have snapped this up last week in a heartbeat
  2. cool, great amps those, ill be lookin forward to hearin it
  3. i would love o try one of those out, a real bargain too, im just wonderin if my wife would notice £400 goin missing, and me for a day too to collect......hmmmmmmm.
  4. i have tried a russ andrews power cable in an a/b situation while working for a large music shop, i was very sceptical however there was a definite difference, subtle yes, better no, but different none the less, certainly not enough to warrant buying one or even considering it for that matter, especially considering the quality of the power outlets/supplys at a lot of venues where any upgrade would be pointless anyway. i can undersand a hi-fi pureist using one a home with the perfect set up and an acoustically treated room but not for a gigging player.
  5. i really wanna try a peavey mark vi or viii through my s12t, as soon as one comes up cheap locally im gonna have to try it
  6. theres a peavey bam 2x10 combo for sale £350 here on basschat, i once tried one of those on top of a 4x10 extention cab and it was a massive sound somehin like that would have a chance of putting them into place :^) thats a seriously good amp if you dont mind a combo
  7. in my old band the guitarists had 2x 4x12 each and 100w valve amps, it was just silly now the guitarists in new band get told, turn down or f**k off :^) although im probably the one most guilty of bieng too loud nowadays, but i can live with that.
  8. if it was me i would get the warwick on ebay and scour the local 2nd hand shops for a peavey mark vi or similar with a little more budget there are loads of great heads goin for bargain prices if you are willing to search for em what kind of music do you play, it can be hard work competing against 2 all valve guitar stacks
  9. those warwick heads are notorious for having no hedroom, they still seem to do ok on ebay though because of the warwick name, if cash is an issue see if you can source an old peavey, super cheap, loads of head room and built like a tank but heavy (i think there is on here for sale somewhere i used to work in a shop that had he full range of warwick heads and even the supposedly 1000w one was poor in percieved output volume compared to most other brands in my opinion which cabs are you using?
  10. some really cool stuff, that orange rig is so ott, its gotta be an acoustic nightmare though
  11. i used to hate the look of my parker guitar but it plays so damn well i have grown to appreciate it i think it would be the same with something like this what was ugly soon becomes interesting. :&)
  12. bit of a bargain there, nice looker too, i love parker guitars but have never played a bass.
  13. oooooo i forgot about the blacksmith, i was just thinking what would look great on a glockenklang 6 box. or maybe somethin like this [attachment=161423:jae-bassrig2000-2002_whocoll.jpg]
  14. What do you think is the coolest looking bass rig out there judged purely on asthetics ?
  15. i use a tc rh750 with my s12t and its great, very happy with it.
  16. this looks interesting, anyone know anything about em? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/S-D-Curlee-Bass-Guitar-USA-Model-Vintage-and-Rare-/331181962164?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item4d1bfbb3b4
  17. there was a dean on gumtree for £200 recently in nottingham i think, i was tempted myself but im currently converting a westone thunder 1a into an 8 string
  18. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1397121282' post='2420786'] I think image is very important, anything that sets you apart from everyone else is good. Most people have no idea about music, you need to grab their attention with image, performance and anything else that makes you a better option than staying at home watching tv. [url="http://s214.photobucket.com/user/EmmettChristie/media/IMG_24185772411429_zpsba53b2f6.jpg.html"][/url] This is my original band. [/quote] This is awesome, great look :^)
  19. i think you can get away with almost anythin onstage in the name of showmanship especially if you are a good band, the image grabs attention and the music keeps it and theres nothing wrong with that. im tryin to get my band to agree on some kind of coherent stage look, but its hard work Any suggestions for a melodic metal band?
  20. cheers, im glad you liked it, i like the description 'battle metal meets maiden' i might use that one :^) thanks for listening though, im looking forward to mixing the full album in the next couple of weeks, its hard work getting it right (and keeping the rest of the band happy) but it'll be worth it.
  21. not tried these but i got some entwistle pickups very cheap and they are excellent, i actually prefer them over my suhr humbuckers for certain recording tasks and i think they were only around £12 each, definately worth a look.
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