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Posts posted by Raymondo

  1. Approx 2000 metres... Part way up Mount Teide for a BBQ one Christmas day.:ph34r:


    I am afraid I can't be of any practical help as  I am useless on guitar.

    Some would say not much better on Bass but that would be hurtful😪

    Your project fascinates me. 

    I just cannot comprehend being able to think that way...hats off to you ! :hi:

    • Like 2
  2. I only have one negative .

    It's not about her playing …..it certainly leaves me flailing in her wake ,pondering the meaning of life, whilst trying to pick my jaw up off the floor.

    It's not about the song ...although I am not keen on funk ( I know sacrilege for a supposed bass player!).

    It's not about anything other than the fact that I find bands with no backing vocals boring after a while. 

    Oh she has a great voice and how the blinking heck she plays some of those licks whilst doing so, is a magic beyond my comprehension;

    It's just when I have "tuned in" to the vocal sound at gigs, I long for some harmony, some la la la's ,anything to mix it up a little.

    *For context *

    I like rock music more than just about any other genre, my favoutrite band is Budgie, a three piece with a distinctive singing bass player ...but even they had Tony Bourge a warbling occasionally.

  3. On 13/06/2020 at 12:34, Bill Wy,Aye,Man said:

    I wouldnt mind the bass that Tony Zemaitis made for Ronnie Lane, it's the only one and Ronnie was an actual musician

    Actually he made a bass for Pete Cruickshank that looks very similar(or at least he owned one , gave it to his son for doing well in exams  a few years ago apparently ...Ken Pustlenik told me that when I mentioned  that I had always lusted after Mr Cruickshank's bass).

    The inside cover of the first album I ever bought (Hogwash) was the best pic I could find …..



  4. On 11/06/2020 at 08:02, Maude said:

    Inaudible and an utter waste of time, if the majority here are to be believed. 😉

    I wouldn't know on either count but I'd imagine the pride and joy you'd feel by one of your children learning, enjoying and sharing with you a song you've written would outweigh even the biggest of concerts. Lovely to watch. 🙂

    My sentiments exactly.

    His daughter has a lovely voice too.

    • Like 1
  5. How disappointing.

    I came here expecting to converse with a new  lifeform in Dot language, you know, to broaden my horizon and meet new friends,

    and what do I find …..you lot !🙄


    Oh well I suppose you can be engaging at times😋

    Oh ...emojis.gif.22d0dc0335694a954c55b831ffb8406d.gif

    Hi Billy.  


    • Haha 1
  6. emojis.gif.1c3edc6433bfb7cd9b4e5ff59d5981d2.gif

    Hi Harry.


    I was playing ( well making a noise on) a bass I bought from Woolworths ( ask your grandad what a Woolworths is 😉 ) when I was your age .

    It cost £29.00  and was worth about 29p


    It was all I knew though so I soldiered on .

    Your basses should last you a long time buddy.....take no notice of these people on here about buying basses...they haven't even worked out which one is best for metal yet!  :crazy:

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. On 11/03/2020 at 13:11, Dad3353 said:

    A Soundcloud playlist of our rehearsal Monday last ...

    'Live', 'one-shot' recordings of our rehearsal. No re-takes, no overdubs, no editing, cut'n'shut, drop-ins or drop-outs. Warts'n'all.
    Eight drum mics (no separate hi-hat, though...), two guitar tracks, bass track and a combine PA track, with pre-mixed vocals, acoustic guitar and keys. Post-treatment using Reaper for mix-down, including various EQ, compress, a spot of delay and reverb here and there and that's about it. As mentioned : warts'n'all. Enjoy.

    The Daub'z Rehearsal, 20200309 ...

    I am enjoying this Dad...even the "forrin" bits  😉

    • Thanks 1
  8. I had never done any "uploading" or sharing before but having read this thread I just set up an account and uploaded three tracks .Demos from my old band ,that a friend had asked for on Facebook.

    Within three minutes I had a notification that someone was "Following " me. Had One guy send me a message trying to get me to use some or other platform he was promoting and one lady who just "liked" one of the tracks.

    It's almost enough to make me think we should have been stars 🙂

    Thanks guys!


  9. 3 minutes ago, ubit said:

    Back when I were a lad, we didn't have headphones or the like. If you wanted to practice you turned it up. Much to our elderly neighbours disgust. Kids these days don't know they're born!


    My sisters tell me stories of them and Mum trying to stop the plates and ornaments rattling and falling off the shelves, whilst I was up in my room trying to emulate Burke Shelly. 

    My Aunty ,who lived two doors away could here every "note" apparently.

    No one ever said a thing to me at the time .


    I suppose I should apologise to the rest of the street!

    • Haha 2
  10. I stumbled upon a documentary on Prime last night :- Searching for  Sugar Man and was astounded by the fact that I had never heard of Rodriguez,the songwriter featured in it before.

    I am 62 ,the Seventies were "my era" ,I love Nick Drake ( another artiste that didn't get the recognition he deserved then), and I would have lapped up this guys work.

    Oh I was happy enough listening to all the rock bands of the time but I like a good singer songwriter too.

    It's  a fascinating story, give it a try, there's not much else to do at the moment . 😉

    • Like 2
  11. I have always liked Dire Straits even though it's not very "in" to be a fan.

    I bought all the albums (still have them but nothing to play them on!) when they came out, and then most of them again  on CD.

    Funnily enough I haven't played any of them for ages....thanks for this reminder, I'll have to get my CD player working again!

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Teebs said:

    Thank you BassChat for teaching me the patience and calm to rise above the slings and arrows that I receive on these hallowed threads on a daily basis.


    Thank you BassChat for allowing me the strength of character to defeat mine enimies on the Den Of Iniquity Thread.

    (I'm watching you @Skinnyman, @Ricky 4000, @Bridgehouse, @Raymondo et al)


    Thank you to all the build threads, which are so amazing & informative.

    And thank you to all the friends that I've made, and will make on here.



     I'm Hinnocent ! (mostly) 

  13. I posted this on the 2nd May in the DOI thread ….it seems appropriate here too......

    This date is a troublesome one for me....Seven years ago today my Dad died, leaving me as the eldest in the Sharpe family.

    This in itself is depressing enough but it makes me remember that 2013 was a bit of an Annus Horribilis for me.

    One of my best mates, a fantastic drummer, died that year too.

    It was also the year that the young lady I left my life in Tenerife( some five years earlier) for, and I,went our separate ways.

    Ammicably it has to be pointed out but sad never the less.

    The point of inflecting this misery on you all is You lot ….yes  YOU, make it impossible to stay down for long!

    This thread is my comfort zone of crazy ,funny,nay hilarious companionship.

    The imagination, intelligence and wit displayed on here leaves me astounded at times.

    I try to keep up but, sometimes I just have to sit back in admiration and laugh myself senseless.

    No need for sympathy chaps and chapesses….all is good in the Mondo household; I just wanted to share my appreciation of your collective  skills.

    Dr Mondeaux   Finks yer awl ggrate annall

    Thank you bass chatters.


    BUT …. really the answer is.....

    Thank you basschat  for @skankdelvar… The stories of his past life are just wonderful   😉

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