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Posts posted by Raymondo

  1. On 20/11/2020 at 00:02, Clarky said:

    Based on the balance of reactions so far, perhaps I shouldn't have linked this after all

    I'm glad you posted it.

    I can take or leave all illustration stuff so my opinion of the artwork is not relevant but, i enjoyed listening to the album once again.

    I went to see them perform it on the promotional tour in Birmingham; I could have done with the illustrator then, we were covered in dry Ice that spilled over the stage and smothered the first few rows of seats....couldn't see a bloody thing for the first 10 mins or so!

    • Like 1
  2. I've been to The Admiral Rodney in Stroud (for tis the pub in question) and it is fabulous. 

    The band payment system was ( from what I recall) a flexible one.

    Many of the bands sell tickets and get to keep ALL the money ( it does get busy for these top bands).

    Some get a share of the beer take and others play because they want to( the managers have been there for a very long time and the local musos hold them in great regard;they will do the odd gig at reduced rates etc as a favour I believe).

    They always get free drinks and some food of some kind I believe ( one time I was there there was a Caribbean "street stall" set up out the back selling a really nice Goat curry).

    I think the most ire was reserved for Punch Pub Co who own the premises and rip off the landlord on the price of the ales he is "Tied" into buying from them . The second episode features Tom visiting The headquarters of Puch to have a go at the MD. Should be interesting as the three pubs Tom runs are Punch Pub Co pubs! 

    • Thanks 1
  3. Hiya nice peoples...

    Dum question from a complete novice on Soundcloud...


    I managed to work out getting a free account and have uploaded some tracks of an old band of mine but I cannot work out how to share them to this site.

    Do I need to "Go Pro?" Or am I just being thick?

    Any help would be appreciated, I could then assault your ears with some obscure band's music from twenty years ago!

  4. I met Sid   @Osiris   A couple of days ago to pick up the Ibanez micro bass he had for sale.

    Throughout the negotiations he was very polite, prompt in his responses, and easy to deal with.


    We had a cracking afternoon, the bass is even better than described and I would recommend Sid as a seller to anyone ...

    Five stars as they say in  online shopping circles.   🙂

    • Thanks 1
  5. Threads like this remind me of Sir jimmy Young's lunchtime shows on BBC Radio2.

    A show I was never particularly fond of, but don't take that as an insult to this thread, I have enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts.

    They would pick a contentious subject.. Should children be hung drawn and quartered for chewing gum in public, for example; then invite one guest on that was in favour and one against. after a hour or so of nothing but shouting each other down, eventually, some member of the public would pipe up with " What about the pensioners? we never get free gum." and the subject would be drawn to a close.

    My contribution is to say...sod the pensioners , where's my beer ..oh and,

    To answer the OP's question , 

    Trained or not people can create, or not.

    The trained musician though may think, "I can't play a flat third there, in this key as it is against the rules" ( point of fact I know bugger all about theory so please ignore the fact that this example may be inaccurate 😉 ) whereas a non trained guy might think ...ooo that sounds cool...and the general public don't care because they are happy to sing along to the chorus of Agadoo, whether it's musically grammatically correct or not. 🙂



    • Like 2
  6. 24 minutes ago, Mickeyboro said:

    True - I didn’t make that clear. But the footage was nicked from a TV documentary a little later when he was doing his Phil Spector pastiches, I think.

    The only conclusion that I draw is that he has fallen out with the Wards or, having retired (he still lives locally), couldn’t be persuaded to talk.

    He is an awkward bugger, to be fair. I was once in a dressing room with him for half an hour and he completely blanked me!

    I knew nothing of the Dave Edmunds/Rockfield connection until I read posts on here.

    It does seem strange that they highlighted the fact that The Stone Roses saved them financially (Who also sounded like ar*holes to me and wouldn't take part in the film!) but didn't really give the credit for launching them to Mr Edmunds.

    Overall i enjoyed the film but it  was a little "Rockfield lite"  hardly any real revelations about the antics of all the bands.

  7. 12 minutes ago, ezbass said:

    He wasn't in it at the beginning? That's ridiculous, he is Mr Rockfield. In that case I won't bother trying to catch the first half.

    He was featured briefly.

    They did show a little bit about recording I hear you knocking.

    Budgie didn't feature,but I guess that's for the same reason that Man weren't mentioned.

    • Thanks 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, scalpy said:

    I'm interested to see how many stories make it in. One thing for certain is that Kingsley would have given them plenty to choose from!

    I am hoping Budgie are featured. Most people first heard of Rockfield via Black Sabbath I presume but for me it was Budgie.

    I was obsessed with them in the early Seventies.....I still love the Seventies albums actually.

  9. 8 hours ago, TheGreek said:

    For me....Ride on Time by Black Box


    As I don't like "dance" music I will not spoil your thread with un-necessary remarks but please allow me to vent just this once, if I may?

    I loath and detest this tune way beyond reason.

    In truth it is a fine example of it's genre and does not deserve my loathing.

    Unfortunately it is the victim of a traumatic experience of mine, from back in 1989 when it was released.

    I went on a "works do" to York ,from Nottingham, along with my erstwhile colleagues from our Vauxhall dealership.

    Whilst on the over two hour charabanc trip, an upto then unassuming office girl ( she's actually a lovely lady and we are still friends), decided that this song was "THE BEST EVER!"

    She then proceeded (and I kid you not here...non of this next statement is of the "poetic licence" type) to play it back to back for the whole trip there and the whole trip back ...I still break out in a sweat and shiver when ever I hear it to this day.....

    As a consequence I will not be clicking on your provided link ...I am off now to lie down in a darkened room for a while .

    Please go back to enjoying your thread kind sir.:hi:

    • Haha 5
  10. 22 minutes ago, ped said:

    Can you guys dismiss the warnings or doesn’t it let you? If it doesn’t I’ll just turn off the ads until Monumetric sort themselves out (this used to happen with Google Adsense too)

    I could at first but now it comes back even if I stay on the same page ..for example it has triggered twice whilst typing this reply.

    Don't worry though , we know it's not causing any real problem. 🙂

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