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Everything posted by bassace

  1. 1) How long have you been playing Bass Guitar/String Bass for or both? Double Bass 47 years, Bass Guitar 1964-80 2) If you don’t play string bass/bass guitar have you thought of doubling up on either to get more recognition as a bass player? No 3) Who are your favourite exponents of both string bass/bass guitar? Double Bass, Ray Brown, Paul Chambers, Leroy Vinegar, Scott LaFaro 4) Do you think that both the bass guitar and string bass are important as bass instruments? They are essential in jazz/pop/rock. The influence of the bass guitar is now declining in jazz where the double bass has regained its supremacy. 5) What genres do you think are important for bass players to listen to? Every bit of music with a bass line in it. No exceptions. 6) Do you think electric guitarists can learn to play bass guitar more than string bass? Your grammar is a bit wobbly but they can IMO find it easier to convert to bass guitar, which I think was the point of your question. 7) Do you think bass can be used to solo as well as accompany other instruments? Yes, but sparingly! 8) Do you think it is important to learn to sight read? Not necessary but you'll be a more complete, busy player if you do. 9) What do you think of bass guitars such as 5 string/6 string e.g. as being an add-on to the bass players role? Whatever rocks your boat. 10) What are your opinions on electric upright basses as a substitute for the string bass? They have their place but are not a substitute 11) What is the best amp to use for bass guitar or string bass? String bass: I like Acoustic Image/EA speaker separates. The Gallien-Krueger is a very effective and versatile combo. 12) What pickups for string bass are the best for capturing the natural tone of the instrument? Are there any? Seriously, a pickup does a good job of getting the sound of the bass through the mix and out there. Natural it ain't. Best 'natural' sound is to use a good microphone through front of house.
  2. A double bass can be an accident waiting to happen, but I take as much care as I can over my basses and amps. Back in the bag as soon as the gig is over. But I'm not paranoid and if someone catches his foot on it at a gig I take it in my stride. Equally important to make sure it's all in good working order - and that goes for the leads, outboards etc. I suspect that if you did a poll the majority of BCers would concur?
  3. As a freelance I don't really have the luxury of liking or not liking someone. I just get my head down and play the stuff. However..........there is just one one guy who I will not accept gigs with. He's a bit of an arse but his real sin is that he is so unprofessional on the gig. He insists on demonstrating his not inconsiderable talent between numbers and his solos are so bizarre that they detract from rather than add to the tune being played. No names of course. (he's a piano player)
  4. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='676488' date='Dec 7 2009, 09:59 AM']More plaudits!! I have just had my first DB lesson with Jake also. Marked by his patience, understanding and attention to detail, he has given me the chance to lay some ghosts to rest and to move over to an instrument I have longed to play for decades. I have just pm'd him to say that I feel like I have been reborn, playing wise, and have been given a whole new entusiasm for practising, a new focus and sense of purpose. It would be indiscreet of me to go into too much detail but I can never thank Jake enough for his generosity and encouragement at what is a crucial point in my musical career. Whatever else happens now, Jake will always have played a crucial part in it. The man is an absolute diamond.[/quote] Truly a convergence of two giants.
  5. And it's all back to front - he ain't a left hooker.
  6. Just beware the bossy woman with the clipboard. She'll be in a total panic and won't have a clue! Happened to us a few times.
  7. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='659346' date='Nov 19 2009, 03:50 PM']Even if the back seats won't fold flat? I'm umm-ing and aah-ing about buying a DB but my (girlfriend's) car is a little Daihatsu and I can't imagine how a DB would go in there.[/quote] They don't have to fold completely flat but the backs need to turn down a bit.
  8. A double bass will go into anything with a hatch, however small.
  9. He was one of the giants when I started playing. The comments on Facebook attest to the very high esteem and affection in which he was held. Rest in peace, Jeff.
  10. [quote name='maxrossell' post='656578' date='Nov 16 2009, 11:55 PM']I suppose I'll be bucking some trends here, but honestly in my opinion anything other than a Fender Jazz or P-Bass is a waste of time. I also don't get having more than four strings. The lower B just gives you five extra notes that most people never have a need for at the expense of a reasonable-sized neck, and the higher strings on those gigantic six or sevens just sound piddly and weak. Again, just my opinion, but whenever I see a bass player with more than four strings on his bass I expect either some seriously boring overindulgent widdling, or just a shoddy performance by someone who hopes that people will assume he's really good because he has extra strings. I really, really dislike the look of these overdesigned luthier basses that are made of sixteen different types of contrasting wood, all of which would be better suited to veneering a French dresser, and they all have fourteen strings and fanned frets and weird body shapes and pickups at funny angles and generally look a bit like someone nailed a ladder to a goldfish. And you never actually see anyone playing them live, presumably because there aren't many bands out there where the guitarists have twelve-neck guitars and the drummers have a 400-piece kit. After having spent some serious time in studios recently, I don't actually see the need for bass amp heads. Speakers, sure. But every time we tracked bass, we'd go through the gear we had to find a match, and every time without fail we passed over Ampeg, Markbass, Peavey and Mesa bass heads in favour of an old Marshall guitar head. And you tend to pay a little bit more for bass amps ayway, and they're usually overdesigned to the point where if something goes wrong it's out of commission for ten weeks. I don't get bass effects, either. Put it this way: A bass player with a load of effects on the floor is either doing something radically new and different, or he's just forgotten what the bass is for in music. Usually it's the latter.[/quote] He's got a point.
  11. It would be great to have you aboard the DBers, Bilbo. I would never ever disagree with those who recommend a good teacher, a good warm up and good technique to get you through. Trouble is, when I started I couldn't find a teacher who did jazz - they were all classical - and I wanted to just get on with it. So I did. I've been playing for nearly fifty years and have got five gigs this week up and down the country. I'll wake up shattered each morning but my arms hands and fingers will be fine. I've never had a prob; so what I'm trying to say is, don't be too afraid of the DB, it's quite benign, really. There are others who may disgree but I think that a little bit of amp helps while practising. You don't have to play so hard and why not use the technology if it's available.
  12. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='653998' date='Nov 13 2009, 08:02 PM']Very nice sound. Songs seem a little repetitive, but I like her playing/singing a lot. The drummer is highly musical as well.[/quote] And she uses the same left hand technique as mine - which isn't very pretty, but quite effective.
  13. Looks nice. Unfortunately I can't really consider it because I've just bought Mrs Bassace a new lorry - so no GAs this or next year. Good luck with the sale.
  14. Probably a Czech Ease. There used to be a small bass called a bassette ( musos used to call it the Little Bastard). I haven't seen of heard of one for a long time. Any sightings?
  15. Most of these posts simply confirm that, whatever people's pre-conceived notions about who they like and who they don't, going to see a live band is something different. I've been to see some (nominally) naff acts and been blown away by their live performance. Also remember that a singer who you may not rate will often have the very best backing players. I went to see Neil Sedaka once and he had Jim Fielder (ex Blood Sweat and Tears) on bass - fantastic . Neil's a bloody good peformer too - he played right through without an interval.
  16. I suppose if a greatest moment doesn't jump out at you then you possibly haven't got one. But I've been playing regularly for a long time and digging into my memory I can recall three that in their way were quite good:- 1959 and we were still at school, I played trombone then, and our third gig as a full-blown six piece jazz band was supporting Chris Barber at Reading Town Hall. In those days Lonnie Donnegan had just left him to go skiffle and Petite Fleur was recorded so Barber was quite hot then. Gig went very well and when I got home I found the rest of our band there together with half the Barber band drinking - coffee made by a star-struck dad. 1962 during our 'Tour of Cornwall' at the Flamingo Ballroom in Redruth. The owner excitedly told us that Georgie Fame was staying there. While we were setting up he came up on stage, sat a the piano and started to play Dat Dere. So our alto player and I joined him. Great jam. I suppose a test of how great a moment is depends on what a let down the next gig is. I always get that feeling when I come home after a tour in one of the European countries. Hospitality is great and the crowds are really appreciative. I always get a great buzz of anticipation every time we sail out of Dover. Sorry for the length.
  17. Clarky, If you are going to amp the bass the drop in volume may not be an issue. Sometimes a bass with a strong acoustic sound can overwhelm a pickup and you get a lot of boominess. Are your strings comfortable with the fingerboard in their new position? If so, great, and you won't need a luthier.
  18. A few years ago a full page cigarette ad appeared, mainly in the glossy magazines, Sunday supplements etc, of a double bass player with his bass over his shoulder, a woman (possibly the singer) and another man (the piano player?) walking home through the deserted streets of the city in the small hours after a gig. The three of them are walking away from the camera. This a very evocative picture and I would like to get a copy. Trouble is, nobody remembers it and I can't locate it. Don't even remember the fag company. Does anyone in Basschat world have any info that would help me?
  19. bassace

    Owen - Feedback

    Owen seems to be a busy boy in the buying/selling world of bass. I've just sold a mic to him. Dead easy transaction, he wanted the mic, did a bank transfer and i posted it off to him, took two days during the posties strike. Simples. Deal with confidence.
  20. I have an ATM 350 clip on for sale in the 'other stuff' section. Great for sending a good double bass sound to front of house. [attachment=34781:019_1_.JPG]
  21. ATM 350 clip on mic for double bass for sale. This is a great clip on mic, hardly used in its original pouch and with instructions. You will need phantom power, which is why this mic is great for font of house. A bit feedback prone for backline. My special bridge clip included in price - £100 incl postage. [attachment=34780:019_1_.JPG]
  22. I'd go for max 8mm on the G and the other strings corresponding to the curvature of the fingerboard. Trouble is, in lowering the strings you may get a buzz/rattle of some of them on the fingerboard. So best to take the bass to a luthier and get him to re-shoot the fingerboard and lower the bridge at the same time. However, first make sure that the 'north and south' position of the bridge is centered with the notches in the f-hole. Then, in spite of what others may suggest, go for a nice new set of Spiro Mittels.
  23. [quote name='OldGit' post='629371' date='Oct 18 2009, 11:58 AM']"it" Not fussy then [/quote] As long as it's not [i][/i]too[i][/i] ugly.
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