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Everything posted by davehux

  1. C'mon - who wouldn't pay £1800 for a Firepleglo Ricky????
  2. That beezwax is pricey stuff - there's a national shortage of beez at the moment
  3. You may remember this chap's first attempt at a stick bass made from household materials [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.l2557&hash=item2a20643183&item=180932063619&nma=true&pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&rt=nc&si=MbD1LI52Z3eyhcCKLM05Pwjj%252FGs%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc#ht_500wt_1203"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.l2557&hash=item2a20643183&item=180932063619&nma=true&pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&rt=nc&si=MbD1LI52Z3eyhcCKLM05Pwjj%252FGs%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc#ht_500wt_1203[/url] Now, may I present his latest 'invention' - a freakish combination of Aria neck and breadboard [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CUSTOM-BUILT-ELECTRIC-BASS-GUITAR-or-upright-electric-bass-WOW-/180956474842?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2a21d8adda#ht_500wt_1203"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CUSTOM-BUILT-ELECTRIC-BASS-GUITAR-or-upright-electric-bass-WOW-/180956474842?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2a21d8adda#ht_500wt_1203[/url] Please note the skilled use of 'beezwax' - the sure sign of the professional gluethier/bodger, as MDP tells us so often. A marked improvement on his Mk I bass, and very handy should you find yourself at the top end of sh1t creek, with no other form of propulsion
  4. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1345499840' post='1778330'] Is there no end to that mans talents? [/quote] I think you mean 'start'
  5. Just bought an ACG preamp from Alain. Great guy to deal with. The item was exactly as described and incredibly well packed. Cheers Alain
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  7. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1344429248' post='1764283'] Can someone please explain why we are so worked up about this guy? [/quote] His answer to a simple question about string height. [i] Q: hi what is the buzz free string height at the 12th fret on the low and high E strings on your aria cheers Mack 01-Aug-12 [/i] [i]A: Hello, I think the build technology employed on a vintage Aria was never as advanced as a modern Schecter or Ibanez neck, so the consistency of fret levelling is unlikely to be as perfect, but it is still excellent and I have brought the action down till you can stop a string with just the lightest finger tip pressure, and the notes still ring out strong and clear. Beyond a safe optimum you are in the realms of accepting an element of general buzz to give a string action almost on the fret wires that lets you skim effortlessly through phrases... but picking your way through a quieter piece the results might not be as ideal, so you way up the pros and cons. I think this Aria now plays as well as any, and better than most! Thanks, Mark.......... [/i] So I'm not going to measure it for you, because I've had to set the action so high to stop it buzzing that you will never buy the thing, I'm just going to name drop and bullshit you. He is good fun though
  8. I never noticed at the time. Which mad fool chucked a Ricky away on Wimbledon Common?
  9. Someone on the Wanted board is looking for a cheap fretless. I had one of these as well and can confirm what a great bass it is for the money.
  10. I wasn't going to £130. I've seen them for around £95-100
  11. [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1344172831' post='1760660'] If you wanted the item you should have bid on it. Your fault for counting on a snipe. It is his item and has the right to do it. [/quote] If I bid, or snipe, it's my choice. As you've seen, pulling an auction just because you think it won't reach a certain price is against eBay rules, and hacks off many people like me who are keen to bid.
  12. I had a sniper bid ready to go on this item, and he obviously panicked and pulled it just before the end. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170889897925#ht_2030wt_922 Now relisted with a reserve. Might bid, might just tell him to poke it Grrrrrrrrrrrrr I hate that!!!
  13. [size=4]But don't forget '[/size][left]please remember that this bass has been home made entirely from scratch with household materials'[/left] [left][size=4][color=#000000][font=Arial]The mind boggles!!!![/font][/color][/size][/left]
  14. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BLACK-ADDER-SNAKE-HEAD-FRETLESS-ELECTRIC-BASS-WOW-/180932063619?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2a20643183#ht_500wt_1202"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BLACK-ADDER-SNAKE-HEAD-FRETLESS-ELECTRIC-BASS-WOW-/180932063619?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2a20643183#ht_500wt_1202[/url] Love the random string lengths
  15. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1340712483' post='1708386'] I get D D D A [/quote] "I got my first real sixstring.........Bought it at the five and dime.........."
  16. Well, we took all your excellent advice last night. Turned down the amps, got the drummer to ease off a tad, and hey presto! Audience swinging their pants, 2 encores, and a landlady falling over herself to rebook us. Result!! Cheers guys :-)
  17. Used them a few times with no problems at all.
  18. Some great advice here, guys - thanks very much. We've got to get Saturday's gig nailed, as the landlady will then book us for the rest of the year. We're turning up extra early to get the sound right, and make sure she's happy
  19. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1340117921' post='1699366'] Most drummers feel alienated from the actual musicians (that's why they always hang out with the singer(s) ) and have to prove their worth through loudness. Give him a channel for his kick drum... then he'll feel appreciated and more part of "the sound". [/quote] He gets 2 tracks to do his 'Keith Moon total wigout' routine - what more does he want FFS!!!
  20. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1340115936' post='1699327'] Most bands play too loud. Turn down until you get a good balance. [/quote] Seems to be a common theme here. Just need to keep Animal under control. I see a couple of lager and Night Nurse chasers coming on for him
  21. We'll get him a set of knitting needles We are planning to put the amps on 1/3 of their usual settings, then build up to blend with the vocals. Normally it's a case of cranking the PA until it overcomes the rest or feeds back - not the best method, I know.
  22. We are a bog standard pub covers band - vox/guitar/keys/bass/drums. At our last gig, the landlady told us we were too loud and they couldn't hear the vocals. The drummer's response was "The PA (ours) is crap - we need a bigger one!!!". Our response is "The PA is fine for the size of pubs we play. We need to balance the sound better, so that the vocals come through more" We don't have a sound guy and the instruments & drum kit are not miked. Normally I plug in a long lead and stand in front of the stage to play and hear the sound, but it means running back and forward to tweak my amp, and it's a bit hit & miss. Do you get the venue owner to check the levels to make sure they're happy, or do you say "This is our sound, like it or lump it!"? All sound check tips gratefully accepted Dave and The FRANKIE Band
  23. Hi John I agree, It's the world's first fretted, fretless neck! Nice one, WD Music. It has dot markers on the side of the neck. Having compared them with a fretted Jazz, they are where the frets would be, as seems to be normal for fretless necks. My trusty tape measure has the holes at 1.6cm, about 5/8th inch, in diameter.
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