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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='melvin' post='412677' date='Feb 18 2009, 06:30 AM']I have one here..... [/quote] NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sell me it. You know you really want to and its the best thing to do
  2. [quote name='dood' post='412173' date='Feb 17 2009, 04:40 PM']Here's my non-export IshiBashi 70's P Reissue.. A 2007 model I bought late 07 I think. The Black finish had been withdrawn when I originally ordered for the 70's model, however, I got an email through from my contact at the time who told me I could get the colour I wanted! - Failing that, the sunburst 70's or the natural with Maple neck would have been my next choice. Black on black, 'US' pups, ungigged, never left the house. As I bought it.. New pickguard[/quote] YUMMY YUMMY
  3. I have been thinking about this all day now and I can't decide to buy either, Japanese Precision (Basswwod or Ash/Alder) Japanese 51 Precision Mexican 50's Precision Mexican Mike Dirnt Precision Musicman SUB
  4. I am a very big fan of Elite Strings. I have used them for about 10 years now and love them. Only string I have been totally in love with sound wise. I use the stadium ones 45 - 105.
  5. Linus27


    [quote name='Hamster' post='411821' date='Feb 17 2009, 11:29 AM'].......you have [u]2[/u] Jazz basses - that's excessive! [/quote] HAHAHA damn, I've been rumbled. Just don't tell the wife Seriously, the ESP Jazz is one my late father bought me. It's been used on 100's of gigs and was my main workhorse. It's now been retired to be looked after and given to one of my children if they take up bass. So the Fender Jazz is now my new jazz bitch to be used and abused
  6. Linus27


    [quote name='Hamster' post='411815' date='Feb 17 2009, 11:19 AM']You mean you've got to sell one to get one, or castration! [/quote] HAHAHA selling babies. Thats not a bad idea I have a Jazz, I have a fretless, I have a Stingray and I have a EUB. The only one missing is a Precision to make my collection complete. So I am on the look out for a Precision but I love your Sub
  7. Linus27


    [quote name='Hamster' post='411804' date='Feb 17 2009, 11:07 AM']Active - all the electrics are the same as a full blown Stingray with 2EQ. I have more pictures.............[/quote] 2EQ mmmmmmmm. Wanted I really wanted in a Musicman. I promised my wife that a Precision would be my last bass, she said ok but if you get anymore then it will cost me a baby :) I just need to think do I get this instead of a Precision.
  8. Linus27


    [quote name='Hamster' post='411791' date='Feb 17 2009, 10:50 AM']A couple more piccys added. I deliver to Surrey! [/quote] More pictures are not helping :) Are these basses active or passive?
  9. Linus27


    I so don't need this bass as I have a Stingray but I so love the look of this bass and really want it :)
  10. [quote name='Soulfinger' post='411736' date='Feb 17 2009, 09:51 AM']GASP! Damn. I thought I was GAS free, but I just read the Mick Karn thread and now this.. [/quote] It is a bit nice that one
  11. I just use my ears and try to learn it exactly like the original. I listen to the song for a few days to get a feel for what the bass line is doing and work it out in my head. I kind of turn the bass line into the melody so for a few days I am walking around singing the bass line. I then sit down with the bass and play the CD and put down what I have in my head and change any bits that are wrong. I'll then play along for a few days to get it really tight. Once I think I have it sussed with the bass line locked into my head, I'll then play along with the bass guitar volume on low of off and if any bits are wrong, it will stand out like a sore thumb as my head and hands won't match whats playing on the CD. I then leave it a day or so, and come back and play along again to make sure everything is right. I do this because its good to see how well my muscle memory has worked, hopefully perfectly as my brain and hands should remember the song but also sometimes things that you have not noticed before on the track tend to jump out, usually followed by me going, oh my god, thats what he was playing on that bit, how did I get that bit so wrong. Depending on the song, this whole process can take an evening or two or a couple of weeks depending on how hard the bass line is.
  12. Linus27


    Do these actually sound that different to a Stingray or pretty much the same? Great looking bass.
  13. [quote name='lonestar' post='411555' date='Feb 16 2009, 10:37 PM']There's a nice 70's one on here: [url="http://www.fareastguitars.co.uk/usedbasses.htm"]http://www.fareastguitars.co.uk/usedbasses.htm[/url] I wish I had some cash. I'd quite like one of these[/quote] Yes but its fretless.
  14. [quote name='jezzaboy' post='411542' date='Feb 16 2009, 10:10 PM']Here`s a piccy of My Jap 57 re-issue. I got it about 2 years ago from Guitar Emporium, cost £540 if I remember. It`s got an alder body, had a Us pickup fitted, it had the chrome covers but I junked them. They looked good but were a pain in the preverbial. Put on a black Allparts scratch plate instead of the gold one. It looks white in the photo but is actually knid of yellowy/blonde. It has a Status pickup and Status strings fitted for now. This is the bass I took the maple neck off of and stuck on my Mike Drint Squire. I just cant seem to stop messing around with my basses! I have found a pic of how it looked when I bought it and how it is now. For the next day or two anyway! [attachment=20410:SUNP0010.JPG] [attachment=20411:ghsfdhsdd__2_.JPG][/quote] WOW, I love the original look with the gold scratchplate. LUSH
  15. [quote name='Hutton' post='411538' date='Feb 16 2009, 10:05 PM']Sorry to quote myself but these basses are 'not for export' instruments.[/quote] Thats Hutton. So they are the good ones. The export models should then be cheaper I guess but made of Basswood and not Alder or Ash and have Jap pickups/hardware and not US pickups/hardware. Good to see some prices.
  16. [quote name='pete.young' post='411494' date='Feb 16 2009, 09:09 PM']My understanding is that the Fender Japan not-for-exports are Japan only and these have the US pickups, hardware and more exotic choices of body wood. 57, 62 and 70 are available in export models and not-for-export . Non-export models have 'US' in the model number and are more expensive. It used to be possible to export a not-for-export from dealers like Ishibashi, but Fender Japan tightened the thumbscrews and effectively prevented Ishibashi from selling you a new one. However, there's nothing to stop you buying a second hand one - if you go to www.ishibashi.co.jp/u_box and click the electric bass link, it's a useful place to do a bit of research into what code numbers are what.[/quote] Cool. thanks for your help. So I could get a 57, 62 and 70 export model that would probably made of basswood and have Jap pickups. That sounds cool. I wonder how much that would be. Of course a not for export would be better
  17. [quote name='pete.young' post='411471' date='Feb 16 2009, 08:42 PM']Mine is a Not-for-export CIJ with US pickups and hardware, with a P0 serial number which dates it to I think 2003-2004. I've had it for about 3 years and paid about 500 quid for it second-hand from Far East Guitars. It has TI Flats on it and sounds immense. Even Kiwi liked it. Ive no idea what it's worth now, but that's cool since it isn't for sale ;-)[/quote] So a not for export is for Japan only and an export is for USA etc??? Also, the USA pickups and hardware bump the price up? A not for export is the more expensive specials like the 57, 63, 70 models and the export is just the standard models? Am I getting this right ?? :)
  18. [quote name='pete.young' post='411421' date='Feb 16 2009, 07:54 PM']You sir are a man of impeccable taste. I have one just like it, with a jazz width neck. Mine came from John at Far East Guitars. He had a nice fretless in stock the last time I looked.[/quote] Why thank you kind sir. May I ask what the above bass is roughly worth? Does your one have US or Jap pickups?
  19. [quote name='mntl73' post='411425' date='Feb 16 2009, 07:58 PM']silverfoxnik thanks for your wishes, very kind linus 27..on one hand you are right..but on the other hand wouldn`t it be too sad to let this baby in a case? my uncle would be the same oppinion, so it is okay for me. i missed to show the picture of the bill from 1974..here it is the case is also including, it is the same case on the bill[/quote] True, I am just worried that once its gone, its gone for good. I know I very much regret basses that I have sold that I only recorded an album on. I will never sell the bass my late father bought me and every now and again, I get her out to play. However, you know whats right for you so good luck with the sale/trade.
  20. May I ask why you want to pass this on? I know you mention memories but I am just thinking, in time, will those memories fade. One this amazing piece of family history leaves you, it will be gone for good and if you ever want it back, for you, or your children or grandchildren, then you will kick yourself for selling it. If its me, then I would keep her and if need be, put her in a case in the loft until you are ready to see her again. You can't buy family history. Hope I am not talking out of turn with the above comments.
  21. I would love to get one of the 70's Jap Precisions. One exactly like this,
  22. Not a fan of red basses but thats a cracking looking bass. So how much does a standard basswood Japanese Precision, 57 alder bodied Precision and 70's ash Precision sell for? Also is one worth avoiding or are they all great but just better woods?
  23. I quite fancy getting a Japanese Fender Precision but they seem to be super rare. I see a few Japanee ones but Precisions, especially with maple necks seem so rare. They also seem to vary in price at lot. Some sell for a couple of hundred and others sell for £600 - £700. Anyone know why this is and noticed how hard they are to find?
  24. How long do you intened to wait before parting with the 51 P?? Until the Jackson goes or will you let the 51 P sell before?
  25. Say no to tort. Black looks so much better.
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