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Everything posted by Linus27

  1. [quote name='josh3184' post='425108' date='Mar 4 2009, 02:29 PM']I'm sure this will start flame wars, but I've never really seen what all the fuss is about...[/quote] Burn him ... he is the work of the devil Really enjoyed that, thanks for posting.
  2. I think we need to agree that there is something terribly wrong with liking The Beautiful South. We can then move on and discuss even further the dramatic seriousness of losing all credability and loss of mental state from wanting to be in a Beautiful South tribute band. Someone please be on my side on this one
  3. [quote name='beerdragon' post='425229' date='Mar 4 2009, 04:10 PM']For those of you who don't know bassicinstinct is in a Beautiful South tribute band The Beautiful Sound. you can see his gigs in the Gigs section.[/quote] I'm so biting my tongue here. I so want to reply but I must resist
  4. Great thread this. Bass wise I have what I want which is a Musicman Stingray, Fender Jazz 70's re-issue and now the Lakland Duck Dunn Precision. However, still not totally sure yet if its perfect but I have no plans to get rid of them. The Stingray sounds amazing, feels amazing and has one of the best necks ever. However it has always sounded punchy but thin. Great tone but I can never get anything driving out of it. It also has that clanky tiny noise that seems to be common with the Stingray. If I turn the bass tone up it sounds fuller but then you lose the classic Stingray tone so I don't seem to be able to win. If I was to play Foo Fighters or Green Day where they play a lot of 8's it just sounds thin compared to a fender. It seems to suit finger style more and bass lines with more movemement like funk, pop etc rather than driving rock or punk. The Fender Jazz on the other hand is very full, punchy and sounds amazing. However, it does have a tendancy to sound a little wooly and somewhat bland but that may be the amp. The neck does feel incredible though. The Lakland Duck Dunn I have just got and so not had chance to try sound wise or even feel as it has just gone into a luthier but fingers crossed its going to sound like a true precison. Fat, punchy, clanky, full and driving. As for my rig, I have an Ashown MAG 300H, an Ashdown MAG 1 x 15 and 2 x10. They sound great but I have always got in the back my head this feeling thats its going to blow up. No idea whay as I have had no problems with them but for some reason, it just feels fragile and is going to blow up. Maybe it just feels cheap.
  5. [quote name='neilb' post='300019' date='Oct 5 2008, 05:09 PM']You know its right when you hit that B note on the E string, makes yer ribs flex...............ahhhhh![/quote] What is it about the B on the E string that makes it sound so much fatter, deeper and louder than say the A or G or C on the E string?? I thought it was just me but maybe not.
  6. I quite liked the Housemartins. I thought some of the songs were superb catchy pop songs but The Beautiful South make we want to kill things.
  7. We need somebody to take the Oasis and Radiohead CD's to the charity shop. I know we won't get much but it might pay for the bus home
  8. Good man. Don't forget to turn the gas off. I'll board the windows up to keep them pesky poachers out
  9. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='425012' date='Mar 4 2009, 01:11 PM']Sorry!! Couldn't resist it. I'll get my coat shall I? [/quote] Seems like your the last one left so can you turn the lights out and shut the door when you leave
  10. [quote name='SteveK' post='424403' date='Mar 3 2009, 07:04 PM'][b][u][size=3]It's official[/size][/u][/b] [u][b]U2 only 1/2 as good as Take That[/b][/u] [b][i]"The group's 12th album No Line on the Horizon sold 64,698 copies on its first day on sale" "Last December, Take That sold 133,000 albums on day one"[/i][/b] Quotes from Music Week taken from [url="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7921583.stm"]HERE[/url] So, there you have it...Now, let that be an end to it! [/quote] Can I make it be known that I am guilty of being 1 of those 133,000 who bought the Take That albums but it was for my sister. However, I am not being guilty of being one of the 64,698 who bought the new U2 album as I don't like it.
  11. I think Girls Aloud are better than The Spice Girls.
  12. [quote name='51m0n' post='424142' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:30 PM']You see once again you try and say one thing and I'm pretty sure I'm hearing a different meaning here. I [b]think[/b] you are trying to say how much U2 have done to extend the canon of popular music, and yet the list you give of influenced bands is one that corresponds exactly to my list of thoroughly overrated drivel. Wow, thats scarily accurate.... So if I liked U2 I might like Coldplay and Radiohead, or Snow Patrol? Damned glad I am where I am on this one then! [/quote] No, if you like U2, Coldplay, Radiohead and Snow Patrol then your life would be so much better because you would luurrrvve Treacle Tart.
  13. [quote name='51m0n' post='424135' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:22 PM']But what has treacle tart done for puddings as we know them that Rice pudding hasn't? I bet more rice pudding variants have been sold than treacle tarts for a start...[/quote] No Way. Every kid in school chose Treacle Tart over Rice Pudding. Also, rice pudding is trying to trick us all. Its a savory food, either plain with curry or chinese. It them turns up trying to be a pudding. It just don't know what it wants to be. HAHA a bit like U2 these days, lost of direction
  14. [quote name='Bass_In_Yer_Face' post='424136' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:22 PM']No one slags off The Smiths on my watch! Totally unique. I do agree however that Morrissry's solo stuff is crap and is totally lucklustre with out Marr & Rourke.[/quote] Dhiaria is unique also (hides under table)
  15. [quote name='51m0n' post='424134' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:20 PM'] Best thing to do with those U2 records IMO mate [/quote]
  16. [quote name='51m0n' post='424121' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:08 PM']I stand by my point regarding what they did to extend the canon of popular music. Compared to which U2 have frankly done virtually nothing (IMO).[/quote] I would not say U2 have done virtually nothing to extend the canon of popular music. So many bands have been influenced by U2. Radiohead, Coldplay, Snow Patrol for example. u2 themselves were influenced by The Ramones, The Beatles and Joy Division.
  17. [quote name='RayFW' post='424131' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:16 PM']Do you know just how many tins of rice pudding were sold last week???!!![/quote] Who cares, rice pudding is sh*t. Treacle Tart is so much better
  18. [quote name='51m0n' post='424117' date='Mar 3 2009, 02:01 PM']If I misunderstood you then I apologise, but thats how to came across when you said "If thats the genre of music you like then its unlikley you would be raving about U2.". Sounded like liking the Funk Brothers means you wouldnt expect me to like U2. What did you mean then???? Especially since you like both so much!?!?! Now you totally confused me.[/quote] I asked what other bands/groups you liked. Your reply was one group. This gave the impression that Motown was your thing. With the limitations to the internet and expression and the ease at assuming, my assumption was Motown was the genre you liked. If for example you said Iron Maiden or Girls Aloud, then again, due to the limitations with the internet, these answers would had given a totally different impression. What you should had done is said The Funk Brothers, Iron Maiden, Girls Aloud, Cliff Richard, Bo Didley, Duran Duran and Miles Davis. That way I would had been really confused and probably jumped off a tall building .... with my U2 records
  19. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='424098' date='Mar 3 2009, 01:39 PM']Bono: "Everytime I clap my hands, a child dies in Africa" Audience member: "So stop clapping your f *ckin' hands".[/quote] You do know that that story is actually false and is a joke based on the Make Poverty History advert where stars are seen clicking their fingers.
  20. [quote name='Prosebass' post='424088' date='Mar 3 2009, 01:25 PM']How it go ? can you hum it ?[/quote] Dum x 8, then Dum x 8, then Dum x 8, then Dun x 8 and repeat for about 4 mins until you fall asleep or die.
  21. [quote name='51m0n' post='424084' date='Mar 3 2009, 01:19 PM']No you were fine at that point, and I responded with a band that I consider truly great, and an inspiration to all musicians; this however:- Is the point where your comment became absurd, since you assumed that liking and admiring the Funk Brothers for any reason at all could in some way prevent me from liking U2, unless of course you consider liking Motown to probably mean I have more discerning taste than to like U2 (which I'm starting to believe may well be the case) So is there anyone out there who likes Motown and U2?? or is Linus27 correct in his assumption that you can like one but not he other?????? Anybody??[/quote] I think your looking to deep into some of my comments as half the stuff you have written above is assuming on what I was thinking which is clearly wrong. Oh and to answer your other question, I like Motown and U2. So much so that only the other day I was saying to dave_bass5 that I would like to play in a Motown covers band. So to answer your question, then Yes.. ME
  22. [quote name='51m0n' post='424024' date='Mar 3 2009, 12:01 PM']Oh please, dont for one moment dare to make assumptions about the breadth of my personal taste based upon that response. You have no idea how far and wide that may range, and your assumption is therefore utterly absurd.[/quote] Well, all I asked was I would be interested in hearing what music/bands you do consider good/great and well, thats all the answer you gave. Can't blame me for that one.
  23. [quote name='51m0n' post='424008' date='Mar 3 2009, 11:52 AM']How about The Funk Brothers?[/quote] If thats the genre of music you like then its unlikley you would be raving about U2.
  24. [quote name='51m0n' post='423938' date='Mar 3 2009, 10:20 AM']Very few people who hang off every album by U2 and aren't musicians have heard of Jaco, much less have heard and listened to Portrait of Tracy. It's sad but true, so to state that the 4 notes of the b-line to With or Without You means more than something they probably never heard is a bit silly, I mean its a fair point in some respects, but then I doubt most of them could even tell you thos four notes either, cos they are concentrating solely on the vocal in fact. Like with every other normal punter listening to pop, its ALL about the vocal. I agree that they wrote a couple of decent songs early on, they are absolute masters of playing the media game to best effect, or their record company are. I don't agree that the average pop listener pays any attention to Adam Clayton at all. Why would they, he deliberately does nothing noticeable, thats, if anything, his style, and it clearly works for them. I reserve the right to have an opinion that apart from one or two reasonable (though not staggering) early songs which I thought were OK when I was 14 or however old, they have done literally nothing that I have enjoyed, liked, thought of as great music or whatever. In that regard then I feel that they are generally over rated. We will all have to agree to disagree, since no amount of your personal enjoyment, or there frankly staggering (in light of their, IMO, mediocre product) record sales will change my mind for a moment. The fact is I clearly have different (not necessarily right or better, just different) criteria for what I consider good/great or simply decent pop music, for me that really isn't U2, and never will be. If you think they are modern messiahs of musical performance and expression I'm pleased you have found what you are looking for. I have found mine elsewhere.[/quote] Sorry but I have to disagree with you on the point of concentrating solely on the vocal. Peaches by The Stranglers for example is all about the music and the bass primarily. The Doors Light My Fire is based around the keyboard riff. Eric Clapton's Layla is about the guitar riff and Big Country's In a Big Country is based around the guitar riff, Simple Minds Waterfront is based around the bass and keyboard hooks, U2's New Years Day is based around the bass hook and the best of all, New Order's Blue Monday which was just a keyboard demo track is based solely on the music of that demo. Take those elements away and the song would be nothing. Take the vocal away and the song would still remain. Its natural for the listener to follow the vocal, thats the whole point of popular music. Jazz or clasical is different but not all pop music purely hangs on the vocal. I would be interested in hearing what music/bands you do consider good/great.
  25. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='423872' date='Mar 3 2009, 08:56 AM']Good man! Glad to see you got hold of this one.[/quote] Thank you
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