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Everything posted by JPJ

  1. Seems I’m going to be experimenting with the Hall of Fame reverb on my Plethora X3. I always thought the sparkle was somewhere in the mid-range area hence the original post but I am happy to be wrong if I already have what I need 😎
  2. Congratulations - I am still considering/pondering/procrastinating over buying a WAV myself so I will be particularly interested to hear how you get on.
  3. Cheers Paulo, Interesting feedback - guess I am back to the drawing board 😎
  4. Do we have any Darkglass harmonic booster users who could enlighten me as to the suitability of this pedal to add sparkle to fretless bass in a live setting? Don’t want to make an expensive purchase if it isn’t going to hit the spot sonically.
  5. The standouts for me were the B7K, the humble Sansamp, the Doug, and surprisingly the TE Transit
  6. JPJ

    Sansamp advice

    So after an evening deep diving into multi-band compression and much experimentation I think I have come up with two patches for the Hypergravity compressor in my Plethora X3 that support both my fretted and fretless playing. The Sansamp turned out to just need a tweak of additional mid to work alongside the new compression settings. Next gig isn’t for a few weeks but I will get a chance to test the new patches in rehearsal this Saturday. Got to say the TonePrint editor is massively tweakable and its possible to go down the rabbit hole if you are not careful.
  7. JPJ

    Sansamp advice

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. I must confess that I tend to run my amp eq ‘flat’ although each amp obviously has its own baked in tone. I think I’ve identified that the source of the issue was actually the compression I was running in front of the Sansamp. More experimentation to follow, but thanks again for the explanation.
  8. So I got to use this rig in anger on Sunday and she didn’t disappoint and the easiest load in/out of any full electric gig 😎
  9. JPJ

    Sansamp advice

    So from home experimentation last night I backed off the blend and upped the gain and it helped but the biggest improvement came from playing around with the multi-band compression settings in the Plethora. Reducing the ratio on the ‘mid’ band seems to have resolved the issue at home levels at least.
  10. JPJ

    Show us your rig!

    First gig out with this rig yesterday, very impressed! Ashdown ABM 400 Neo 1x15 combo with matching 1x15 Neo cab. Easiest load in/out I’ve done for a full electric show 😎
  11. JPJ

    Sansamp advice

    Yes, and tonight’s job is to play around with the TonePrint editor to see if that’s the cause or not. Trouble is its pretty hard to replicate at home volumes
  12. JPJ

    Sansamp advice

    So about a year ago I finally succumbed and added a Sansamp to my meagre board. Playing my Lakland P through this I get an awesome tone using the suggested ‘Fat Tube’ settings but I’ve noticed that whilst the tone is great on the E & A up to about the fifth fret, once I venture further south the tone thins out and I feel like I disappear if you know what I mean? So I am tentatively looking for suggestions of alternatives that will still give me that ‘just about to break up’ grind but across the whole fretboard. What do you suggest?
  13. JPJ

    Dead MicroThumpinator

    Little update. Almost immediate reply from Max at SFX and the Thumpinator is now winging its way back to him for diagnosis 😎
  14. I’m no expert but my understanding is nothing nasty will happen but one cab will ‘suck’ when the other cab is ‘blowing’ so that they sort of cancel each other out if that makes sense?
  15. Just had a look inside mine and yes they are just paralleled off the bottom speaker. Make sure you get the polarity the right way around 😉
  16. So about halfway through rehearsals last Friday I started to get a nasty square wave distortion somewhere in my signal chain. Eliminating my pedal board showed it wasn't my amp so I carried on without my pedals (not a big issue) and sat down tonight to diagnose the issue. First I noticed that the lovely blue LED of the permanently on MicroThumpinator wasn't illuminated and flipping my board over I could see that the two LED's on my Cioks supply were not illuminated either. After pulling a few cables and rejigging a few things I found that the source of the distortion is the MicroThumpinator. Has anybody experienced a similar failure before (I thought these things were so simple as to be almost bombproof)? Next task will be to drop an email to Max @ SFX to see if he can shed any light on the matter. I've had the unit a few years now so it will be well out of any warranty. Separately, what are peoples preferred alternatives?
  17. In my neck of the woods, the audience tend to be made up of three distinct groups: 1) people who know and like what you play; 2) fellow musicians from other bands; 3) passing trade, some of whom will stay if they like what they’re hearing. In my experience, comments on the gear you use come exclusively from group 2 and are to be taken with a pinch of salt as there are normally dark forces at work in the mind of the commenter 😂
  18. This was the video that got me looking at the WAV (skip to around 2:14 to hear him play) as this is a fairly convincing DB sound to my ears.
  19. Interesting point. I never really managed to get an authentic DB sound out of the KK, plenty of thump yes but not so much of the mwah. Yes, I could get close on the D&G strings but not so much on the E&A (and the low B was for all practical purposes just a thumb rest). Also, the KK is fairly bulky and heavy to the point where I thought "you know what, I may as well just be lugging the real thing around here". I understand what you mean about country music fans, but I have seen plenty of US based country musicians using the Eminence EUB live (most recently at Country to Country) and whilst this is probably an international travel related choice, I personally had no problem with it. In my case, out of a 40 song roster, I'd probably only play the EUB on 5 or 6 songs and we're going to be on small stages (at least initially) so space will be of a premium.
  20. Hi Guys, After selling my KK baby bass earlier this year, I have landed a country/americana gig that would suit at least a bit part role for db. I'm being tempted by the NS Wav bass as I quite like the idea of the stand, especially as I will definitely be doubling on electric bass as well. The CR series are out of my price range at the moment and to be honest, based on soundclips and videos I've found online, the wav sounds more like an acoustic double bass to me. Any Wav players like to enlighten me as to the sound/playability and any pitfalls I need to look out for? Thanks, Kev
  21. So here it is, my SWR SM1500 for sale. The amp is in pristine condition having lived its entire life in the included shock mount flight case correctly supported by both the front and rear rack rails. What can I say about this amp other than it is one awesome piece of kit befitting of stadium sized gigs. Extensive feature set including: 1 - Gain 2 - Aural enhancer 3 - bass 4 - 2 x 3-band semi parametric mid range controls (foot-switchable selection of 1, 2, or 1+2 together) 5 - Effects blend 6 - Bass Intensifier with level and cut-off controls (again, foot-switchable) 7 - Full four knob compressor (threshold, ratio, attack and release) with position switch allowing you to place compression pre or post EQ 8 - Boost control (again, foot-switchable) 9 - dual concentric master volumes for stereo, bi-amp (with adjustable crossover control), or bridged mode output The amp will come in the flight case and with the original manual and four button foot switch. I should add that the flight case has been modified to include a top handle and corner mounted wheels to make this heavy beast a little easier to move around between van and stage. The combined weight is significant with the amp weighing 30kg and the flight case probably adding another 10kgs so this will be collection only or possible meet halfway type delivery. It is quite simply the best amp I have owned (and I have owned a few) but with my advancing years, I wince at the thought of lifting this into/out of the car let alone carrying it any distance into a gig so she stays home, safe and sound in her case. Having said that, the price is firm as I am in no rush to sell.
  22. My old KK EUB was a five and I had absolutely no use for the low B in a southern rock/alt country/bluegrass setting (yep quite a mash up 😂) other than for occasional dramatic effect. If I ever (likely) go back down the EUB road I’ll be sticking to 4 strings and probably like you considering a stand mounted NS or going the whole hog with a proper acoustic dB.
  23. Bought an MXR bass preamp pedal from David. Friendly communications throughout and fast turnaround. Top BC’r and highly recommended 👍
  24. So I used the combo at rehearsal last night (could have used the supplied Ampeg SVTIII through matching 6x10). All I can say is one is a happy boy this morning - two guitars playing through small valve combos plus acoustic drums and the Ashdown was hardly ticking over. Big fat authoritative tone, but the mids from my fretless were cutting through beautifully (unlike when using said Ampeg rig). Looking forward to gigging with the rig now.
  25. My small but perfectly formed board. This gets supplemented with a Geezer Butler wah pedal for a tribute gig but the rest of the time this covers my frugal needs.
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