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Everything posted by neilb

  1. I had this CD back in the day. IIRC, the Nick Seymour track was cool and Wimbish, well.................
  2. We play this in our set and it gives me a good work out!!!! Try: [url="http://www.thewho.net/whotabs/realmebass.txt"]http://www.thewho.net/whotabs/realmebass.txt[/url] for a good idea of the tab. Jae tended to improvise when this was played live, so as long as you get the distinctive riffs right (noteably the ones that alternate with each line of the verses), you can ad lib the rest. I suppose I play about 90% as the record and the rest I just go mad!!! Good luck on a great song.
  3. £450 second hand (even in mint cond) is nearer the mark I'd say.
  4. These are great amps. Looks a little tatty, but built like a tank. Tell your mate, if someone offers £300, take it.
  5. Cheaper is not always better. Ashdown will do a proper job, test PCBs for dry joints, full diagnostic check and mechanical check (eg fans). Carriage is probably £15-20 of the total quote. Id say thats a fair price.
  6. neilb


    Pete Glad it all worked out and arrived safely. Best regards and thanks Neil
  7. [quote name='buff' post='408317' date='Feb 13 2009, 10:15 AM']Maple neck mahogany fretboard. £50[/quote] mahogany?
  8. All this is mine, could decide which to buy,so............
  9. [quote name='Gothicontheloose' post='407043' date='Feb 11 2009, 10:20 PM']Well... I deffinitly think they are overrated... Not only do they charge to much for what they are... They are verry limited to what they can imo... I mean, they are great jazz/blues basses... No doubt! But that's all.... Imo you can't play metal with Fender's, and some hard rock isn't great either -.- That's personal opinion but still... While Washburn and Warwick... They make basses that are great for metal, rock and still able to play jazz/blues ! Fender's like Gibson... Fanboy madness... Great stuff... But way overpriced[/quote] Also, apart from confirming you are under 25 (bets on you are), tell me, have you actually played Fenders in these hard rock/metal bands and then concluded they are not suitable? If so, then thats cool. If not, well...... My theory is that your style of music (no criticism of it) probably favours Warwicks/Dean from an image point of view.
  10. I got the bass primarily as a backup. I used it at rehearsal last night and it sounded great, huge fat P tone. One thing I cant believe is the weight, its so light. Ive got some 70s reissue FENDER stamped tuners so will put them on, the standard tuners are a bit naff. Recommended. Tort plate though, Ive decided!!!
  11. [quote name='niceguyhomer' post='404525' date='Feb 9 2009, 05:15 PM']Any news Neil?[/quote] Oh yes!! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40685&hl="]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=40685&hl=[/url]
  12. [quote name='YouMa' post='403964' date='Feb 9 2009, 12:32 AM']Do you have an audere in the jazz? Hows that working out, Does it give loads of power.Im thinking about sticking a pre amp in a jap jazz.[/quote] Yes, its an Audere. Very impressed, great tonal control all from the bass!! Great contrast to the passive thud of the P.
  13. Dont know really, the black is growing on me!!!! Very Paul Simonen.
  14. Ive just got my MIM 2009 Precision in Arctic White and swapped out the white plate for a black until my tort one arrives To keep my Classic 70s Jazz company. Both to be played through my Trace behemoth (shameless excuse to post another pic of my stack!!!)) Fender are really getting their act together, even with the Mex stuff. The new P has a really light smooth neck and the finish is really nice. Light too!! N
  15. And a price!! Can someone explain why people dont put prices on bloody adverts!!!
  16. [quote name='markytbass' post='402931' date='Feb 7 2009, 05:07 PM']After showing our potential at a local open mic night we have been booked at the Quakerhouse Darlington for the 30th September. Like I say I hope it's not our first gig but it's getting the ball rolling.[/quote] Surely you mean that it wont be the LAST you play?
  17. [quote name='Marky L' post='402315' date='Feb 6 2009, 07:48 PM']Man, that face says he's sure seen and done a lot!![/quote] Me or Norm?
  18. [quote name='ezbass' post='401989' date='Feb 6 2009, 01:35 PM']Norman is the absolute MAN. A really nice guy in the flesh too.[/quote] Very true, nice bloke. Me and NWR (and two other very nice blokes Messrs McBrain and Dickinson)
  19. [quote name='lonestar' post='401620' date='Feb 5 2009, 11:03 PM']Are you picking it up from Newcastle? I hope that the weather is kind to you![/quote] LOl No, DV247 in Romford have price matched!!!
  20. Picking it up Saturday!!!! Lovely jubbly!!
  21. Mmm....the blokes an absolute twat IMO. Glad you got your money back but he is having a bubble.
  22. Note to self: Drink more wine - your expertise on Fenders is enhanced ten fold!! Glad you sorted a refund. Kudos to us here at BC, saved another member from early death!!!
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