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Everything posted by GregBass

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  2. [quote name='wishface' timestamp='1347544299' post='1802214'] First things first; how do I measure a gap that narow? [/quote] I use a feeler gauge. You can buy them pretty cheap from car parts stores like Halfords. You say you have followed all the suggestions, but I posted the first of a set of four videos earlier in this thread. If you had watched that, you would have actually seen an expert luthier tweaking the truss rod and measuring string height.The series then goes on to show you how to cut the nut correctly, set action at the bridge and adjust the intonation and pickups. A full setup, with demonstrations - and it's free on YouTube.
  3. Is it my turn to say it? Sorry dude, but forum rules say you must put a sale price and a notional trade value.
  4. You would be better emailing, as I don't always check this forum. I'll PM you my email address.
  5. Well, just give me a shout if you want to give it a go - preferably midweek though
  6. Yes - the lads are OK . My lads are the drummer and the guitarist with the non-white guitar. It's a real hotch potch. The speakers are Peavey mega subs, JBL 1x15+horn full range, home built 1x12+horn full range. A Behringer PMP-3000 powered mixer, Mackie M1400 power amp, a nondescript graphic driving a pair of BK Electronics power amps each into a pair of 1x12+horn monitors. It may give you a feel for whether you need subs, and what combination of speakers/amps would work for you.
  7. Charic - you leave reasonably close to me. If you want to have a blast through my PA at a rehearsal to give you some ideas, give me a shout. It has a pair of subs and two full range cabs each side, and two monitor mixes. I used it this weekend for a band in which two of my sons play (see below). They are definitely not quiet, and it coped fine [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MbQ_i9P9aU[/media].
  8. Did the flappy E string start when you changed the strings? If so, it sounds like a duff string. When you lowered the E string, did you make sure that the E is not a lot lower than the A? That would cause the imalance in volume.
  9. If the E string feels flappy, is it possible that someone has changed the string and put the wrong gauge on?
  10. Oh, and you should adjust the truss rod in small increments - maybe a quarter of a turn, then leave things to settle for a while before measuring the clearance. Don't be tempted to keep turning and turning.
  11. To measure the neck relief you need to fret the string in two places (first fret then either where the neck joins the body or at the top fret, depending on whose instructions you are following) and measure the clearance at a fret between. This needs three hands - so the capo takes the place of one hand.
  12. You are doing things in the wrong order. Until the truss rod is properly adjusted, you won't get the action right. After that, think about the intonation.
  13. Why did they ruin that gorgeous finish by putting green paint all around it?
  14. Start here, then watch all four. A quick intro to setting up yout bass: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=te44eWXd9pc&feature=related
  15. Mr G Luke was trying to tell you that you must post a price if you are selling - it's forum rules
  16. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  17. I assume it's this one: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-WESTBURY-JAPANESE-BASS-GUITAR-/160874162056?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2574d8e788
  18. I used this in mine: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/280827805672?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Easy to fit, worked a treat.
  19. I had a 1960s Hofner Violin Bass with original case. It sounded like someone kicking a dustbin compared to my Rickenbacker, so I sold it for 15 quid
  20. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1346105086' post='1785456'] Sounds like the amp is producing it's full 150w into the internal speaker and the speaker outputs are wired in series. Adding an extra cab with this scenario will result in a drop in the wattage. Some modern combos like Hughes and Kettner do this. [/quote] I don't think the old Carlsbros were wired this way. The amp chassis was also packaged as a head, and the outputs were wired in parallel pretty much as you would expect. When they mounted it in a combo, I assume they anticipated no-one would want to cart an additional cab around so they packaged it with a 4 ohm speaker even though the speaker sockets were still accessible.
  21. It's not my cup of tea, but has to be worth the asking price for anyone who likes pointy stuff, surely.
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