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Everything posted by Dad3353

  1. I believe that, in general, folk prefer to do quality work by nature, for the most part. Innovation need not (or even 'should not'...) be motivated purely for pecuniary reasons, nor should efficiency.
  2. Well, it's part of a whole philosophy which includes a Universal Wage, paid to everyone, with a fixed, universal rate per hour, worldwide. An hourly rate means that, for an eight-hour day, one would get eight hours of 'wage'. For some jobs, 'on call' hours would be paid. For some other jobs, 24/7 hours would be paid. This would ensure that no-one, no-one at all, would be paid more than the number of hours in the week. There would be a fixed 'minimum' wage for those not 'employed', paid to everyone. 'Working' would be on top of that. A diamond miner in South Africa would get the same rate as a sheep farmer in Wales and the president of France. We all, on the Planet, have the same basic needs, and I see no reason why some 'need' more than others. There's a few details to work on, but that's the general idea. Will it get voted in..? Not in France, the US of A nor the UK, I don't suppose, but might be popular in much of the World. One day, maybe...
  3. Personally, I don't believe in royalty payments and the like, as a principle. I know that the World doesn't work the way I would like, and many (most..?) don't agree with me, but, for me, folk should be paid for their Time spent doing whatever they do. Writers should be paid for the time spent writing, musicians for the time playing music, presidents for the time spent presiding and miners for the time spent mining. I don't see why the popularity of anything makes anything subject to paying for its use, any more than a chair-maker gets paid for the number of times the chair is sat upon. He/she is paid for the time spent making the chair, end of story. A writer gets paid for the time spent writing the song/book/film/whatever. No, ('successful'...) writers (nor presidents...) won't subscribe to the idea, but that's how I think the World should work. Each person's Time is their only 'real' resource whilst they're alive, and is the only 'real' value to be considered. Just sayin'.
  4. Thanks for the 'heads up'; I'll be watching to see if there's any odd cookies popping up. All will depend on the way that cookies, if any, are presented, as 'essentiel for site to work properly' or 'optional, for legitimate use'. If the latter, it's a 'no go' for me without an opt-out. We'll see. Douglas
  5. Jolly good; slightly fuller review posted in another place ...
  6. I've a four-string bass But I've also a sixer And a fiver, so...
  7. Downloaded and installed with no issues (after obligatory registration...) on Windows 10. Work well with Reaper, or as a stand-alone. Good sounds, quite a lot of choice of Fx, amps, cabs, with the option of 'upgrading' for even more choice. I doubt I'll be doing that, despite the sonic qualities, as it's a bit pricey for my low budget (and equally low guitar skills...). It's well worth this discounted price.
  8. Yes, but which three..? Low 'E' missing..? The 'G' string..? Surely no-one playing with no 'A' string, or doing without the 'D' string..? (All this assuming 'standard' tuning; does anyone these daze use 'standard' tuning, or is that, too, a thing of the past, for the 'older' folk here..?)..? ... ...
  9. When playing bass, it's usually a four, as that's what I have most to hand, but the fiver and (fretless...) six get their turn too, when the need arises. I don't think or play in 'patterns'; I play notes, intervals, chords and melodies, so the number of strings makes no difference for me. I'm far from virtuoso (on bass; I'm a drummer...), so optimising finger movement, high speed or slap/popping are not part of my repertoire; I just go from one to the other (and guitar, or a bit of keys...) without even thinking of these little (to me...) details. Simple, me..? Yes sirree..!
  10. He rolled a double, so gets another go..! ...
  11. We're 'straight to amp', too, but we leave the bass plugged in during pauses between sets. We have to change the battery every couple of years; battery old age and leakage is more of a concern to us than it going flat. (The amp has a 'Standby' switch for these occasions, but that's another matter...).
  12. Here is my contribution to the September 2023 Basschat Composition Challenge, illustrated with a picture chosen by Doctor J. It takes practise to give the Gift of Fire; this is not his finest attempt ... An intellectual exercise, here. Inspired in three parts : the well-known Greek myth of the creation of Fire, set to music using Alexander Scriabin's Mystic, Prometheus chord, with libretto stolen (like the Fire...) from Schubert's 'Prometheus', by Goethe (very freely translated, and supplied below ⬇️ ...). Philharmonik for the instruments, playing the Mystic Chord using RandARP, Jennifer for the philosophical outpouring. My usual Cockos NY 'glue' with Reaper, of course; what else..? Thanks for listening, if you already have; if you're about to, enjoy. Libretto ... Cover your sky, Zeus, with cloud mist and, like the boy who beheads thistles, practice on oak trees you and mountain heights; But you must leave me my earth and my hut, which you did not build, and my hearth, whose glow you envy me. I know nothing poorer under the sun than you, gods! You live meagrely on sacrificial taxes and breath of prayer, Your Majesty, and would starve if it were not for children and beggars, hopeful fools. Since I was a child and didn't know where to come from, I turned my stray eye to the sun, as if there were an ear over it to hear my complaint, a heart like mine to take pity on the oppressed. Who helped me against the titan's arrogance? Who saved me from death, from slavery? Didn't you complete everything yourself, with a holy glowing heart? And did you glow young and good, deceived, giving thanks to the sleeping one above? I honour you? For what? Have you eased the pain of the burdened one? Have you stilled the tears of ever the one in fear? Has not almighty time and eternal fate forged me into manhood, my lords and yours? Did you think that I should hate life, flee into deserts, because not all the blossoming dreams ripened? Here I sit, shaping people in my image. A generation that is like me, To suffer, to cry, To enjoy and rejoice And not to respect you, Like me!
  13. Until there's an emergency and no-one can call out. Yes, it's illegal to block 'phone use in that way.
  14. It may be a bit different for drumming, but, back in the day, I had to write out my own scores, as there was nothing else around (pre-web daze, naturally...). This, plus the reading necessitated by going through the rudiments and drum methods, made it very easy to 'busk' pretty much everything I've come across since. I listen once or twice through to a SOAD track and away we go. A lot of the simple stuff (Charlie Watts..?) requires no study at all. I don't read scores at all any more (but I keep going over the rudiments from my books, just to keep it fresh in my head and hands...). On bass, I read very slowly, so, for the most part, I'd play it by ear, unless there's a particularly important line to play. I think the last one I 'read' was 'Message In A Bottle', quite a while back.
  15. It was never a 'thing', for me, at any time. My ambitions were, and still are, far more modest (and in keeping with my abilities...). I was playing professionally in variety bands in France for some years, but took other employment once family matters became the priority; I've kept on playing ever since, but as a sideline. Fame and fortune have never been an objective. It may be called complaisance, but I don't think I've missed out on much. I spent several years doing sound and lights for a professional touring band, as a 'hobby', and wouldn't want that lifestyle at all. Happy bunny, really.
  16. Very rare footage of the original models for the Anderson 'Thunderbirds/Stingray/Four Feather Falls' characters, chilling out ... It's worth tapping one's foot to the drum solo, maintaining the 5/4, to see how it comes back in, spot on the beat. Class.
  17. Sigh..! IPad SchmIpad ... You only have to paste the 'Share' link into the BC editor; it's not brain science..! ...
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