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Everything posted by TheGreek

  1. It's gone up since I first saw it...plenty of time left - will sell for loads more https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/266737437470?itmmeta=01HT2K02MNYX3HN61KB7GC3Z1Z&hash=item3e1aca4b1e:g:NG0AAOSwxiBmAZfI&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA4HxkvfMdqO1tDEFEYAFBp%2Bx1L1fJUUzQA2Bu%2BshcWcryjU0hUYnLJyvm3zvIbw5sNitzr9JieVJCOScKzUxkcMxJyCzbY9xqxIC5v4O9iPVa7%2FazspTh%2BrnVch%2B7CBE71rrwE5wBu3bqQldecfjNdYz8Q%2FmUCl%2FLjWjcBKVFrQZe%2F3DEiRq9K0%2FDdiLklQt%2FZox%2Fyzp%2BG6u6oMKxk9YhhmvHalmqPZep4SM4KxFb8nEmCdr%2F7tEmNLwjo5gvrOx1Zq16nWmUIxTmjOyugYMVizUph8TYWCac%2BdG%2FVQGAywy2|tkp%3ABk9SR66qgNPQYw
  2. JOOI Peter, did you buy it used from a fella in Radlett?
  3. I have a Trace Elliot Elf (its not a Trace Elliot!! Damn American counterfeit!!) which many people like. Not me!! I've heard good things about the PJB BigHead Portable.
  4. Wow!! Twice as much as a First Gen. I'd be inclined to get one of the older ones and take it along to my local luthier to sort out. He wouldn't charge me £400 to put it right.
  5. Spent some of today listening to Wes Montgomery. As a fan of The New Mastersounds I was amazed to find out that Wes and his brothers formed the original "The Mastersounds" back in 1957. We live and learn...
  6. Relating to my thread about "Stairway to Heaven on bass" - I sent the link to a guitarist friend who replied "aren't you sick to death of that song?". Well TBH, yes....but there are other songs which I could quite happily never listen to again. Firstly, "Hey Joe" - the Hendrix version, the full length version of Layla, including the 4 hour piano solo - by Eric Clapton and (for now) "A Bat out of hell" - actually anything on that whole album - by Meatloaf. IMO the world would be a much better place if none of these were ever played again. Your turn...
  7. The bass weighs more than 10LBs? That seems to be the limit here.
  8. I know we've heard geeetards play this every way possible but I thought a bass version might go down well here.. https://video.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t42.1790-2/10000000_770978667855224_2670692218194705908_n.mp4?_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=55d0d3&efg=eyJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InN2ZV9zZCIsInZpZGVvX2lkIjo5NzY3OTU0Mzk5NTU5MDB9&_nc_ohc=PHPMxueKdMUAX-X6X3Y&_nc_ht=scontent.fltn3-1.fna&oh=00_AfBse_J8UJNHHlFF9c-uAlLowXD5tPwRSZZWAMhaKO4lcA&oe=6609D26B
  9. You can see from this photo that the quilted maple is at least 10mm.
  10. Smells like Teen Spirit - who cares
  11. IIRC there's a video of just this technique of the SBL website - I think it's a guest tutor...
  12. https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/491169-wanted-music-man-sterling-usa-4h/
  13. 9 million bicycles in Beijing - Katie Melua
  14. Ridiculously Priced!! Far too cheap... GLWTS
  15. Lots of useful information above. Me, I'm quite shallow and I really couldn't be seen playing a Bongo. Expect every toilet seat pun/ joke out there.
  16. The lunatics have taken over the asylum - Fun Boy Three
  17. When I needed a bass signed for a Bass Bash raffle, Dave Swift got me backstage to do it. Ruby Turner was on the bill that day (along with The Selector)
  18. Yep, this is the only way to do the collection thing - except payment on collection.
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