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Everything posted by TheGreek

  1. How could you show the damage "was 100% attributable to the tech while they worked on it," I'd be concerned about ruining a good relationship with my luthier over something that may not have been their fault.
  2. Bomb disposal squad have been in a house locally for a couple of hours...residents told to stay away from the windows and use the back of the house 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheGreek


      You wouldn't believe that it - students.


      Bomb Squad carried out a controlled explosion before letting residents return to their homes.

    3. Lozz196


      The police blew up the students?


      Good on them!

    4. Royaly T

      Royaly T

      During the 2nd World War Plymouth was bombed heavily by the Germans causing millions of pounds worth of improvements.

  3. Experience tells me that nobody is going to own up to damaging the bass. It was never going to stay perfect forever, no matter how well cared for. Accept the inevitable and live with the chip.
  4. You should contact Nick Smith ( @doctor_of_the_bass) who had an endorsement with Enfield and was their chief demonstrator. Most of the YT videos you'll see are with Nick.
  5. I have the system in a custom build. Can't fault them. If you are in the Hertfordshire area you are welcome to come and give the bass a try.
  6. IIRC @cetera was looking for one of these but didn't want this finish. Maybe he's changed his mind.
  7. Is there any BCers on the list of "BCers able to help fix.. " list nearby? Personally I'd send somebody like@Andyjr1515 a PM to see if he could squeeze it in his busy schedule.
  8. Mr Phillips has done for luthiery what square wheels did for transportation.
  9. Happy House - Siouxsie and the Banshees
  10. I've been suffering with what I thought was arthritis for years. GP sends me off to physio - "not arthritis" they say and put me on a course of exercises which I don't believe have done anything to improve the condition. NHS have little interest in getting to the bottom of it. I also did the Chondroitin/ fish oil/ Glucosamine thing - might as well have been Snake oil - again zero benefit. I think that we need to accept that the MOT on our bodies have a limited shelf life and enjoy playing while we can.
  11. "Seller does not accept returns" So he doesn't want it back...
  12. Working for the Yankee Dollar - The Skids
  13. At this price who doesn't... Space may be infinite but I only have a one bed flat. GLWTS
  14. The article states that Macca is really happy to get the bass back. I wonder what that equates to as a "reward" in pounds and pence.
  15. Personally I think it's important to learn your major and minor scales. This will help you build bass lines and improvise. You will also "find" riffs that you recognise which, in turn, will help you develop your own style. Perseverance is important when you are learning anything. Think of learning bass like juggling - neither will come to you if you don't persevere or practice.
  16. Welcome back Marco. I was involved in the Bass Passaround. Nice bass if I remember rightly... Be good to see some more of your builds.
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