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Everything posted by bassfan

  1. Oh the Shuker will definitely be making appearances, it’s an awesome piece of kit 👍🏻
  2. Cheers Al. Don’t forget I’m joining @sibob on his 2019 gear hiatus so it could *well be the last purchase for 451 days... I had to make it a big one..😳 * I shall caveat this statement with the knowledge that I have very week bass gear will power. 😂
  3. Status incommmmming 😃 109 days to go.....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. big rob

      big rob

      What did you go for in the end ?


    3. big rob

      big rob

      Cool, love my series 3 headed with wrap around blues, great choice.

    4. bassfan


      I did indeed. A very funky one. 👍🏻😃

  4. Think how cheap it will be 1st jan 2020 Si 😂
  5. After I have flogged myself repeatedly I will def get some pictures up.... 16 weeks and counting.
  6. Forgive me father for I have sinned...it’s been 46 days since I purchased any bass gear....until today. Reset the clock. There’s a Status Series 2 incoooommmmmmmmmming 😃😃😃😃😃😃
  7. Ray just bought my ‘66 Jazz. What a top guy, turned up when he said he would, had a good chat and hopefully He’s bought a very sexy white jazz! Enjoy it mate. 👍🏻😃
  8. Pretty much as it says in the title, Mackie DL1608 mixer carry case for sale. Great condition , £75 plus p&p new looking for £45 posted to your door. 😃
  9. +1.... and my wife, mortgage, car, dogs......
  10. I’ve been through this process this year and it continues. Although my collection was only at 7 (tiny in comparison to some) I have been through 20 or more to get down to 3. I’ve kept a Fender Jazz, Shuker custom and a modulus Flea, all for different reasons, I only really gig 2 of those 3. I’ve sold 3, with 1 pending, sold my pedals and some cabs and I’ve decided to get a custom built Status with the proceeds. I only have the one bass that I regret trading and I’m hopeful I will get it back someday as I know exactly who has it...😃 If you are in a position to keep them....keep them...
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  12. There’s a bucket list bass in there...cracking collection mate... That purple flea... 😈💜
  13. Calling @Al Krow he knows a thing or 5 about multi FX
  14. I’m no shrinking violet.. I was out at the front dancing with the singer and keys player to Get Lucky last night. If there’s enough room I’m always bouncing around at the back. If you’re in the groove you have to move🕺🏻
  15. Does the owner not own a saw? The neck would be very detachable then.... I’ll get my coat.........
  16. Hmmmm ... tough decisions. I'd be mortified (as would we all) if my gear got nicked.... but I’d replace the RH750 with a bergantino BAmp and my cn212 with an HDN212 or another Cn212. Bass is a tough call, my Shuker is fantastic, but as I’m now having a change of amp then I’d seize the opportunity get a Status S2, headed. and....to whoever was light fingered enough to get away with all my gear could they also take the turbosound m15’s so I could upgrade the PA speakers to RCFs. 😂
  17. It def said 5th October yesterday @Al Krow are you ok? Do you need any support to cope with the delay? 😂
  18. I shipped one last month. Although the recipient organised it all, TNT turned up when they said and delivered next day. All good. It was wrapped very well in cardboard over an industrial bag (around the hardcase) with a whole role of gaffer, but it was ok.
  19. Great amp ! Surprised it’s still here to be honest. I pair mine with a cn212 too. Great combination. Have a bump!
  20. It really wasn’t. 😂 looking forward to a detailed review by Tuesday evening Al 👍🏻
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