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Everything posted by Quatschmacher

  1. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1506027194' post='3376050'] Ok I appreciate it's no Moogerfooger (and a slip of a pedal in comparison), but the Aggie FT arrived in the post today and is set up on the board. My original goal was to combine it with a decent octave pedal (in my case a COG T16) and good octave + good filter does make for a really good combination for any of you who haven't yet tried (I suspect that won't include any of the contributors to this thread, who will have got there long before me!) [/quote] Small is definitely good on gigs. I had two MXR pedals at my last gig and was glad to not take up too much room (even through the stage was huge). Get yourself some distortion or fuzz into that chain for even more fun. Even a subtle amount can make a huge difference. I’m using the distortion built into my Qballs and an MXR bass distortion and it gets pretty nasty (in a good way).
  2. [quote name='tonyxtiger' timestamp='1506024330' post='3376019'] well reminded, I had Dedalo on my list and totally forgot. Must chase one up. [/quote] Excellent.
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  4. The Moog is indeed a beast (about the size of four phase 90s) but if synth is what you’re after then this is it as it is the same filter used in the Minimoog.
  5. I just rented the Moogerfooger MF-101 from fxpedalrental.com and am really enjoying it. The best discovery so far is using the expression pedal on the envelope control. Most expression pedal inputs on filters control the sweep via the cutoff frequency. The Moogerfooger can do that too but using it on the envelope is more interesting. It’s as though you were adjusting the sensitivity knob on other pedals via the expression pedal. Basically the filter continues to quack no matter what position it’s in but it varies the quality and amount of quack on the fly. It’s a really neat feature. Cameron, have you tried one of these yet? I’d recommend you rent it after me. It’s perfect for synth stuff. On another note, have you tried the Future Impact I yet? If not, you really must. The rental place has one of those too!
  6. I hadn’t encountered the 00Funk. I did a quick YouTube search and came upon this: https://youtu.be/OEHMyviwZMA
  7. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1505643721' post='3373278'] Just had a mate send me a link to a (second hand) Aguilar Filter Twin. These are quite a bit more than the MXR new (£216 vs £145 from Andertons), are they worth the extra? Anyone got an Aggie Filter Twin and really likes or had both and can compare? [/quote] Again, Cameron is the man to ask.
  8. There have been plenty of used MXR filters on here recently so you ought to be able to find one at a good price.
  9. Yes, as far as I'm aware the Filter Twin and Proton are lowpass filters. Not sure on the others. I seem to prefer lowpass too for slurpy goodness but the MXR makes some very satisfyingly quacky noises too.
  10. It's worth bearing in mind which pedals are band pass, which are low pass and which do both. I love the MXR but it only does band pass. Luckily it has a dry knob, otherwise it'd be pretty useless. If you're looking at bandpass filters, make sure they have either a blend or dry knob. When using lowpass this is less of an issue and I usually run LP fully wet anyway. The Q-tron is good too. It has LP, BP and HP but also has a MIX setting which is bandpass mixed with dry (though you can't set the level of mix). The Q-balls Enigma is also pretty damn good. It does most (if not all) of the stuff the Q-Tron does but has a few more knobs to tweak. It also has a built-in distortion channel which yields some dirty synth tones. Check out the Proton, Fwonkbeta, Moogerfooger MF-101, Emma Discumbobulator, Keeley Neutrino, Mu-Tron III (and its variants) if you can find one. I'm still working my way through a bunch of envelope filters.
  11. Damn you, Cameron! I went from not knowing of this pedal's existence until yesterday to GAS bursting point in under 24 hours! :-) I think I may have to try that pedal rental service people keep mentioning.
  12. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1505506340' post='3372533'] A damn good price indeed. [/quote] Not tempted to add to your octave collection?
  13. [quote name='mfisher91' timestamp='1505497216' post='3372434'] PM sent. If you up it to £80 + postage, you have a deal. [/quote] That's a great price. (I paid £100 posted for mine)
  14. I just tried octave and distortion in parallel via the LS2 and it sounds phat and nasty.
  15. Wouldn't that function the same as the LS2 in the mode "A+B mix" with just one of the loops in use as it will automatically blend it with the clean signal if nothing is added to the second loop?
  16. [quote name='CameronJ' timestamp='1505482672' post='3372275'] Yeah I'm pretty sure that's how the FX loop works on the T65. Having that separation between octave and dirt signals can be really useful. I run a parallel loop on my board with a DOD Meatbox for that exact purpose. It's tasty. [/quote] I should be able to do this with my LS2. I can also get a half-way-house effect by running my octaver into my distortion pedal (which has separate wet and dry knobs) so I can get clean octave and dirty octave.
  17. Is this bass still currently in Glasgow? The Nate Mendel model I tried was at Glasgow Guitar Guitar a few years ago and it was amazing and I regret not buying it. (Paul who works there was a great person to deal with and talk Bass with.) I'm guessing that this isn't that one though as I'm sure they've sold a few since then.
  18. I borrowed one of these for a festival gig a couple of weeks ago (paired with a traveler 102P and it was huge). I'm considering getting one sometime.
  19. Any chance of a close-up picture of the controls of the COG?
  20. Vin bought a pickguard for a Sterling from me and it was a smooth transaction with friendly interaction. Many thanks.
  21. Jeff bought a set of Fender flats from me. Easy transaction with quick payment and friendly communication. Many thanks.
  22. Like buses this week. And this one's closer to me…
  23. These look really interesting (as does the mini version - like the way you can use tone print to have the up knob function as a two octave down knob).
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