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Everything posted by goblin

  1. Ahh cheers, I knew it was somewhere round there because the daisy chain off my TU1000 is 2.1mm, and it's only just too small. I know it's a centre negative pin so looks like I'm onto a diago voltage doubler with a 2.5 centre negative end.....I think.
  2. Oh yeah I've had one before in an orchestra where I'm section leader of the french horns, turned up and the double bassist approached me and said "errrr yeah, you're playing double bass for this one, you can use my bass and bow, music's on the stand" - Scariest moment of my life considering I hadn't played with a bow for 2 and a half years.... I now alternate between double bass and french horn, depending on which section's struggling
  3. Never done a stand in before, but I've got one next thursday. All I know is the time and location, I haven't even been told whether or not I'm playing bass or trumpet for it. Could be interesting since I've not played trumpet since late december which was also one I was originally meant to be bassing for, but got asked otherwise having not played trumpet since may I've got a pretty big one coming up in July too which I was asked to do last night, but I've been given the sheet music and a CD of recordings, and I can rehearse weekly too
  4. Some love them, some hate them. I don't like them as they're not as good as they used to be. On the Wal I've got an older set of Roto S66 on and they still sound great, and they were put on around 2 and a half years ago. Since, they've gone downhill. The set on my fretted Corvette sounded great for around 3 weeks, and then started sounding crap. They feel a little too rough for my liking too.
  5. I've just restrung the fretless with D'addario ECB80 XL Chrome Flats. I hated the D'ads I had on my old 5 string, but these flats sound thernomenal compared to the Olympias that were on there before. The fretted Warwick's due a restring too, it's got Roto 66 on and I'm not a fan. It's my main bass for slap, but it does a lot of other styles too, so I'm stuck for strings. Torn between DR Hi Beams and Lo Riders
  6. Sounds like it Having a nightmare finding mains power for it
  7. I've just spent the week playing bass for a production of Boogie Nights. Bloody cheesy show and the scores were piss poor, but I've had epic fun doing it Just got in from the aftershow party. Unloading my gear at this time wasn't fun
  8. Do you know if this'd fit a Trace SMX compressor pedal? Runs DC Centre Pin Negative. Not sure on the plug size though!
  9. I've just got two sets of D'addario XL ECB80 flats. Got to be said they're some of the best flats I've come across for a while I only bought them in an emergency too as I'm doing a show at the moment, and after around 6 months, the Olympia flats I had before gave up on me in yesterday's dress rehearsal!
  10. I got mine earlier from Yorkshire Flight Cases (katcase on ebay), full flightcase board. Cost me around £50 and the inners are high density foam, so you cut it out and sit your pedals in there. For the money I can't really think of much better!
  11. Ahhh Dave Smylie's bass Founder of Toss the Feathers, a errrr, LOUD and lively folk band. Cracking music and cracking musicians!
  12. Does anyone know what size and current the plug is? I know it's 18V centre negatice, but that's as far as I can tell.
  13. I spotted the boner before the smile to be honest
  14. I reckon they'll be in the system, I don't know what I'm going to do yet as my subscription for premium ends on the 15th. I can't see £10 a month hurting too much, but I've been watching / listening to a lot of stuff on YouTube recently. If you can download then that's great, means I don't have to buy CDs to put in the car CD player, or download and put them onto my MP3 player to put into the car stereo. However, I find myself listening to the radio a lot nowadays too. I reckon I can live without it, but I bet if I try to I'll fail.
  15. [quote name='KK Jale' post='1219306' date='May 3 2011, 10:41 PM']'Kin 'ell... just how appallingly, unspeakably, irredeemably flat does Adele sing?[/quote] If you listen to Rolling In The Deep carefully enough on Spotify, especially the Acapella and Instrumental, you'll realise just how lazy the band are too. I can do a better job of it with a couple of mates and the copy of Audacity I've got on my netbook! I only saw the end of R Kelly tonight as I've been out at a band call for a show i'm doing next week, and thought he was pretty damned good, so I'll be having a look on Friday night
  16. Sweet Cheers for that.
  17. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DIAGO-POWERSTATION-18-VOLT-POWER-CONNECTION-LEAD-/150564741506?pt=UK_Guitar_Accessories&hash=item230e5ba182#ht_2538wt_908"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DIAGO-POWERSTATION-1...2#ht_2538wt_908[/url] I want to daisy chain my Trace SMX compressor off my other pedals, which are 9V, and the Trace is 18. Instead of paying silly money for a brick (poor student) I spotted one of these. Has anyone come across them before? Don't want to waste £16.
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  19. First bass I gigged with was the Wal (dad's also a guitarist / bassist and my starter bass wasn't up to the gig) and although other basses have come and gone throughout the time I've been playing, I can't bear the thought of parting with the Wal which'll be hard when I go to uni because as it's still officially his bass, I have to give it back
  20. I have too much to think of. The John East electronics in the fretless and compressor will pretty much pay for themselves, that said the fretless Warwick (and the fretted) was a damn good buy! I reckon my all leather gig bag will end up being a bag for life, and the Trace rig and dual band SMX Pedal are the mutts nuts.
  21. Another one to look out for is that if you're looking for a wide strap for comfort, they're more likely to be more uncomfortable, as too wide and you find yourself with your strap cutting into your neck. I find that my 2.5" Levy's Leather strap is more comfortable than the 4.5" Moody. Almost to the point of selling the Moody and using the change to buy another Levy's, although those Corvo's look lush!
  22. It depends on your budget, I use a Moody Leathers one which (I've got quite short) but can be used really long...problem is they're around $160 new from America, so they're not cheap. Try Levy's too, they're quite good
  23. goblin


    I thought about stealthing, but I like the luminous green - one of the only things that gives away what it is As for those gasing over the Gordon Smith, my dad would sell it for the right money. If anyone's interested drop me a PM
  24. goblin


    I'm surprised no one's noticed the Fylde Mandola next to it, much fancier instrument if you ask me
  25. I have a pair of Hiscoxs - they're simply awesome
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