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Everything posted by basslondon

  1. I remember seeing an equinox tv special in 1987 about the electric guitar and they interview Francis Dunnery (then from It Bites) and he reckons his cheap 100 quid squier is better than his "considerably more expensive" fender . I know this refers to his Stratocaster, but the same applies across the range to basses too. Check it out here : http://youtu.be/wI5QCem2fx4
  2. Just bought one of these for my daughter who's starting out. We toured the local Cash Converters here in Shepherds Bush in London (particular good for music bargains i picked up a Tokai Jazz sound (Korean) for £99.00 recently) and the Pete Wentz was up for £89.00 so we gave it a look. She loved the colours ( Man Utd fan but to be fair spends her part-time job money on train fares to Manchester to games can't argue with that dedication) and the fact that it weighs as much as a packet of Rizlas was in its favour. Whacked on some new Harley Benton strings (£3:99 from thomann bass bargains of the year) it sounded not to shabby.....the neck was ideal for her small hands.
  3. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1356806215' post='1913868'] Amended Mate had that on the back of his truck for years [/quote] Reminds me of Felix Dennis (Publishing Tycoon) saying: "If it flies, floats, or fornicates, rent it. It's cheaper." (Dennis is unmarried and proudly non-monogamous.) So get a lease car........
  4. [quote name='fender73' timestamp='1357244491' post='1919851'] No good, he's skint :-) [/quote] Oh hello Graham long time no see. ... Have a bump from another Status Devotee....
  5. Young Marcus here got me addicted to the Status. Bought a Matrix 4,the following week bought an Empathy 5. The Jaydee and Aria SB1000 get very little time out as a result ( although they are wonderful basses none the less.) Its just that the stauses work exceptionally well for me. ....
  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1356989006' post='1916201'] Why? [/quote] Because then i would be able to sell my 5 string status knowing i could get a sound like that from a Precision. with flatwounds.
  7. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1356988986' post='1916200'] What if he was auditioning for a Sex Pistols tribute band? [/quote] heaven help us.... if ever a band were all about attitude and image it were the 'pistols........ i thought we were talking music here.
  8. I dont see anyone telling this man that playing a five string would be a problem..... Id like to see a precision/jazz 4 with flatwounds sound that harmonically rich.... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBWY8oAnnww"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBWY8oAnnww[/url]
  9. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1356931818' post='1915266'] Not quite a storm. Just wonderin if a gibson flyin V wud get the same response. ;-) [/quote] Nah, Unfortunately Lenny Kravitz has made them kinda cool with a certain set of people.................
  10. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1356702034' post='1912598'] +1 on Phils selection here . I. For what its worth , with the benefit of hindsight I actually think the Aria SB1000 is a better designed bass than many of the more exotic boutique basses of that time , and it's sound is equal to anything out there even in the present day in my opinion . Providing you dont mind the weight , if you see one in reasonable condition at a good price I would say that they are the best bang for your buck if you want a bass from 1983 that encapsulates the sound and spirit of the age . I got a JV Series Squier in 1983 and it was a lovely bass , but what I really wanted was an Aria SB1000 so I could tell the girls at school that I had the same bass as John Taylor out of Duran Duran . Anyone who was in their early teens at the time will know the power of that association . [/quote] Having said that i sold my Squier JV for "Considerably more" last year than i bought my SB1000 for. So whilst i agree the SB 1000's are fab basses (I wont be getting rid of mine any time soon although i did have a moment of madness recently...cold flannel sorted that out!) the squiers are not too shabby. I think that was a tribute to the basses coming out of Japan in 1983 in general. Even the Westone thiunder series aquitted themselves well over the ensuing years.....
  11. Guys I bought this three weeks ago. I think malik maybe in france away over the xmas/NY period. Sorry
  12. Try what i do. Turn up with a B-D tuned Tokai Jazz bass for the audition ( my stealth bass). After a short while, they get weird when your fingers "look wrong" when they shout out the chords to a new tune. If i survive that, i turn up with a five string bass to the next rehearsal which to them is strangely more palatable than a four string with its notes in the wrong place. I did get a weird reaction at a gig once from a sound engineer (at the Camden Barfly so it wasnt entirely unexpected.) She said " WOAH! Its a fusion trap. 5 string bass? Next your drummer will be coming out with a Dave Weckyl Signature Snare...". Being a Middle Aged Baldie helps though as i'm so far away from "Normal" that a 5 string bass is the last of their image concerns. But standing 6'2" and being 180KG means any bass looks like a banjo on MOI. I used to get all kinds of stick for playing the ARIA SB1000. Till they heard it. And when i pull out the Jaydee and DONT go clackity clack,... Im sure i actually feel the (prejudicial) walls come tumbling down. (I must admit they do ask for the Jazz on photo shoots). So with some people you have to play a little game. I find that when you mess around with their perceptions technically theyre less inclined to "Show" you the basslines , More over i get asked for production input. But one must bat away the twats "getting a deal,Man". Your'e on a hiding to nothing then . outdated ideas from a era time forgot. But thats a whole new topic.....
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  14. £150 Time to thin the herd again. This baby has had minimal playing since it was bought in a moment of lust earlier in the year. I hope the previous owner doesnt mind me using the pics the condition is the same as i said its been played veey little since purchase. This is no reflection on the bass its just i prefer my Statii at present. Postage can be arranged itll be about [s]£15[/s] £20* insured although as usual pick up would be welcome too. Im located in Chiswick West London and the bass comes with a padded gig bag. PICS: [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/basslondon/sets/72157632372810620"]http://www.flickr.co...157632372810620[/url] *Total parcels has gone belly up so i have to use more expensive courier....APOLOGIES
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