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Road Worn Precision won me over!


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I've been gassing for a Classic 50's P for ages, and got my local music shop to put a couple aside for me when the next batch came in. I just went down there yesterday to try them both out, and what did I buy? A fiesta red Road Worn.

I'd had the pleasure of trying this guitar out a few times whilst i'd been in the shop to check the progress of the Classic '50's, and everytime I picked it up I absolutely loved it, even after trying pretty much every bass in the shop. However, the £899 price tag put me off quite a bit in comparison to the £499 the Classic 50's would cost me, and after checking the spec on the fender website it didn't seem like you were getting alot more for your money, other than Fender paying a Mexican to get the sander out and drill a couple more holes. I'd always been dubious of the whole Road Worn thing too, it seemed a bit desperate!

I had a good play on both a honey blonde Classic '50's and a sunburst version, hoping they would feel the same and I would like them as much as the Road Worn. Unfortunately they didn't feel as comfortable as how I remembered the Road Worn to be, and also seemed to feel very similar to my Mexican Standard I already own. A bit better quality, the neck was more comfortable to me, but essentially they felt like the same instrument, albeit with a TON of laquer all over it!

After spending a good half hour on both these, I picked up the Road Worn again and was absolutely blown away by it. It just felt in another league. Way more comfortable, it felt like I'd owned it for ages, and, crucially, it didn't feel anything like my Mexican Standard! You could tell it was a different quality altogether- it sounded better unplugged, it rested easier on my lap, everything about it felt better. It was also way, way lighter than both the classic 50's, which leads me to think they may not be identical specs to the Classic '50's after all.

Anyway, I'd already previously managed to haggle to shop owner down to £799 on a previous visit whilst discussing the Classic 50's, and whilst sitting there with the Road Worn in my hands, struggling to work out where I'd actually get the extra £300, he knocked a further £100 off the price and offered it up at £699. I had to have it!

Whether the specs are different between the Classic 50's and the Road Worn, whether the QC is just a hell of a lot better, or whether it was just a case of finding a 'good one' I don't know (although the shop owner had previously had two other Road Worn precision's in stock and he seemed to think they were all as good as the one I bought) -All I know is it felt leagues above both the Classic 50's, so for me it was easily worth the extra £200, and I'm chuffed to bits I made that decision, even in spite of myself not actually liking the whole Road Worn idea, or 'Salmon Pink' Fiesta Red!

Now I'm gonna have to show everyone my 'brand new guitar'....... :)

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Even though you were determined not to like it - you did and you got a great bargain.

I think wood selection must come into it if they are able to supply the bass that is lighter than the others.

I have no problem at all with the concept of road worn having read the Nash website. Fender obviously realised that others were making money out of the aged Fender concept, which is fair enough.

I agree that we need pictures and even better a try out!


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Welcome to the "Worn Side" (suitable Darth Fender voice required here). Yep they do seem to be in a different league to their other MIM counterparts and I preferred it over a Lakland Glaub that I also demoed against it which was more expensive. I love the light weight, but this does mean you get a fair bit of neck dive, but it's worth it. The looks may put some off, but the feel and sound are what it's all about. Bring on the photographic evidence!

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I didn't have the chance to strap up and play it standing, so I'm hoping the neck dive isn't too bad, but honestly, when I was interested in getting a Classic 50's model I really didn't think you'd be able to tell much difference between that and a Road Worn. I thought I was being clever by going for a Classic 50's, as it would be essentially the same guitar at a much lower price. Believe me, it's not!

I'm hoping this isn't a fluke, as I was really impressed by the feel of this guitar. And for the extra ££ they cost new, it's nice to know there's some substance behind that price, rather than just missing paint.

I've got to pay the other half of the £699 before you guys can see it I'm afraid- for now it waits for me behind the counter!

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