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Wall hangers


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I couldn't see this asked elsewhere, so I'd like to ask what people's experience of wall hangers are? I have very limited space and it would be really good if I could safely hang my bass on the wall but I've heard stories about how hanging a bass by the neck is harmful for the instrument. Your experiences, please? Thanks.

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Heard stories, exactly. We would need some real evidence, not some internet rumours.


There are lots of shops that show their instrument selection in hangers. Several individuals (like me) have been using the same hangers for ages. Issues? None. Try K&M 16280, which is under Ā£10.

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17 minutes ago, itu said:

We would need some real evidence, not some internet rumours.


For the last 30 years I have hung my basses on Hercules hangers with no discernable negative effects on my basses. The only time I have heard of any real life problems is when the screws into the wall fail :shok:šŸ˜¢ or even rarer is that the foam used on the support reacts with any nitro neck coating.


Will hanging my bass have a physical effect upon it eg: the weight affecting the neck etc.....nope! I base this on the strings having a total tension effect upon the neck of approx. 170lbs for a 4 string and 200lbs for a 5 string (at standard tuning). By hanging the bass by the neck it adds the weight of the bass to this (approx 10lbs) and would have negligable effect (~+5%) on the stress within the neck eg: no real world effect. You can check my maths by using the D'Addario string tension chart - here. There are no other forces applied to the body / neck of the bass when hung which could affect it.


Remember....use the correct wall screws / anchors and you're sorted. šŸ‘

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Thanks everyone, that's very reassuring. I'd actually added one of the Hercules hangers to my Christmas presents suggestion list for my GF having seen how sturdy they look and the reviews on Andertons. Good to see others recommending them, Acebassmusic.

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I've had mine on wall hangers for the past few years without any issue and would say you can't go wrong with the Hercules. They're really well made, come with an insert for thinner necks, have a guard to prevent them coming off the hanger accidently (good for grabby kids) and the holder rotates so you can hang a different bass/guitar on it and it'll still hang straight.


Just make sure you're hanging them on a sturdy wall and you'll be fine.

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