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Marshall MB4210 combo


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I've decided that I need a bit more than 100W for my upcoming first-ever pub gig. I've spotted this:


Seems a really good deal. Anybody seen or have one? Any good?


Edited by solo4652
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I use one of these and I love it! It has a great rock tone, and using the blend function effectively gives you a 3 channel amp. It is more than loud enough for rehearsal and pub gigs, but if you are concerned, you can always get the MBC115 extension cab (1x15" speaker plus a treble horn) which boosts it from 300 to 450w. I'm getting the cab, not for volume, but for £150 it's a steal and looks great with your amp on top!

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my +1 for the ashdown 210 combo, its done me right for nearly 2 years now and is fine for most gigs, the DI i great for larger venues to go through the PA. the prices for them have gone up a bit but it does now have the compressor on board.
but like is always said your really need to try them both if you can.

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The new Marshall stuff is pretty decent (although, IMO, Marshall haven't made a truly great bass amp since the DBS series). I say go for it, but put a bit aside afterwards for an extension cab - adding a 15" or a 4x10" is going to make a huge difference, volume-wise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick update:

I sold my SWR 100W combo to a friend. I tried the Marshall MB4210 and liked it. But, it weighs in at 33 Kgs! I decided I'm too old and unfit for humping that about.

Also, I decided I wanted simple, rather than complex - I'm a beginner bass player, not an experienced sound technician. I didn't really want to go down the seperate head/cab route - all getting a bit too technical for me. I wanted plug 'n' play. Finally, many of the seperate cabs I could afford weighed just as much, if not more, than the combo's I was considering.

So, looking for a (relatively) lightweight, well thought-of 300W combo from a reputable maker that wasn't ridiculously expensive, I found this:


Harmony Central reviews are good, price looked very good, weighs 25 Kg, and I'm hoping it's loud enough to keep up with the drummer.

Delivery expected today. I've already warned the neighbours.


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