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Sorry compressors again: Cali or Super Symmetry? Opinions sought


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OK Basschatters,

Indulge me a little as I know this is an oft covered subject but I've reached the conclusion that amongst tier-1 compressors, the Darkglass SS and Cali are legendary then we have the Keeley, TCs etc. What's the verdict - is it one of these top-two or is the a cheaper giant-slayer? (After a crunchy distorted tone with a squelchy attack, softer notes boosted and the peaks pulled baick.)

Let me know opinions...

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You need to try them both really. The Cali is not a very transparent compressor, certainly adds something to your tone. The Super Symmetry does not do this, but it does roll of highs slightly. For me, cheap compressors are no good. Certainly these two are some of the best in the market, I preferred the Super Symmetry as I liked my tone as it was, but both are excellent.

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I will have to agree but also disagree with Kev for what my ears heard.
I have used MXR M87, DG SS, Cali76-G and Cali76 TX.

MXR is good and does the job, there is never any question about it, and is more price friendly. I would stack it just below a premium brand one.

DG I think does colour your tone very slightly, it does roll off the highs as Kev says but there is a slight shimmery warmth it adds to the signal, which is not a bad thing and is utterly pleasant if that is what you want. In its roll as a compressor, great job and looks v sexy.

Onto Cali.........

Yes it does something to your tone, but the magic voodoo hoodoo it does under the lid of the box I do not know, but what I know is it makes everything infinitely better. No doubt whatever bass you have will sound better and it adds a spice which increases presence in the mix.
I used my mates TX and it's the absolute mutts, similarly if you get the TX-L and the Lundahl transformer it's another level.

I opted for the Germanium transformer, partly because only 100 were made as it makes me feel special, but also I dial in a little bit of grit from it, and love the fact that the Germanium transformer does not sound the same every time, dependent on conditions, heat, how it's feeling, and it never sounds bad!
Since getting it my rig has simplified, all dirt combinations etc. went. It's now a Two Notes LeBass, Cali76-G, MXR Bass chorus deluxe and a DG M900 amp (and I love effects!)

I cannot comment on the compact pedals, but I am sure they won't have completely messed up what they do.

I would say if you can afford it, go Cali, if you are patient you may get a second hand one, I did.


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[quote name='Kev' timestamp='1493584577' post='3289282']
You need to try them both really. The Cali is not a very transparent compressor, certainly adds something to your tone. The Super Symmetry does not do this, but it does roll of highs slightly. For me, cheap compressors are no good. Certainly these two are some of the best in the market, I preferred the Super Symmetry as I liked my tone as it was, but both are excellent.

What kev said! you need to try them both really, i have the cali and love it, adds a bit of warmth and is super easy to use, i like what it adds so felt i was missing something when i tried the DG its great just for me the Cali won out. i actually used to have a germanium version of the larger cali unit and downsized to this as honestly to me it sounded better.

only other comp ive had come close that ive tried was an old boss cs-2.

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[quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1493628371' post='3289453']

What kev said! you need to try them both really, i have the cali and love it, adds a bit of warmth and is super easy to use, i like what it adds so felt i was missing something when i tried the DG its great just for me the Cali won out. i actually used to have a germanium version of the larger cali unit and downsized to this as honestly to me it sounded better.

only other comp ive had come close that ive tried was an old boss cs-2.

Yep agree with both of the above, it really is your ears that count, if i picked up a cali76 CB I may well prefer that! Not going to though as I am completely happy at present, and it dovetails with what my guitarist is using nicely, until he changes his mind of course, and we start the process of finding the right settings and combinations all over again......

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