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Bass related injuries


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We've all heard of bass players' backs and shoulders creaking under the weight of a hefty piece of wood but what of the more obscure bass related injuries? Last week I broke one of my front teeth because of my bass ... I was playing my new EBMM Sterling and noticed that one of my finger nails was catching the string when playing finger-style so I instinctively began biting off the offending nail and crack, the top of my tooth broke off! So, there you go, playing bass is officially bad for your teeth! I'm sure others on here must have some better bass related injury stories to tell ...

Edited by darkandrew
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I was undoing the plastic straps on a new lead last year.

Wasn't paying attention, and as well as cutting the plastic, left my a fretting finger in the way...and cut into that as well!

This was 2 hours before a gig, the first of 2 that weekend.

Needless to say, a supply of plasters, as I was good(ish) to go. Lesson learnt! :blush:

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Grabbed a cab by the castors (it was upside down), the wheels on one of which spun round and trapped my left hand index finger. Obviously this was about an hour before a gig and I had to try and not use it which was tricky.

I also used to play with a very short strap and smacked myself in the face and head a few times taking the bass off.

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Ooh. This thread is making me wince already.

I sometimes play with a pick, and before now have gone for a massive dramatic down stroke and smashed the quick of my finger nail into the side of the pickup, which hurts a lot.

I've been smashed in the teeth with my microphone many many times when a drunk clown has danced into my mic stand mid song.

And I bizarrely managed to cut my hand packing up from a particularly rowdy St Patrick's day gig once - I was packing away a speaker lead which I'd gaffer taped down across the front of the stage, and as I slid the lead thru my hands I discovered the gaffer tape had stuck to various shards of broken pint glass which stuck in my hand. Great.

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