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Obtaining bass from Canada - now including TNT hatred


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Hi all

Anyone here bought a bass from Canada and had it shipped? Who did you use, what service, how much, opinions etc?

I have bought basses from as far as Japan before which have arrived in short order so don't envisage too much of a problem, plus I'll be ready for the import duty...


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I bought a guitar from Canada via eBay. The seller was a Canadian retailer, who arranged shipping at about £40. The final leg of the journey was by UPS (I think) and it arrived within a week of purchase. A month later I got a bill from them for import duty and handling - d'oh! I'm not certain, but I think eBay's international shipping service now means duties can be paid up-front, thus avoiding the handling fee at this end.

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It's a fair bit more expensive shipping from Canada than USA.

I've bought both personal and company basses in from a few different places there and it's always a higher price that any US shipping.

At the shop we always had to buy instruments in pairs to amortise costs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the replies guys. I've gone with UPS, it cost £160 in the end, although I paid a bit on top for insurance. Should take four days, plus the inevitable delay this end when they send the notice about import duty.

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[quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1472302316' post='3120176']
What have you bought?

Have a look here http://basschat.co.uk/topic/290525-incoming/page__fromsearch__1

So it turns out TNT/interparcel are useless. Who'd have thought it. The only saving grace is that I didn't pay for faster shipping which would now be pointless because of the delay so far.

First they say that they call the collection point the day before collection to check all is ok. Only they didn't because I missed a number off the end of the Canadian phone number. Well I checked and the form you fill in online says there are too many if I put it all in with the dialling code and it doesn't say whether you need to put the international number or local one. Either way I guess that's my fault however they have my number too but rather than calling me to check they thought 'nah lets just forget about ever collecting this until he realises and chases it up his end' which could have been ages. Luckily the guy at the other end called to say there was no phone call or collection so I ended up phoning in.

So they finally call him yesterday, the day after the supposed collection, and ask "do you have a Commercial Invoice". A what? He says. I check my paperwork which makes no mention of one. So they hang up and leave it at that.

I call interparcel today, who, to be fair, answer straight away. "Oh, that's a customs declaration". Right. So can you show me where it says "commercial invoice" on the paperwork? Now I've googled it I know what it is too but I've never heard it referred to as one, and surely TNT could have suggested to the collection point that it's also commonly referred to (and is in our/your paperwork) as a Customs Decleration!!!

So two days down and they have a bank holiday coming. Plus the delays as HMRC tax me on importing an item from France that went to Canada and now to the UK that was built in 1986 and had been paid for with taxes income and now probably at least third hand, maybe I'll get it in a couple of weeks if at all!!!

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It's wrong, (in my opinion), to pay tax on something that started in EU/UK, and was then exported, and is now coming back. Like you say, VAT has already been paid on it.

I believe that there's no import charges made on USA built items that are being re-imported into the USA.

I think I'd be frantic with worry and stress. Hope it gets all sorted out for you.

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[quote name='ambient' timestamp='1472722754' post='3123607']
It's wrong, (in my opinion), to pay tax on something that started in EU/UK, and was then exported, and is now coming back. Like you say, VAT has already been paid on it.

I believe that there's no import charges made on USA built items that are being re-imported into the USA.

I think I'd be frantic with worry and stress. Hope it gets all sorted out for you.

US import tax duties can change from state to state (usually regulated by the state the item 'lands' in rather than the final destination).

It's a bit of a lottery to be honest :(

There are worse places though - South Africa and Israel can depend on the arrival point and even the person who fills in the paperwork.

Some South American countries are a whole other world - we had some shipping companies who would only insure as far as the destination airport and then removed all cover as soon as it reached local handlers.

Anyway - back on topic - hope it arrives safe and sound :)

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Cool so they still haven't collected it. Their 'policy' is to call the day before to check (I don't know what, I doubt many people order a parcel pickup and pay for it as a prank) so even if they DO call today, I presume they won't pick it up until next week now. And it's Bank Holiday in Canada! Yeyyy! :drinks: So we're looking at Tuesday earliest now, a week later than booked. Awesome. :sun_bespectacled:

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I priced up a flight recently to Toronto from Edinburgh at £360. I have relatives that live there, but I was seriously tempted to buy a Mesa Subway amp while there and what I saved buying in Canada would almost cover my flights. Probably not what you want to hear though.

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