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What a Drummer..!!!


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i have a jam every friday with local musicians.. we usually get a very cool groove going, with a horn, percussion, drums, guitars etc....

this young guy came along called Steve... he had a budget ish kit... a little percussion stand to his right.... i sh*t you not, this guy was epic..!!.. ive played with alot of drummers in my time but this guy was off the wall.... 23 years old and can play with such sensitivity, maturity and dynamics... this guy was about as good as i could possible want a drummer to get.... think billy cobham crossed with Poogie Bell in the groove, and that would be close... people never cease to amaze me....

i never tire of playing bass to a drummer like that..

do you know anyone who is totally killer on an instrument

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I played with a replacement drummer, in one of my regular bands, last night that I'd never met before and we really clicked. I've never played with a drummer who was so 'on the beat' if you know what I mean. Most of the drummers I've played with have drifted in and out but I never realised it until I played with this guy how [b]MUCH[/b] they drifted in and out. It felt almost like playing with a very realistic sounding drum machine. I have to say we sounded a very, very tight rhythm section even though we'd never played together before. I'm assuming he must play to a click track in his other bands which keeps him super tight and on the beat. It was a real pleasure playing with him.

I always feel that the better the drummer the better I play and the more I get out of the gig.

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[quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1333200021' post='1598650']
i have a jam every friday with local musicians.. we usually get a very cool groove going, with a horn, percussion, drums, guitars etc....

this young guy came along called Steve... he had a budget ish kit... a little percussion stand to his right.... i sh*t you not, this guy was epic..!!.. ive played with alot of drummers in my time but this guy was off the wall.... 23 years old and can play with such sensitivity, maturity and dynamics... this guy was about as good as i could possible want a drummer to get.... think billy cobham crossed with Poogie Bell in the groove, and that would be close... people never cease to amaze me....

i never tire of playing bass to a drummer like that..

do you know anyone who is totally killer on an instrument

Best musician I've ever played with is a drummer... Clive Jenner.

He could stop sound checks stone dead with his groove and funk chops. Stone Dead..!!
His hi hat work was THE funk.
He was about 23 at the time, IIRC

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Our guitarist is an amazing drummer! He only switched to guitar as a problem with his neck meant after each drumming gig he was in agony for a couple of days. About 15 years ago I was in a band with a guitarist who still to this day Is one of the best guitarist's I've ever heard. He was into the whole technical neo-classical thing, yet ended up in an AC/DC tribute band!!

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A couple of times a year I cross paths with a drummer called Alan Brown who is an amazing player who also plays with [url="http://www.bagsofrock.com/"]Bags of Rock[/url] which was a spinoff of The Red Hot Chili Pipers.

I call Him Mr Entertainment as he's always got good stories from either when touring Japan or playing at Berkley and meeting drumming monsters like Dennis Chambers.

We played recently at a 60th birthday of a singer we've both played for and we were both absolutely guttered yet never missed a beat

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