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Everything posted by davebass66

  1. Will stick up a picture when I get a sec....Also, does anyone have a stack knob wiring diagram to hand?....not sure which part of it to connect the bridge ground wire to!
  2. Thanks for the support guys! Already hit my 1st stumbling block......d'oh! I went ahead and ordered a parchment scratchplate for it (was only a tenner), however, being the fool that i am I didn't realise that the standard jazz scratchplates don't quite 'snug up' to the stack knob control plate!.....balls.....trying to decide whether this is something I can live with or not.....I have just found what calls itself a 62 reissue mint green scratchplate, but it's $47 from the states (plus import/VAT etc)....Also I'm not sure whether mint green works.....
  3. So I dunno if this counts as an official 'build' but hey! I am 'constructing' an early 60's style Jazz bass and thought I'd post some of the updates as they happen in case anyone is interested! Ordered most parts early this week and stuff is starting to arrive!!!! Picked up a stack knob control plate from the gallery yesterday and the sonic blue body arrived from Warmoth this morning (kudos to them for their speed, only ordered on monday afternoon). Got it in Swamp ash, which I know isn't technically correct for the 60's jazzes but it's really light, which is important to me.... Anyway...here is the first pics! Dave
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  5. Come on!....someone help me pay for the bass build I'm doing! lol!
  6. Thanks guys, this is all really helpful! I think I'm going to go for it and fit a stack knob as tbh I have a Jazz deluxe which has been pretty highly modded so if i need a sound with more bite etc I can pick that one up! would be cool to have a nice round vintage tone. Plus, if it doesn't work out you seem to be able to pick up the standard control plates pretty cheap. Almost everything is ordered now! Will post up pics (for those who might care)! when it's finished...I don't think it's gonna be a perfect era specific build, just going with the early 60's vibe........So.Damn.Excited! Thanks again guys! Dave
  7. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1344886534' post='1770709'] I'm very happy with my AV '62 Ri Jazz, no problem with output compared with everything else & plenty of tone variation on both pups. [/quote] Thanks John Do you get any hum/noise when you solo either of the pickups?
  8. Hi guys, just wondering if there are any folks out there with experience of using a jazz bass with the stack knob controls? reissue or original of course! I've just started to build a bitsa Jazz (ordered my sonic blue body today)! which is gonna look a lot like the early 60's style and really like the idea of the stack knobs, however I can't find that much info on them from users, and what I have read has involved people reporting problems with low output because of the 2 resistors. Have also read that there is a loud hum if you solo either of the pickups. Is this a standard problem or could it be unique to the owner? Obviously at the end of the day I want the bass to sound as good as possible and if that can only be achieved by using the TTV config then I will, but would definitely like to find out more info on the stacks first! Also I notice that it is a lot more expensive to buy the stack knob config, is this just because they are less commonly used? Thanks in advance!! Dave
  9. If you decide to part this out I'd buy the control plate from you straight away! Dave
  10. Thanks guys, will drop toneworks an email, see if they can do me a sonic blue!...if not I guess it's warmoth, which is actually fairly reasonably prices....now....stack knob or regular?!!
  11. Hi guys, does anyone know of any UK based luthiers/companies who sell Jazz bass bodies? I know you can get loaded bodies on Ebay from the US but would rather find something here.... I'm after a finished body (potentialy coloured) with all the appropriate holes drilled (bridge/scracthplate), the ones from allparts and WD only have the neck plate holes and I'm not sure how much I trust myself to drill the bridge holes in the right place!! Any advice would be really appreciated! Dave
  12. would you be willing to split the bass? I would be interested in the jazz neck..... Dave
  13. Up!....someone make me an offer!
  14. many views, no interest kind of bump!...better pics tomorrow!
  15. It looks and feels like a much more expensive instrument and has excellent build quality. here's the MTD spec: - 35" scale 5 - 24 medium jumbo frets - Zero fret 1-1/2" wide, - One-piece neck with satin polyester finish - Carved Mahogany body with Maple Burl top (satin amber finish) - MTD quick release bridge, 3/4" (19mm) spacing - Double-action truss rod - Maple f/b - Five controls:volume, blend, plus 3 band EQ Looking for [s]£570[/s] [s][color=#ff0000]£530[/color][/s][color=#ff0000] [b]£500[/b] [/color] ono for this. Pickup or meet is preferred but postage can certainly be discussed! pics now up!.....Just so you know the shot of the back of the bass is not a crack...it's just a weird angle of the grain! Dave
  16. would you consider a trade for an MTD KZ5? Dave
  17. Nice.....do you have the original bridge still?...Also where are you based?
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