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Everything posted by discreet

  1. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1424777595' post='2700258'] If the bass cant gel with the drums there is no hope. [/quote] It's not just musically, either. I did an audition where we worked very well together, but the drummer had taken an instant dislike to me for some reason. So that was the end of that. Thhhpp! Is what I said. Or at least I thought it, anyway. Along with a rude sailor word.
  2. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' timestamp='1424776120' post='2700239'] ...not convinced that I've found the perfect bass yet. [/quote] [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1424776279' post='2700241'] I think I found mine but sold it... I'm working on that. [/quote] [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1424777514' post='2700255'] I have now decide without a doubt that out of all my P basses my 73 P, has the best sound and feel (so no P gas to be found).. one small step.. [/quote] Something else I wanted to hear! It's all falling into place now!
  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1424777295' post='2700254'] I hate it when a gtr suggests a drummer...and if he is a friend, look out BIG TIME, as this means the gtr or proposer wants him in at all costs. [/quote] Just because a guitarist suggests a drummer it doesn't [i]necessarily [/i]mean that said drummer will not be any good...
  4. [quote name='Stylon Pilson' timestamp='1424776120' post='2700239'] ...not convinced that I've found the perfect bass yet. [/quote] I think I found mine but sold it... I'm working on that.
  5. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1424775512' post='2700228'] Please come back to us in a year's time and tell us you are still "gas free", I'd be surprised if you are!!! [/quote] Trying to imagine a year's worth of GAS and have a mental picture of a hot air balloon With Phileas Fogg and Passepartout in it.
  6. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1424775106' post='2700219'] Not sure that drummers are any more difficult than guitar or vox to be honest. [/quote] While true that it's difficult enough to find ANYONE who is really good at what they do and persuade them that you have something to offer, I've found it harder to find decent drummers than anyone else. Though it's really hard to find proper keys players, too. All IMHO, of course.
  7. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1424775176' post='2700222'] I have never understood bass players that assume because someone has great technique and can play at a million miles an hour that they also can't groove or play in the context of a song and support the song just makes no sense to me. [/quote] Maybe because they are always expected to do the former and never get the chance to demonstrate the latter..?
  8. [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1424754689' post='2700015'] [/quote] Thanks for that, now it's all crystal clear.
  9. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1424254033' post='2694299'] No Warwick stand at the LBGS this year, I'm afraid. Confirmed by Hans-Peter. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]'Dear Silvia, its true we will not be attending the London Bass Guitar Show this year. Due to the fact we are busy with the Ladies BassCamp and we will not be able to properly coordinate both events. Best regards, HP'.[/size][/font][/color] [/quote] That's a great shame of course, but I want to know more about the Ladies BassCamp... I'm hoping it's a typo.
  10. [quote name='Alun' timestamp='1424720226' post='2699647'] ...obviously a great player but really funny and down to earth too. [/quote] Wobble is ALWAYS great value.
  11. Oh, God. I've been round and round the houses for the last five years or so only to find what would be pretty much ideal for me now sound-wise is a set-up that I was using in the early 90s... that is, [i]if[/i] i can also have a tech and a roadie...
  12. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1424712524' post='2699482'] Do love a bit of parallel compression on drums, as well as smashing the knackers out of room mics or core mics and blending a bit of that signal into the kit as a whole, can really bring out some extra life and energy [/quote] In my case I think 'parallel compression' is probably too grand a term for it... ...what I really mean is 'a compressor with a blend control'.
  13. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1424726274' post='2699796'] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhpQMq9yccc&feature=youtu.be"]https://www.youtube....eature=youtu.be[/url] [/quote] SVT and 8X10 incoming..?
  14. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1424725906' post='2699788'] I meant to say,of course, that they were Elgen 4x12" PA columns. [/quote] Yes, I got that. But I was thinking about a 4X12 or a 4X10 column format bass cab, as proposed by dood recently - you'd get a very small footprint but still have the advantages of an 8X10, i.e. having a driver at ear-level so you can hear yourself on stage.
  15. [quote name='Jakester' timestamp='1424724007' post='2699736'] ...I've often had people say "that's not how it is on the record!". To which I've replied "yes, and neither are the mariarchi horns and bassoon solo you've put in, but you don't complain about that!" More seriously, people are happy to pick up the drummer for omissions but will themselves skip a tricky melodic part or solo. Everyone expects the drummer to just play like the record, without sometimes realising that the rest of the musicians aren't doing that... [/quote] People don't listen properly. Decent players can emulate covers accurately to a certain extent using technique and effects (and playing the bloody arrangement properly), but trying to make the drums in particular sound like thirty different drummers playing in thirty different studios on thirty different songs in an hour and a half is a bit of a tall order really. [quote name='Jakester' timestamp='1424724007' post='2699736'] ...I often get told what I'm playing doesn't sound like it does on the record. It's taken me a while, but I've finally realised what people are getting at - they take the whole drums and percussion track as 'the drums' and when you're not playing the drum part, tambourine 16ths and conga part all together they get the hump, not to mention your drums sounding different live to a close miked, gated and compressed studio kit... [/quote] A lot of 'musicians' can't or won't listen accurately enough to distinguish the separate strands in a piece of music, which is why they can't play their parts properly even when they think they are. You just can't get the staff..
  16. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1424724380' post='2699744'] Up until 83 apparently, so there could be a crossover as is entirely possible/probable. [/quote] I'm sure you're right Lozz. As I'm now sure the bass is genuine.
  17. Don't know if you think the sound quality is up to it... but maybe this will be of use. Depends what you want to use the vid for really... it's not exactly 'audiophile' quality. [media]http://youtu.be/xAvxuh0cSZQ[/media]
  18. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1424716183' post='2699557'] I [i]thought[/i] you had a cunning plan... [/quote] Well... if I win it with the bid I've put in, I can profitably use it for kindling.
  19. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1424720302' post='2699654'] ...the first band I played with had two 4x12" PA columns. [/quote] The right sort of 4X12 column would make an excellent bass cab!
  20. Seriously though, it is a problem. Good drummers don't answer ads for drummers, IME. Good luck with the search - it is a hard road, but it IS possible. Presumably you want to form a wedding/function band to make a bit of cash, so this would likely attract a decent hitter if you can tempt them in with the promise of loot. And free beer. And cake.
  21. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1424713352' post='2699501'] I won't be snipin' [/quote] Please do... I'm having second thoughts now...
  22. [quote name='Leonard Smalls' timestamp='1424710662' post='2699448'] [/quote] That Wal isn't weird at all, but I'm glad you posted a pic of it. GAS!! GAS!! ARRGGHH!!
  23. [quote name='Bo0tsy' timestamp='1424705213' post='2699373'] ...I don't count these as weird at all... [/quote] No, they're not - YOU are!
  24. [quote name='itsmedunc' timestamp='1424703809' post='2699353'] Black decal E series 83 P here - [url="http://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/basses/1983fenderpsiennaburst.htm"]http://classicandcoo...siennaburst.htm[/url] Black decal, same tuners, 3 screw bridge and trussrod access at the head... [/quote] Well there you go, thanks... if Mark's got one up as the real thing then that's good enough for me. Every day's a school day.
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