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discreet last won the day on November 19 2018

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  • Birthday May 11

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  1. Are we really going to change the rules of Cricket just because kids don't find it 'exciting' and have the attention span of a goldfish?? Anyone who doesn't understand the rules doesn't deserve to enjoy the game, IMHO. Bah! Tsk! Pshaw! And so on.

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    2. Daz39


      That idea has merit @ead!

      I think it's tricky - one the one hand 'What are they doing to my beloved game!' - especially when most other sports have not changed nearly so radically so quickly. But then - if the 4-day game and Tests don't earn the money - and we (quite rightly) want Cricket on free-to-air format, where will the money come from?

      I still think ODI is pyjama cricket, so my prehistoric opinion does come with that proviso.

    3. Happy Jack

      Happy Jack

      I rather think we already have changed the rules of cricket to make it more interesting. Frequently.

      5-day game, 3-day game, 1-day game, 20-20 matches, etc. Not to mention the Biggles-Cholmondely scoring system for the rare occurrence of rain in these drought-ridden isles.

      I'm glad they removed the Offside Rule though ...

    4. itsmedunc


      It’s been very slow and dull day, but it hasn’t been boring. It’s been a good, entertaining day’s cricket.

      -  Tony Benneworth 

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