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Everything posted by 40hz

  1. 2017 Fender Classic Series P-Bass. Selling as in dire need of a 5-string bass due to joining a band that play EVERYTHING a tone or two lower! 😆 Made in Mexico from the highly regarded Classic Series, where build quality, weight and specs were 'often' matching and surpassing stuff made in the USA. Fiesta red with Gold anodized pickguard. One piece Maple neck. Alder body 7.25 inch radius neck USA standard pickup (these were stock). Poly finish. 50's spec nut width - 1.75inch Vintage style reverse tuners Vintage grooved saddles. Weight wise, I haven't had a chance to weigh yet, but it's is on the light side of the spectrum - Sub 9lbs easily. In unmarked condition aside from a nick in the poly lacquer on the forearm bout. Resonant body and vintage P-Bass tone in spades. The tone control has a very wide range/sweep of sounds from balls out, angry punk to dub tones. Pickup or meet up only (happy to travel a large radius to myself here (Moreton in Marsh) on the Warwickshire/ Gloucestershire/Oxfordshire border. No shipping. No trades or offers please. Thanks for looking!
  2. I do both. I find covers harder, as people can tell when you make mistakes. With originals I can always feign that I 'meant it' 😀
  3. Agreed, I definitely think 'tone' is impacted a lot more by the speaker cab, but there are some heads that can really add the secret sauce. Most of my modern class D heads I've had, have sounded very similar, the change in tone was bought about by changing cabs. On the flip side, when I bought my Mesa Boogie M-Pulse 600 and plugged it in, it was a whole different ball game and drastically changed my sound. So, yes and a little bit no! 😂
  4. I love a bit of Bay-zil and Oreg-ano on my pasta. Well done to the OP. Never before has a thread made me so angry. Not the even the 'tonewood' one. 😂
  5. How bizarre! I was just thinking about this VERY thing this morning. Being the the market for a 5 string as the covers band I've joined play most songs in a lower key due to the singer, I was looking at the contemporary jazz 5 and thinking how the colour is horrible and would rather have it in the sky blue colour the 4-string comes in. Rules it out entirely for me. Very frustrating as the specs for that bass are ridiculous for the money.
  6. One heck of a minefield! 😂
  7. The power ratings seem a bit weedy, even if it is 'Class A/B'. They're fairly heavy for what they are too. Would it not have been better for Boss to have released just a high powered head, only? They'd probably have made a killing doing that, as the heads look superb.
  8. No doubt it won't last long, but I don't buy a bass, based on whether other people like it or how successful it is. I dig it, massively. The only let down for me, is the pickup covers. They look cheap as anything. Would have been better off with a smoother look - maybe not having exposed polepieces. They just look like two Jazz Bass pickups, stuck together with Pritt Stick or chewing gum, which knowing Fender, is probably not too far off.
  9. I think I might seemingly be the only person who absolutely loves this bass! Sounds pretty sweet in the demos too. Nate Navarro put one up yesterday.
  10. Every single bass distortion pedal sounds the same to me.
  11. As above. I really want an all-in-one, pedal board solution such as this, but aside from Behringer, I can't see any other company doing something like this. It looks like Boss have discontinued it judging by their website and the bcb-90x is too large for me. I only have around 5-6 pedals in total. Anyone point me in the direction of another company I might have missed?
  12. I'm going to have to watch the Aguilar videos again! . . Oh crap! He says Ag-ya-lar on the cab video on their YouTube channel.
  13. Dave Boonshoft himself pronounces it Ag-wee-lar.
  14. I used to wear my bass strap the wrong way round for about 5 years.
  15. Vanderkley is an anglicisation of Van Der Kleij isn't it? So it would be Van-Der-kly with a shortened J at the end? I might have got this horrendously wrong. But I'm sure I saw it somewhere online where Dutch folk were discussing the cabs.
  16. How Americans say Warwick. It puts my teeth on edge!
  17. I think, personally, (YMMV etc) the value is in something being standard, or at least retaining the original bits to be able to be put back to standard. When I buy a bass, I want it exactly as the maker intended - for better or worse! I (and completely accept there are some that see this different, but in the interest of opinions) wouldn't pay any more for a modded bass. I'd pay less (unless the OG bits were kept) as it's someone else's preferences.
  18. I second all of this. My absolute #1 pet peeve (however petty!) in the used market. Like you, I'm not against it at all (I've modified a few basses myself) but upgrade is such an subjective statement.
  19. I have/had the exact same experience. Every passive bass I've used seems to sound more open (good way to describe it). I have active basses too and don't have a preference as such, or think one is better than another, but my passive basses definitely have always seemed to 'breathe' better.
  20. I normally can't stand modded basses. This however, looks superb. Nicely done and very tasteful.
  21. In the words of Bill and Ted "be excellent to each other" and you can't go wrong. I live life by the view of don't do or say anything to anyone, I wouldn't like done to myself. If people could try to put themselves in the others person's shoes, the world would be a better place, but, sadly, this seems to be a dimishing ability, society-wide. However, on the flip side, I have to say, I'm definitely not a fan of this seemingly desperate need these days to compartmentalise and label people, negatively.
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