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Everything posted by jonsparrow91

  1. [quote name='gub' post='1267425' date='Jun 13 2011, 03:39 PM']Welcome, interesting name! didnt think anyone used that term anymore![/quote] My surname is Sparrow so it was inevitable.
  2. [quote name='Ed_S' post='1267360' date='Jun 13 2011, 02:54 PM']Maybe have a look at a Line 6 Studio 110 - they're not bad for about that money.[/quote] I've considered getting a modelling/digital amp but I have to queries: 1. Is the modelling any good? As in does it sound close to what it's pretending to be? And 2. Does including digital effects in a low price amp mean that they skimp on the other parts? [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='1267361' date='Jun 13 2011, 02:54 PM']Ashdown Minirig.[/quote] I really like the Five Fifteen mini-rig (not the perfect ten) but I've a feeling it might be a little too big. Ideally I'd like to be able to hold my bass case in one hand and the amp in the other.
  3. Hi there, first real post outside of the marketplace. I'm going to London to go to Tech Music School this Autumn to I'm minimizing my kit down to one good bass (my CIJ 51 Precision) and a good practice amp so there aren't any logistical problems moving it 240 miles every holiday and hopefully making some money in the process (London is pricey!). What I'm after is a small (1x10") practice amp that has a more professional tone than most practice amps, i.e. not the kind of thing that comes in a box with a beginner bass if you get my drift. So far I've been recommended a Hartke A35 (£60 within budget) and an EBS Classic 60 (£40 out of budget) I've still got a while to decide as I'm not buying anything until I've sold my big Ashdown monster (currently in the Marketplace ) which I am selling for £200, hence the budget, so I'd like to collect as many opinions as possible by then. I would go to try them out but I've no transport and my local shop likes to taunt me with their loverly Markbass and TC Electronic stuff which couldn't be more out of budget! So, gentlemen, any recommendations? Jon
  4. Hi guys! Been posting here for quite a while but almost exclusively in the Marketplace. My name is Jon. I'm almost 20. I have a fetish for Fender and Markbass (yet to own a Markbass, *sadface*.) I usually post on another forum, whose name shall not be mentioned, but, while I'm still fond of the regulars, I got rather tired of "Hi is this (picture of pointy bass) bass good? I play mainly metal" posted by someone with far to many Xs in their name, day in day out. I can be incredibly opinionated about things I have no understanding of. I cannot solder to save my life. Despite my love of funk and jazzhop bass lines, I constantly find myself part of metal bands, none of which get to the gigging stage. My first inspiration to play bass was Geezer Butler though my current idol is Tim Commerford, particularly his work in Audioslave. I am overly fond of using commas and parentheses. My current rig consists of a '51 CIJ Precision with TI Flats and (when it finally arrives) a SD Quarter Pounder, a Skylark Plexiglass 5 string with Hidef Pink Neon strings (bling-bling) and a load of amps and pedals that I am trying to unload in order to have a more manageable rig that will fit into the back of a car for when I start a diploma/degree at Tech Music School this October. So hello.
  5. Don't suppose you like to trade for money of my Ashdown MAG 410? ([url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=138341"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=138341[/url])
  6. Someone ought to snap this up, discontinuing this things was the stupidest mistake Fender ever made. Sounds amazing with some TI Flats.
  7. To those interested, there's currently a queue of three. No trades, sorry. The dent is actually more of a scratch now I examine it. A very thin v-shaped scratch that you only really feel when you're looking for it, not while you're playing it.
  8. [quote name='richardd' post='1261374' date='Jun 8 2011, 04:03 PM']Some of you just have to have a go, don't you[/quote] Sorry, post removed.
  9. [b]Digitech Jamman Looper/Phrase Sampler - £100 + pp[/b] Play with yourself! Great fun for messing about and an amazing busking tool if you have an amp. Muchas Mojo. Saw one on here going for £140 and reduced the price accordingly. Lacks original box but comes with power supply. Jon
  10. Surplus to requirements, need the money, blah blah blah now THE BASS As you can see, its a tad dog-eared. Patches of wear on the front, dents on the back and sides, one indentation in the neck and the pickguard has been sprayed black... badly. Appearances aside, this bass sounds and feels GREAT. The only reason I'm getting it is because I'm rebuilding my rig for Uni in September and have decided to take only one bass. Comes fitted with a Badass Bass Bridge II as standard, made in the USA. Ladies and Gentlemen, this bass was a bargain when it was new! (These things are reaching nearly £700 new.) £300 is my asking price, not including a courier. Collection is fine by me and I can deliver in person if costs are covered (I'm in Lancashire.) This price is SET IN STONE, please do not try to haggle. I'm interested in P/X only for a Sansamp Bass Driver DI of some sort. I'll knock off £150 for the deluxe version.
  11. Quick delivery, 5* service!
  12. Bump, trade for a small head and cab or a combo that's loud enough to gig but light enough to carry with one arm.
  13. Great pedal but surplus to requirement now. The Blowtorch is in perfect nick with the original box. Not sure what I want but I know I don't need an envelope filter, fuzz or flanger. I might add a bob or two for the right pedal. Thanks, Jon
  14. Just getting this bit out of the way: I do not have any transport so I cannot deliver this in person. If by some luck you live in the Lancaster and Morecambe area then I can borrow one of my parents to drive it to you. Otherwise its pickup or courier only, I'm afraid. Now that that nastiness is over. This is a truly fantastic amp and I love the tone and look of it. It's really flexible, vintagey to modern and all that with a 5 band EQ, deep and bright switches an option to bypass the EQ, a sub harmonic thingy (essentially a built in octaver) and a very nice compressor which is one of the quietest compressors I've heard. It also has an effects loop, an aux out for an extension cab and separate input and output levels. Unfortunately its just not convenient at the moment. I'm selling this to downsize my rig so I'm happy to p/x for the right practice amp (cash my way.) My only strict requirements are that it must have a headphone socket. Post, PM or email me ([email protected]) if there's anything you'd like to know about the amp. Jon
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