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Everything posted by Toasted

  1. [quote name='Sugden' post='5080' date='May 23 2007, 12:07 PM']Sorry didnt mean to come across as a confrontational.[/quote] Suggy, Suggy - I didn't mean to either. Sorry if I did The Radial JDI is fantastic value for money under £100. IMO the next step-up is *probably* the Avalon U5 at about £200 second hand.
  2. Toasted

    Octave Pedle

    [quote name='BassManKev' post='5853' date='May 24 2007, 04:21 PM']pot, meet kettle again[/quote]
  3. Toasted

    Octave Pedle

    [quote name='Waldo' post='5864' date='May 24 2007, 04:33 PM']My Dad's bigger than your Dad.[/quote] My Dad's wresting champion of the world. T3h WIN. EDIT: I'm also the rubbish spelling champion of the world.
  4. Toasted

    Octave Pedle

    [quote name='Dragonlord' post='5789' date='May 24 2007, 02:51 PM']Uhm... wasn't my intention. There's no need for this crap, chill out..[/quote] Pot, meet Kettle.
  5. Toasted

    Octave Pedle

    [quote name='Waldo' post='5724' date='May 24 2007, 01:35 PM']Looks like you'll be needing some horlicks tonight to help with all the sleep you're going to be missing [/quote] My late Grandfather, bless him, used to drink a Beechams powder with a double of brandy in a cup of warm milk before bed every night. Slept like a baby, apparently.
  6. Toasted

    Octave Pedle

    [quote name='Dragonlord' post='5459' date='May 23 2007, 11:15 PM']Well, to be honest, I don't see an "IMO" in this post either:[/quote] Damn, you caught me out. Looks like I'm a hypocrite! .... I'll live.
  7. [quote name='Ant' post='5404' date='May 23 2007, 11:08 PM']Is the arpeggiator any good on them joe? if so i might want one.[/quote] I see from the thread that you've already sourced one from our friends! Try it out!
  8. Toasted

    akai deep impact

    [quote name='BassManKev' post='5399' date='May 23 2007, 11:03 PM']then why do i get great sounds out of it using my own settings?[/quote] I'm just trying to help you
  9. Toasted

    akai deep impact

    [quote name='BassManKev' post='5362' date='May 23 2007, 09:46 PM']this is what i dont get, as i said each setting from up there sounds really subtle ,certainly nothing like a keyboard, is something wrong with mine/my bass?[/quote] Sounds like it to me.
  10. [quote name='BassBalls' post='5371' date='May 23 2007, 10:09 PM']BassManKev, where did you get your PS-3? I cant find it on the net anywhere! I want to try one out because the arpeggiator sounds perfect for my new band. How much are they?[/quote] [quote name='BassManKev' post='5375' date='May 23 2007, 10:31 PM']discontunied and pretty damn rare i was selling it a while ago, but decided to keep it you wont get it cheap, off me or anyone[/quote] BassBalls - They're easy to get, you just have to know where to look. Hit me up if you want any of the PS- series. I can sort you out.
  11. Toasted


    How much have you raised?
  12. Other: Celinder, Dingwall, Warwick.
  13. [quote name='Sugden' post='4897' date='May 23 2007, 02:24 AM']What would you gain by using a £1200 DI? Over a say £30 DI?[/quote] I know that it is lame to answer a question witha question but: What do you gain by buying a £1200 bass over a £120 bass?
  14. [quote name='steve-norris' post='4694' date='May 22 2007, 10:25 PM']Does this mean its no better than a standard bass or that fretting is no harder?[/quote] I mean that fretting is no harder. I thought that my muscle memory would be shot switching from parallel to fanned fret basses, and it really isn't. This bass has a number of advantages over a parallel fret bass, most of which I've mentioned previously in the thread If you have a specific question I'd be glad to answer
  15. It really depends on your budget. I can recommend from £12 -> £1200
  16. [quote name='BigBassBob' post='4695' date='May 22 2007, 10:26 PM']Thanks Joe! I'm waiting for a ToneFreak Abunai2. It's a guitar overdrive based on the TS808 circuit but with more gain and a wider frequency response. Been after a decent 808 style pedal for a while so I'm gonna give this one a bash to see how it holds out Just waiting for ToneFreak to finish up the next batch and for ToneFactor to get them in stock... and then international shipping ARGH!!!! ... probably about a month's wait [/quote] My tonefactor stuff has been coming in around 8 working days recently. Hopefully not as long as you're thinking! Let me know how the Abunai sounds
  17. [quote name='jimbartlett' post='4504' date='May 22 2007, 05:21 PM']Thanks for the advice, i'll check it out. Would you know of any good Sustainers you could recommend to me please?[/quote] If you can get hold of one it would be worth trying the "TC Electronic Sustainer/Distortion/Parametric EQ"
  18. [quote name='jimbartlett' post='4524' date='May 22 2007, 05:40 PM']I must admit I was thinking about it. The size of the bugger puts me off though. I would like a go on a Nano Metal Muff though to see if it will do the job. Thanks for your help.[/quote] What about the "little big muff" ? [url="http://www.ehx.com/ehx2/Default.asp?q=f&f=%2FCatalog%2F001%5FXO%5FLine%2F20%5FLittle%5fBig%5fMuff"]http://www.ehx.com/ehx2/Default.asp?q=f&am...le%5fBig%5fMuff[/url]
  19. [quote name='jimbartlett' post='4504' date='May 22 2007, 05:21 PM']Thanks for the advice, i'll check it out. Would you know of any good Sustainers you could recommend to me please?[/quote] There's the pigtronix reissue of the EHX attack/sustain. That'll be alot of money tho. If you just want something to giv eyou tonnes of fuzzy sustain like a big muff - why not use a big muff? Just an idea.
  20. Toasted


    Jam. That's one of the budget "wood line" Bacchus basses - korean not Japanese made
  21. [quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='4064' date='May 22 2007, 12:18 AM']That is pretty cool. What string gauges work best with the differing length: is a light-B best or a heavy G?[/quote] Dingwall reccomend GHS M5200 Contact Core Super Steels for the Super J basses, they are 45-105s all with taper wound cores.
  22. [quote name='RichBowman' post='4045' date='May 22 2007, 12:03 AM']What sort of difference do the scale lengths make?[/quote] Here's what Dingwall have to say [i]The tension and tone from string to string is more even and low note definition is greatly improved.[/i] I agree with that. The unison notes all over the fretboard sound EXACTLY the same. The tension from string to string is very close indeed. The longer E gives a nice balance, and the shorter scale lengths of the D and G especially give them real snap. It has the best popping sound of any bass that I've played. When you couple the Banjo frets with the Novax system is makes the most precise sounding and playing bass that I've ever used. I dearly love my Celinder but this bass gives it a run for its money. It is a good job one is a 60's P/J and one is a 70's J/J otherwise I might be tempted into an affair.
  23. You don't want a delay pedal then, you want a sustainer You can get a P+C cheaper direct from Paul Crowther in NZ... if you can track him down!
  24. Toasted

    akai deep impact

    I owned one for a long time - I'd count it as a synthy fuzz, not a synth
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