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Everything posted by SamIAm

  1. This build thread is amazing Andy, it reminds me of “The New Yankee Workshop” … watching the magic of a master builder creating a work of art, but in a way that almost (ALMOST!!!) tricks me into thinking I could give it a go. 😂 S’manth x
  2. Oh my … love it! That looks amazing. My shortie short fretless 5er is a UBASS at 23.5 and is loads of fun! S’manth x
  3. My post contains links to some very useful setup videos S’manth x
  4. It was these ... and this happened ... even on the replacement E string they sent S'manth x
  5. I tried the pyramid and had two E strings unravel on me! I now play thunderbrowns and love them! S’manth x
  6. Then I shall include that in the gear I bring (It is rather lovely, tho in no way back friendly!) S'manth x
  7. Awesome!!! In my diary and I'll be there! Will there be tee-shirts? (Please let there be tee-shirts!) @cetera - Charvel 3B, ESP Surveyor '87, Fender FSR PJ Precision, Hamer Impact, Italia Imola, Spector NS2, Spector Euro, Spector EuroX (Spectorbird), Spector Pulse II, Spector Dimension 4HP, Gallien Krueger 400RB & Legacy800 heads, GenzBenz Neox 2x12 cab @TheGreek - All short scale this year - a @Jabba_the_gut scale 5er, Mini Ray, Short scale P bass @Harlequin74 - Zoot Performer, Status Shark, Spector QV4 , Markbass TTE501 and Matching CAB. Maybe the Lehle Basswitch… @Frank Blank - @Jabba_the_gut short scale fretted and fretless, JMJ Mustang, QSC K12.2, Grace Design Alix @TrevorR - Mk 1 Wal, Wal Pro IIE, Aria SB700, Frankenjazz, pedals and MarkBass LMII & Traveler 2x10 @bnt - travelling light, probably a couple of pedals such as T-Rex Diva Drive, Orange KongPressor @bass_dinger - 1999 Washburn XB500, 1994 Washburn XB500, Washburn XB925 in zebrawood, Washburn XB925 in bits, Boulder Creek 5 string (likely to be for sale, SWR Workingmans 12. @greentext- 2008 Spector NS4-H2, 2015 Sandberg VS4, 2000 Trace Elliot T-Bass, my pedalboard and my tin of picks 😈 @prowla- Probably a couple of Rickenbackers and some interesting oddities. Amp-wise a Markbass EVO and a 1x12 (last year I bought some others to try and never switched them on, as the EVO sounded spot-on). @SuperSeagull- Status S2, Feline P Bass, Modded Fender Lyte, Flea Jazz, MB Combo @Merton - various short and medium scale ACGs, Zoots and Conway basses, Barefaced cabs, modern Trace Elliot amps @MacDaddy Shuker (probably no3), Snapdragon Folding Bass, possibly a Rob Allen Mouse. @neilp - matching pair of fretted and fretless 1980 Aria SB1000s, possibly my fretless Wal mk1, Ashdown ABM500/Ampeg 4x10, Tech 21 Bass Fly Rig @NickD - Strunal Schonbach 5 String DB, and whatever else I can shoehorn in the car around it... hopefully a MD CMD121 H, Zoom B6, and maybe a Maruszczyk Jake and a Shuker Series 2. @walman - converted Wal Pro, Zon Legacy Elite, Status S2, G&L L2500 fretless, McMillen 12Step & DSI MoPho, Two Notes Bass Revolt, Trondheim Audio SkarBassOne, BackBeat2 (and my BackBeat1 will probably be available for sale). Darkglass Microtubes500 and one of the Barefaced cabs. All depends how late I leave and what will fit in the new car 🚙 😁 @Smanth With my small, light, battery powered gear (mostly) ... IBBY-Ibanez GSRM25 5 str sub short scale, 'ELIMA - Kala California 5 str fretless ubass, QUINN- HB 5 Str Fretless, MOD Dwarf based pedalboard, Boss Dual Cube Bass LX. (Also some toys to sell) Gear that doesn't need mains, 12 inch fretting stretch or a strong back! S'manth x
  8. As @Frank Blank says these are amazing tuners! (Mostly because of the accuracy ... but also many folks just do not like stroboscope tuners so I never got requests to borrow and hence lose mine!) And a fantastic price ... I'd snap it up if I didn't already have two! GLWTS! S'manth x
  9. Oooh! With a new job feeding my bank account a bit more and moving back into my own flat in a month or so I see making one of these looming in my future! Tho I do need to figure out how to drive it using a battery powered amp ... S'manth x
  10. A fair point, but the MS-60B does (Based on experiments I've done controlling it from a laptop) and there are several online examples where the MS-70CDR does as well. S'manth x
  11. Sorry, @tauzero I cannot see any thing obvious (but it is a configuration I've not tried) what @rwillett suggests sounds sensible (and I concur with his view of you tech skills) S'manth x
  12. All my ubasses came with an active piezo, I did have a passive piezo on a tenor uke once and it's output level was super low. Is your ubass active? (And if so is the battery nice and fresh)? S'manth x
  13. Yes. That is how I've got it setup at present. The USB cable carries power from the Dwarf and also MIDI. S'manth x
  14. I agree in part Macs are expensive, but my experience is that they last longer (A friend of mine is retiring their Macbook Air ... after 15 years!). I use a Windows machine at work, dual monitor, not quite state of the art hardware, it is not bad ... but my three year old Macbook runs rings around it! And I do love the MacOS UI and the underlying *ix OS ... after nearly 30 years working on various systems from CPM to Windows I have found "Once you go Mac you;ll never go back" ... but I accept not all feel the same. S'manth x
  15. Well, that was a fiddle!  I've two locks on my flat door, when I go out I only ever lock the bottom mortice lock so I only carry that key; the top lock is a cylinder lock outside with a hand turn knob inside ... I use that when I'm in the flat so I can always get out the door without needing a key (A lesson I learned from my fire!).


    So I get home today and the top lock is ... locked! 😱

    (Not sure why ... one cannot open the top handle if it is locked so it wasn't that ... I can only imagine when I left this morning I was drowsy and unthinkingly turned the knob on the way out ... or it somehow locked itself when I pulled the door too!)

    Call to my local friend who has a spare set ... I never gave her a top lock key.

    Brief attempt to McGuyver it open using a paperclip ... not surprisingly unsuccessful.

    Phoned my landlady who lives about 30min drive away ... who happened to be just around the corner, popped into estate agent to get spare keys and then let me in ... PHEW!!!


    Lesson learned ... NEVER going out again without BOTH keys!

    1. TheGreek


      Been there. I've locked myself out several times.


      Now I have spare keys with 2 of my neighbours and I have theirs. Keys have been exchanged both ways on more than one occasion  - obviously only do this with people that you trust ( or get a big dog).

    2. SamIAm


      Or a rather large cat! lol

    3. 2pods


      I'll loan you one 

      It will stop him furring up my guitar case




  16. Nods, from my initial forrays into Mixing Station it seems more complex to setup ... but it seems that it can lead to an easier to use system ... and as you say, to allow iPhone usage it is the best (only?) route. S''manth x
  17. I bought an XR-18 here on BC a while back, used it in anger for the first time at an open mic about 3 weeks ago. Performed to perfection! The mixer was at the side of the stage so no super long XLR cables were needed. All controlled over WiFi (via an external WiFi hub connected, the built in WiFi is near useless) from an iPad and my iPhone. Control was really not bad, tho I've sprung the huge £5 or so to get the mixing station app https://mixingstation.app/ I've yet to fully set it up, but it is much more customisable than the x-air app. S'manth x
  18. It is like herding cats! lol S'manth x
  19. One of my favorite bands ... sad news! S'manth x
  20. More buttons than you ask for but this unit is quite good, rechargeable and wireless to boot and low cost.
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