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Rich last won the day on March 7

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About Rich

  • Birthday 09/04/1965

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    Wurzel Country

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  1. Had a bit of an eye-opener on a bass-oriented Farcebook group this morning. My god, there are some selfish c**ts in this world.

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    2. Daz39


      No, you are not being selfish or indeed wrong,  but you appear to have committed the cardinal sin of showing empathy towards a marginalised group and are therefore destroying EVERYONE ELSE's personal freedoms, ruining their fun etc. It's the same with pointing out that Fireworks are a bit overdone these days outside organised events, or that you don't agree that there are too many woke adverts about these days or anything that requires some people to give up a tiny bit of something to improve the experience of a much larger group.

      If I were a magical deity, like Q perhaps, I'd happily gather these fools at a gig and then subject them to weapons-grade intensity strobe lighting, whack the PA volume up to 12 and see how they get on. Nobs. 

    3. hiram.k.hackenbacker


      Pick yourself up @Rich, the world is full of these morons unfortunately. They should absolutely be challenged, but I’d refuse to further than that as it’s a waste of time and effort. Nothing you can type will change the idiot gene. FWIW, I don’t suffer from epilepsy, but they give me a blinding headache and I rather not go to a show that features strobes excessively. There is so much more that can be done with lighting these days without resorting to them. Ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

    4. Rexel Matador

      Rexel Matador

      I made the mistake of posting in a discussion on facebook exactly once. Never again.

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