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Rich last won the day on March 7

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About Rich

  • Birthday 09/04/1965

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    Wurzel Country

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  1. Had my 'growth talk' at work yesterday. A sort of career progression thing that must be really handy for the younger engineers especially.

    Boss's first question (admittedly with his tongue firmly in his cheek): "So Rich, where do you see yourself in 5 years..?"

    Me: "Retired."

    Boss: "Want to expand your skillset? Anything you'd like to do in the meantime?"

    Me: "Exactly what I'm doing now will suit me fine, ta."

    End of talk. :)  

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. acidbass


      I personally enjoy being challenged in my work - I'm always fearful of stagnation and boredom.  Each to his own :)

    3. Daz39


      Yeah - 2 of my 3 minions are in similar positions: one is 60something and happy to plod on, the other is my age (late 40s and is fine with being an expert at his middlish sort of level).


    4. prowla


      I tend to find these HR box-ticking exercises tiresome.

      I'm doing what I do, it's the right mix of interesting, challenging, routine, inventive, procedural, ad-hoc, variety, and fulfillment for me; I don't need to fill in forms to say so.

      Setting goals and suchlike are an irrelevance; if the business gets to the point where they don't need me then they'll ditch me and if I decide it's time then I'll move on.

      I've been working in pretty much the same niche for years and have no desire or ambition to be "promoted" or chase any other perceived progression or career path.

      I'm happy in my lane and have no plans to retire.

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