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Everything posted by lobematt

  1. Just been doing a bit of reading on the Wal history as I thought the company had stopped making basses, managed to catch myself up on what was going on but also stumbled across this which I found hilarious...
  2. Has anyone got any transcriptions for anything off this album? (Except Power!)
  3. I'm using the sansamp at the minute and loving the tone alothough I would like to upgrade to the version with the extra button as I wanted this one for a boost but end up leaving the pedal on pretty much all the time because the tone is so tasty
  4. [quote name='mart' post='1237094' date='May 19 2011, 04:53 PM']and after: and several more [url="http://forum.warwick.de/17-rockbass/13065-great-rockbass-renovation-project.html"]here[/url][/quote] Nice! Reminds me of my favourite Thumb (which I can't insert the pic of but trust me it looks the same haha) Did you take the original gloss finish off or just primer straight over? Because if that was an option then it would save a lot of sanding!!
  5. Nice one for all the tips, this is a pic of the bass I wanna refin by the way It's one I'm buying off this forum, will be picking it up next month. Anyone got any before and after pics of refins they've done?
  6. [quote name='mart' post='1237013' date='May 19 2011, 03:50 PM']Yep, that's probably true. Although a bass that's "white with a hint of rose" would probably go down very well with the ladeez [/quote] Haha you may have a point! Difficult to get the matched headstock I wanna give it as well haha. So just a LOT of sanding then? For respraing does it matter which type of paint you use?
  7. I'm not too fussy and have no spraying experience, the colour I'm thinking of changing is red into white so if I don't take it all off will it take hundreds of coats of white to make sure it isnt looking pink...
  8. How would I go about stripping a bass? One of the tough ones, not sure what its called, but a colour with a clear coating. Is it chemical, heat, sanding or a mixture of them all? And also how hard is it to get a good looking solid colour put back onto it?
  9. Did you end up putting the fuzz switch in?
  10. As a Warwick player who's recently got his first Fender Jazz, trust me, your going to want both!
  11. Yo!! Let's get some more scousers on the forum!
  12. [quote name='The Burpster' post='1062709' date='Dec 18 2010, 06:06 PM']From this post I can only assume that you are not really after a back up at all and have GAS for something different. Surely if you are using Warwicks and you want a [u]back up[/u], I'm wondering why you would be looking anywhere else.....? If had a main 'stage axe' (which incidently WOULD be a Warwick) then I'd want another set up pretty damn similar as a back up - not something completely different. [/quote] I do love my wicks but I just want a different sound for my work band as its all covers and fairly mainstream I want a pretty mainstream sounding bass like a P or J. Because it's just for the work band thats why I'm setting myself a fairly low budget.
  13. black man - I play a warwick corvette and fortress at the min and have owned a rockbass. Great basses but not really what I'm after this time. chris b - that was my back up plan
  14. I need to buy a back up bass for my function band. Ideally I'd like the DJ Lakland or something similar but I need something for under £300 if possible as money is tight at the minute! I'm thinking about the Squier Deluxe Jazz V [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/squier-deluxe-jazz-bass-v-active-black/31221"]http://www.gak.co.uk/en/squier-deluxe-jazz...ive-black/31221[/url] Has anybody had any experience with this bass? I've played one unplugged in a shop a long time ago and remember being quite impressed with the neck played but can't comment on the sound. Also any other suggestions at basses to look at? Must be 5 string, fretted, jazz/p type sound, hopefully <£300 Thanks!
  15. Hey everyone, I stay pretty quiet on the forums (usually skulking around the basses/FX for sale) but I thought you might like to hear our new EP, Cogs. It's up for free download at www.eighthdayarmy.bandcamp.com We got a little feature on the Warwick website too, hope you enjoy!
  16. I'm selling this for a friend, if I had the money it wouldn't have made it onto the forums! Here we have my beautiful Fender P-Bass - an eighteenth birthday present which I’m ashamed to say has been often admired but little played to its full capability. This is the special edition version. It uses a split-coil pickup with white covers and a 2-band EQ with an active/passive toggle switch to give it an incredibly dynamic sound. With a simple flick of the switch, you can change the entire range of your sound making it one of the most flexible and versatile bass guitars around. It keeps itself in tune very nicely and rarely requires attention aside from the odd battery change for the active pickups! Manufactured in the United States, it’s dated between 1979-1981 (as per the serial number), but being special edition I’d suggest we’re looking 1980. Beautifully finished in an Ocean Turquoise colour, it has a fast, easy maple fretboard. It’s in really good condition overall with no major blemishes or scars despite its 30 years history. Included with the sale is its own Fender hard case lined with rich red velvet. I’d have to say that this is one of the finest musical instruments I’ve ever played and I sorely regret having to put it on sale, but redundancy is on the cards and it’s a stunning luxury that I can no longer afford to keep.. Produced in the best location, during one of the greatest decades for Fender bass guitars, it really is true to say that they don’t make them like this anymore. If you want any further information, or have any questions, please feel free to ask.]
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