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Everything posted by lobematt

  1. nobody got any gems of wisdom for me?
  2. I want to upload some youtube vids. I've got access to a pretty decent studio setup, 24 track mixer, good DI, good mic, anda computer running cubase. The only video recorder I have though is my iPhone... What is the minimum you need video wise to get a decent looking video? And can you sync the two together on cubase? Thanks!
  3. [quote name='Clarky' post='1288049' date='Jun 30 2011, 05:52 PM']Other than Reissues, Fender stopped making stacked knob Jazzes in '62 (ish). Individual volume and tone for each knob, whereas the subsequent (and more enduring) three knob control plate allows you to mix the volumes with one knob (at the expense of only having one tone control). So if you like a stacked knob jazz its either (a) you like the retro nature of the bass or (b ) you are a vintage collector or (c ) you prefr the control arrangement. Most I guess like it because of point (a).[/quote] or (d) it looks cooler
  4. [quote name='fender' post='1288557' date='Jul 1 2011, 08:06 AM']That's the 1005 you are thinking of which is insane money, IMHO. I've never played one but if I had 3 grand, I don't think the 1005 would be on my shopping list. I managed to pick up a 105, which was Korean made and has the ash body, natural finish and the single Bart pickup and pre. It retailed about £800. They were dropped in 2005 I think in favour of the 1005 and the 35. I missed the chance to buy one of the last 105's at the gallery and ended up buying this 35. There is nothing wrong with the 35, it's served me very well. But the 105 is a better sound for me mainly because of the pickup.[/quote] Ah, thanks!!
  5. Nice! I'd change two of the knobs to match the other two as well, always thought that looked a bit weird...
  6. [quote name='fender' post='1286932' date='Jun 29 2011, 08:41 PM']Thanks for the bump, I agree, its a great sound, plenty of Mwahh. I'm only selling because I managed to find a GWB105.[/quote] Just out of interest is the difference between the two basses worth the massive price jump?
  7. I watched that last night actually! You can still see it on 4OD, its called Four Rooms.
  8. I watched that last night actually! You can still see it on 4OD, its called Four Rooms.
  9. [quote name='mike_zimmerman' post='1276250' date='Jun 20 2011, 07:42 PM']Not everyone is particularly tech-savvy or into communicating via email. Also, for those who don't spend a lot of time in front of a computer, it can take a lot longer than "a minute" to reply to an email. A phone call is generally much quicker and easier to respond to.[/quote] But by the sounds of it he hasn't had any of those either.
  10. I doubt very much he's working solidly 24 hours a day and it only takes a minute to email a customer.
  11. I'm in the market for some sort of custom and would love to buy from a UK builder and Shuker's poor communication has completely put me off using them. I think if your gonna put a lot of money into a bass the least the builder can do is reply to your emails!
  12. Scary stuff! My first bike instructor scared me away from open face helmets for that very reason.
  13. I've got 5 at the minute... 2x5 strings Warwicks, one fretted one fretless for my proggy band 2x4 string jazz basses, one fender one bitsa for my covers band and a 5 string bitsa jazz tuned E-C and thats for ermmm well its pretty and it was a good price
  14. What did you go for in the end and how does it sound??
  15. What did you go for in the end and how does it sound??
  16. [quote name='Scoop' post='824301' date='Apr 30 2010, 06:39 PM']The first ACG I got has a spalted scottish beech top and a spalted maple board. It's a bit too busy for a lot of people's tastes but I love it to bits. [url="http://img255.imageshack.us/i/img3233jh0.jpg/"][/url] [url="http://img255.imageshack.us/i/img3234ww4.jpg/"][/url][/quote] I'm not to keen on the top on that one but I love the FB!
  17. [quote name='Linus27' post='1260714' date='Jun 8 2011, 08:37 AM']Yes, that is exactly what I'm after but fretless [/quote] They do come fretless don't they?
  18. Oh yeah! Didn't even notice until you pointed it out!
  19. Did you use any chemicals to get the thick finish off or just a lot of sanding?
  20. [quote name='mikhay77' post='1254676' date='Jun 2 2011, 10:02 PM']Everyone is skint at the mo.What a pisser! lol[/quote] Yeah man, maybe just keep hold of it for a year until you can get a better price?
  21. [quote name='mikhay77' post='1253815' date='Jun 2 2011, 12:36 PM']Cant believe this hant sold! 700 quid for a rare,good looking warwick![/quote] Me neither!! If I had the money I'd definitely take it off you
  22. How long where they out of action for?
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