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Everything posted by bremen

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  2. [quote name='ashevans09' post='118237' date='Jan 10 2008, 11:07 PM']I'm looking for something that could deal with an amp here [/quote] I might have misunderstood the meaning of 'an amp' - do you mean an ampere or an amplifier? the link I posted is good for an ampere but as others have said if it's a bass amplifier you'll need a lot more.
  3. [quote name='ashevans09' post='118237' date='Jan 10 2008, 11:07 PM']Anyone know a good online place to buy quality 240/120 step down transformers? Or a national chain of stores that stock them? I'm looking for something that could deal with an amp here Thanks, Ash[/quote] [url="http://tinyurl.com/2spbr6"]http://tinyurl.com/2spbr6[/url]
  4. [quote name='Beedster' post='118404' date='Jan 11 2008, 11:06 AM']Hi mate Yes, Warmoth neck are stunning, as I remarked when I played yours. It's certainly an option, the only potential problem being one of aesthetics: new maple on old sunbust would look somewhat odd (I know 'cos I've tried). I have certainly considered buying a vintage Fender baseball bat neck from the US, but they can come in very expensive and there is the ever present risk that they are not quite as good as the seller suggests. Cheers Chris[/quote] Indeed, mine looks very squeaky-clean! They do a 'vintage tint' though, maybe a combination of that and lending it to a heavy smoker for a couple of months? or pickle it in PG Tips? good luck anyway.
  5. [quote name='Beedster' post='118385' date='Jan 11 2008, 10:34 AM']OK, this is a long shot and probably not going to happen. I bought about three months ago the beautiful '75 Precision below (maple board). ... Chris[/quote] I know I'm incapable of posting without using the word 'warmoth', but you've played my Warmoth P, why not get one of their P necks? As baseballbatty as they come, and you can always put the slim neck back on if you decide to sell the bass. I'll buy the Warmoth neck from you should that be the case.
  6. I've just bought a mixer - only it's in Newcastle and I'm in East Anglia. Wouldn't it be a great coincidence if someone living in Newcastle had just bought a bass cab from an Ebayer in Cambridge?
  7. [quote name='gilmour' post='116999' date='Jan 9 2008, 02:10 PM']I'm off down the chemists then ! I think I'm getting there, slowly but surely, I've only just found out that for the last 10 years I've been using a 4ohm and 8ohm cab together (apparently a big no no), what can I say I was young and foolish back then [/quote] Why is that a no-no? If both cabs have identical sensitivity, the 8 ohm cab is only going to be 3dB quieter than the 4, and consensus seems to be that 3dB here or there isn't worth bothering about.
  8. [quote name='charic' post='117006' date='Jan 9 2008, 02:15 PM']Oh and if the kickdrums mic'd make sure to remove 200-400hz imo Wot ne of u guys think?[/quote] If the kickdrum is mic'd, gate it. And don't just bung it in the middle of the drum, position it on a stand just outside the drum. Otherwise it'll all be horrible booming indistinct noise mixed up with lots of bass guitar.
  9. [quote name='16Again' post='116986' date='Jan 9 2008, 01:41 PM']All this for £183 item 270191425214[/quote] Neo-Brutalist! I wonder how it hangs? as the bishop said to the other bishop...
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  11. [quote name='Perry' post='116805' date='Jan 9 2008, 09:45 AM']If we had an ideal world we would spend small fortunes on out basses and amps. But, would the crowds notice the difference, if they did, would it really be worth it? As a mobile disco DJ I've used good gear and crap gear. The results are pretty much the same. I've had good and not so good gigs with both.[/quote] I thought not, but recently I've had comments from non-musicians who have noticed stuff like being able to separate instruments from the noise, and even commenting on lyrics; there's no way to hear the words if the sound isn't pretty good.
  12. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='115570' date='Jan 7 2008, 05:01 PM']One of my favourite bass images..... [attachment=4693:69574_6526.jpg] What's yours?[/quote] [url="http://mnmedia.musicnation.com/Blog/londoncalling.jpg"]http://mnmedia.musicnation.com/Blog/londoncalling.jpg[/url]
  13. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='115282' date='Jan 7 2008, 10:50 AM']It's a hobby that pays for itself[/quote] hoho - looking at your gear list it looks like you're getting some well-paid gigs! Agreed that covers are great for making you learn other styles, and coping with stroppy audiences. I couldn't wait to quit and do original stuff after a couple of years of cheese though. Anyone playing in a tribute band here? looks like fun as you get paid AND get to choose music that you like playing. My mate here (points) plays in a Johnny Cash band and he loves both the music and the effect it has on audiences.
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  15. [quote name='cris the man' post='113353' date='Jan 4 2008, 08:27 AM']what are the ultimate stage moves?[/quote] Have you seen 'This Is Spinal Tap'?
  16. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='112869' date='Jan 3 2008, 01:23 PM']Depends what you're playing and whether it feels comfortable to you. Fivers to me feel too big and the strings always seem floppier which is no good for the sort of punk and indie covers I gig. Plus, I'm so used to 4s, that it seems odd to try and do something new. I think they're good for soul and heavy metal but they feel a bit strange playing the Clash and Green Day on![/quote] Definitely, wouldn't part with my 5 now but can't thrash and flail at it like I can my 4. I take both to gigs, and the set seems to naturally divide into heavy grooves and punk/indie/rock depending on which instrument I'm playing. I'd prefer not to have to change basses mid-flow and it's been suggested that I should be able to play everything on a 5 but I believe they're quite different instruments.
  17. [quote name='metalmaniac' post='113005' date='Jan 3 2008, 04:15 PM']Ive pretty much decided, thats how the wirings gonna be, im gonna keep the migth mite, serves me fine atm, run everything off one batt, cram everything in the cavity, replace all the current knobs, with concentrics, add the switches, and im gonna try source some purpleheart wood so I can have a pickguard matching the fretboard/neckwood. Just havin a lil trouble findin suppliers now.[/quote] What are you having trouble finding? www.thomann.de are good for concentrics and knobs. farnellinone.com have a huge range of switches. I suggest you email the effects manufacturer for advice about sharing batteries. Should be OK if pickups and effects are both negative ground. Will you wire in a bypass switch so the bass still works if the electronics go tits up in the middle of a gig? good luck!
  18. [quote name='OldGit' post='30792' date='Jul 12 2007, 03:37 PM']Well how about that [url="http://www.film.com/photos/17/15435392"]http://www.film.com/photos/17/15435392[/url] Daniel Radcliffe and Gary Oldman! Wizard![/quote] Chris Morris replaced me in a Cambridge band many years ago. Not only is he much funnier than me, he was a better bass player too. Bastard!
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  20. [quote name='TheRev' post='112927' date='Jan 3 2008, 02:20 PM']A couple of months ago I collected a pair of BFM Omni 10.5s from Thumper ... Any questions? Dave[/quote] yes - did Thumper build them for you, or did he do them for himself and sell them on? I mean, is he in the business of building Bill's designs? and if so, could you share his email? thanks!
  21. [quote name='bremen' post='112566' date='Jan 2 2008, 08:45 PM']Hello! This looks like it'd be good in a 60 litre cabinet...anyone tried it? thanks![/quote] anyone?
  22. [quote name='metalmaniac' post='112834' date='Jan 3 2008, 12:55 PM']However im not quite convinced by this, so.. I think im gonna run a couple of tests with an oscilloscope to work out the tensions to find a conclusive result because this has been bugging me for a while.[/quote] Good man, science is Good. How about if you cut a string at the 12th fret and attach the broken ends to a strain gauge; will there be a lesser tonnage exerted when set up through-body? (I hypothesise not).
  23. [quote name='metalmaniac' post='112368' date='Jan 2 2008, 04:07 PM']From what im told and experience but mostly opinion - through body gives a meatier tone, and higher tension, whereas standard gives a more punchy tone and a standard tension.[/quote] Surely for a string of a given weight and length the tension must be the same to get the same pitch?
  24. [quote name='Beedster' post='112734' date='Jan 3 2008, 09:58 AM']Well, I played my new '79 maple fretless last night... Very interesting, and not what I expected at all (having said this, I haven't A-B'd it on another bass yet so some of my observations might be specific to the bass as opposed to the neck). There is certainly a whole lot of mwah, but there's also a whole lot of bass, even with what appear to be fairly light and newish roundwounds. I was getting the sort of sound on the E and A strings that I associate with my old rosewood P strung with La Bella Deep Talkers, an almost subsonic thump, even at low volume. I'm going to put the maple-boarded neck onto my other fretless P tonight and run a direct comparison of the two necks on the same bass. I want to put a set of Tru Bass on one of them, and had assumed it would be the rosewood. I'm starting to think it might just be on the maple Chris[/quote] oh yeah, I didn't mention it: it has the deepest, heaviest, roundest bottom E I've ever played :-) in other words, if it was a bit newer it'd have a teen age low botttom E (gets coat)
  25. Hello! This looks like it'd be good in a 60 litre cabinet...anyone tried it? thanks!
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