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The Funk

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Everything posted by The Funk

  1. I was going to say something but it's already been said. It's fair to say you like the low end.
  2. Interestingly, no votes for Gibson in the poll. I tried a Gibson Les Paul Standard bass not expecting much of it - I was very, very wrong. Fantastic sound for a great many things. The sound was somewhere between a Jazz and a Musicman (which could be a completely useless description). I've also previously tried a vintage EB3, Jack Bruce-style, and one of those semi-acoustics a la Jack Cassidy. Big, big sound. Precision-y but rounder and less defined. Anyway, I don't actually own or play one. Just surprised noone else on here does.
  3. They've got a white cover with no pole pieces. The different Lace Sensor pickup models are named after various different colours. The Golds are supposed to sound like '50s Strat pickups. £40 is a good price for the set, seeing as you can pay around that figure for each of the 3 pickups individually (I think).
  4. 6 months would be too long a break though. If you're in the US you should see if you can get out playing a bit. Leave the Warwick here and buy a cheap, beat-up, 19th-hand Fender out there for your trip.
  5. Not a terrible idea, you know. You could get a matte black and a black abalone guard then. I'm surprised none of the tortoiseshell crew have piped up yet.
  6. They're holding the power amp for me for the next two weeks. If I live off toast and walk to and from work for the next six weeks, it should be alright. Someone buy my QSC Power Amp. EDIT: Decided against it. Panic buying Eden bass gear. Damn it.
  7. for more space on his maxed-out pedalboard?
  8. Wicked. The top makes it looks like you've got nice binding going around the body. I love that effect.
  9. I wondered why you never see any bass heads on top of Flea's cabs.
  10. [quote name='R,5,R,5...' post='31813' date='Jul 14 2007, 04:29 PM']pray you are touched by the grace of Goines[/quote] Do you reckon he uses that as a chat-up line?
  11. Joe Walsh pulls a pretty weird 'sex face'. But it fits perfectly with what he's playing, so who cares?
  12. Even though my first choice is black abalone, I do like the matte black and black perloid options too. An interesting one could be black smoke mirror. EDIT: Of course, such a thing doesn't exist. What I meant was smoke mirror.
  13. I love the look and sound of a great many basses but the only ones that work for me are Fender Jazzes and Warwicks. The big disappointment for me has been Stingrays (and SUBs). I love the look and the sound on so many classic recordings but they just don't feel (or sound) right - the ones I've tried out anyway. Even the pre-EB ones didn't work for me. I have a funny feeling though that a lot of vintage basses haven't had a string change or set-up since the early 80s. The other big disappointment for me has to be Fender Jazzes with rosewood 'boards and white blocks/binding. That is the ULTIMATE neck in terms of look for me but not a single one I've played has agreed with me. It's weird 'cos I have a Fender Jazz with a rosewood board which sounds great for fingerstyle and a late '70s Fender Jazz with maple neck and blocks/binding - amazing for slap and fingerstyle. Again, the big problem could be the crap strings / lack of a decent set-up.
  14. That's the cool thing about it. You can cover bits of guitar, keys and bass on one instrument.
  15. The briefcase is supposed to be an amp for small gigs, right? Competing against the Gallien-Krueger MB150 and the SWR Baby Blue. Well, when I tried it in the shop it just didn't work for me. But the tone and volume Harambé's bassist got out of his enormous PJB rig was pretty decent. Like I said, just a bit too clean for my taste.
  16. Apparently their Boss clones sound fine but don't last very long.
  17. amo, amas, amat... oh wait, pardon me - my mistake.
  18. This is awful, I'm considering a custom build now. But 4 YEARS? What if I die in the meantime? What happens to it then?
  19. It's actually typically un-British to knock people. That's why some might argue that Britain's not great at anything anymore. And some might argue that's why we have to find a way to compensate. Some might argue the ways in which we compensate include throwing our (limited) weight around on the world stage and overpricing everything. Hence rip-off Britain and lapdog PMs. Go look at all the youtube comments for clips of musicians having a go - it's astounding the levels of criticism people throw around on there. And the majority of those guys are American. There's a good side and a bad side to the competitive streak that we seem to hide away from.
  20. Hehe, lacking a bit of grit for my taste. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't a wimpy sound. Just didn't have any balls.
  21. I did a gig where we were supported by Harambé. Their bassist uses a Phil Jones rig. He scoffed at the idea of just using one rig for the night (ie. sharing my rig or his). Got a very clean sound out of his rig though. Some might say a little too clean.
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