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Everything posted by Bankai

  1. On mine the pickup poles are flush with the pickup body on the E and G strings (normal on A and D). I thought they were all like this or has mine had something done?
  2. Am I allowed to say I don't like the drumming?
  3. Although the guitar in that starter pack does look all nice and shiny like Sorry to rain on your post...
  4. When I started playing bass last year I purposefully didn't want to buy a starter instrument. That meant Encores, Squiers etc. They were all out as far as I was concerned. The reasons for this came from my drumming. I've been drumming over a decade and my first kit was a 1960s beauty. It was worn, it wasn't the best, but the quality was there and that made me want to play. I've seen so many people start the instrument, buy a cheap kit (CB, Percussion Pro etc.) and then get disenchanted with it, and subsequently playing drums at all due to dissatisfaction. And I'm not suprised they do when they have something like that as their introduction. Toneless, hard to play and poor quality. As such, when I decided I'd have a go at playing bass, I'd go out searching for a good piece of kit second hand. In the end I bought a Shine Extreme Series 845, not the best some might say (well, it isn't!) but it's a damn sight better than some starter kit that one could purchase off of eBay for a similiar price. I loved it, I loved the intrument and more importantly, I've stuck with it. So here I am, a year down the line, now with a Fender Jazz and an Ashdown half-stack. My message to parents out there, considering purchasing an instrument for a budding musician (or any older budding musicians who are purchasing for themselves) is to buy second hand. What you get might be a bit road worn but what you/they'll get out if it will make it worth it!
  5. I use a bass drum mic right up against the cabinet and a DI.
  6. I have always been kind of a fan of Rammstein but really like one of their most recent songs. Ich tu dir weh Link here: [url="http://www.visit-x.com/CAMS/US/specials/Rammstein2.html?resolution=low&video=ITDW&track=SpecialsRammstein2"]http://www.visit-x.com/CAMS/US/specials/Ra...cialsRammstein2[/url] (Rather nice if you get past the craziness)
  7. I'll try my best, but it'll take a while!
  8. My mind says yes but my money says no. (Well, unless you're interested in trades...) I'll send you a PM.
  9. I recently purchased my setup to replace my previous amp which was too quiet. I got a Little Giant 350 second hand off here for £150 and a 2x10 compact cabinet new for £150 I am very happy with it. Certainly got enough volume for what I want and not too expensive either.
  10. Might seem a bit wierd but I love the sound coming from Sharlee D'Angelo (Arch Enemy).
  11. The black speakers replaced the blue line drivers they used previously as they reportedly had several problems. If you've got one with the black speakers then consider it an 'upgrade' on performance and a 'downgrade' on looks.
  12. [quote name='daz' post='787310' date='Mar 26 2010, 07:40 PM']Watch it. a lead foot start could put that Hartke head amp through the back window of that Celica! I wish id taken a pic of my Volvo 940 (with boot not hatchback!) with this little lot crammed in it. I won the lot off ebay for £16, consisting of 12 small combo amps and 4 large PA cabs. Worked out at £1 per item!! Pictured below [/quote]
  13. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='788641' date='Mar 28 2010, 04:48 PM']I had a 5 string Shine bass off ebay for £130. Loved it to pieces and was actually the 2nd one I'd had in my bass playing career. Great tone, build and looks for the price. I only got rid of it (begrudgingly) when I upgraded for a £500 Dean Edge pro 5 which is a million times better.[/quote] <---- Don't suppose it was one like this was it? Bought it off 'Footballmerseybird' on eBay about a year ago. Best bass I've ever used!
  14. Yes. Use the FX Send from the Head and put it into the Tuner In on the back of the DTR.
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  16. I only wish I could buy as many drum kits as I can basses. At one point I had two kits set up but now I'm back to one as I was taking up too much space However, I can fit 100 Guitars in my space easily It's just the money that's the problem though...
  17. I live in Epsom I'll have a look at the site and send you a PM.
  18. [quote name='lowdown' post='786282' date='Mar 25 2010, 08:23 PM']And they dont keep telling you what sticks they use. Garry[/quote] We don't always go on about the sticks. I mean I use Vic Firth SD2 Extreme Boleros but you don't hear me yapping about it. [i]wait, hang on...[/i]
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  20. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='784946' date='Mar 24 2010, 06:07 PM'][url="http://www.soundslive.co.uk"]http://www.soundslive.co.uk[/url] is my personal fave. Fantastic service, good prices and a great supply of stock[/quote] I ordered some of my new kit here and was very happy with the service and turnaround times.
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