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Everything posted by cm261

  1. Just popping this here in case anyone's interested, as I certainly was. A site giving details on a very wide range of power supply units, with information on type, isolated outputs, mA capability, mains outlets, and pictures and general notes. Hope someone will find this helpful. [url="http://www.stinkfoot.se/andreas/diy/power/psu.htm"]Here.[/url]
  2. Hang on, that looks a bit good! And only 40 euros? What's the catch here? I'm assuming that the outputs aren't isolated? Anyone own on of these and care to give a run-down/review type thingy? EDIT: There's a bit on it [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=28342"]here[/url] dealing with the maximum current provided by the powerplant, but nothing else, if anyone's interested. doubleEDIT: Have actually found some information, on a site [url="http://www.stinkfoot.se/andreas/diy/power/psu.htm"]here[/url] about a lot of power supplies in general, might be worth a look/bookmark. Will post the link in it's own thread in this section as well, as it may interest quite a few people.
  3. ^ ABSOLUTELY THIS. The buyer pays postage anyway.
  4. Well obviously you have more than the 2 choices of either your current gear or an M9, but if you were to choose between the two there's only going to be one winner - the M9, no offense to your gear. I do like separate stomp boxes however, and can't see myself ever going for a multi-fx like the M9 as my main set up.
  5. As I'm convinced I will buy one from him someday - 3LeafAudio Groove Regulator. You'll have to get it in from America though, but for a brand new pedal the damage isn't actually too bad, as it works out as £145 shipped at the current exchange rate. If you check out some youtube videos you'll see/hear it, especially look out for some of the clever stuff that it can do if you put something in its effects loop, such as a drum machine (or your drummer lol). It's a clone of another pedal by the way.
  6. cm261


    [quote name='lmbalcao' post='686215' date='Dec 16 2009, 12:12 PM']3leaf Groove Regulator 250€[/quote] PM'd re groove regulator pricing.
  7. I bought Dave's MXR Phase 90 and Electro Harmonix Steel Leather pedals. Excellent comms, and recieved the well-packaged pedals less than 24 hours after sending payment, both in great condition. Super smooth transaction, would not hesitate to do business with again Cheers Dave.
  8. [quote name='dumelow' post='736745' date='Feb 5 2010, 10:38 PM']i could afford to spend a bit more i just want to spend as little as i can get away with. im literally going to use it for less than five minutes in a set and dont see any reason to spend a lot. I think ill give the marshall reflector a try theyre pretty well built and go for cheap secondhand.[/quote] Cool, that seems to be the way to go mate
  9. Unfortunately, I don't think you're going to be even nearly satisfied with pedals at that budget. I'd advise you not to waste your money, and go for something of better quality that's going to make you happier, even if it means waiting/saving for a while.
  10. cm261

    All Gone

    [quote name='deej' post='735360' date='Feb 4 2010, 06:23 PM']Taking a while to really shift anything.[/quote] Certainly seems that way, I'm surprised that you havn't had a lot more interest since I last posted. Just got some cash through though, so PM'd Have another bump on me as well.
  11. If you have use for the presets, and are willing to spend that little bit extra, I'd definitely go for the programable BDDI. Will probbaly end up getting on of these myself in the future, though it'll probably turn into a toss up between the PBBDI and the new version of the VT Bass.
  12. [quote name='riff raff' post='732027' date='Feb 1 2010, 06:34 PM']if you're not here to buy then keep on walking son,just keep on walking.....[/quote] Behaving like this really hurts your chances of selling, FYI. I don't speak for everyone, but my interest in dealing with you evaporated immediately upon reading this. Best of luck with the sale.
  13. cm261

    All Gone

    [u]Superbly[/u] presented listing, with some honest comments on the pedals. Have a bump on me, good sir.
  14. [quote name='umph' post='728111' date='Jan 28 2010, 09:03 PM']by cheapest do you mean most expensive?[/quote] Seriously, £220?! [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='728255' date='Jan 28 2010, 11:25 PM']How well did you score on spelling and grammar in your dissertation?[/quote] Also, this.
  15. Hmmmmmm, odd. Change the battery? Grounding problem? Whatever it is, it's definately your one, not BDDIs in general. Mine's on all the time, and doesn't hum, you get a little hiss if you crank the treble or gain all the way up, but that's it.
  16. [quote name='umph' post='726862' date='Jan 27 2010, 08:49 PM']are you handy with a soldering iron? i'm thinking of doing a DIY thread for a blend pedal, they're extremely simple![/quote] That would be cool, umph. EDIT: You're only 21? Why did I think you were much older....
  17. Do a youtube search for demos of the pedal, read reviews (harmony central, for example). Also, wrong forum.
  18. If that's the purple BOD100 or similar then it's actually a pretty decent overdrive pedal, including a blend knob. Bargain for a fiver.
  19. cm261

    All sold!

    [quote name='Roady' post='714776' date='Jan 16 2010, 01:01 PM']ye olde bump :>[/quote] Hah, more like "year old bump". Some delicious pedals here though, good luck.
  20. cm261


    Yep, mine's on 95% of the time, if not more. It won't do fuzz however, it's a preamp/DI/overdrive/EQ pedal, not a fuzz.
  21. [quote name='Finbar' post='712660' date='Jan 14 2010, 03:24 PM']PM'd[/quote] Thankyou kindly, good sir.
  22. [quote name='mildmanofrock' post='710598' date='Jan 12 2010, 09:13 PM']Any takers? Maybe this post is invisible - two other VT Bass pedals sold here in the last couple of days for the same price and more... [/quote] Yeah I noticed that and was very surprised Also, £90 posted for this thing, with the original tin, sample settings, etc.?! This is a steal, surely. Maybe people are getting pretty serious about holding out for the VT Bass Deluxe?
  23. [quote name='Finbar' post='712184' date='Jan 14 2010, 01:30 AM']I got Max to build it for me so it would go right in that gap between the M9 and the VP Jr.[/quote] What was the damage, if you don't mind my asking?
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