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Cat Burrito

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Everything posted by Cat Burrito

  1. [quote name='bh2' post='539297' date='Jul 13 2009, 01:08 PM']Mine of course... [/quote] That is [b]very[/b] cool!
  2. Have you tried the banjo? I've experimented with a few basses over the years but I seem to have settled on P-basses. I've owned up to 12 basses at one time but am now down to 3. My needs are met. My one thought is you get a custom made bass built to your specs. Not cheap but presumably you like aspects of all these basses you've bought? I reckon that's your only real light at the end of the tunnel.
  3. I'm happy to say that I've reached that stage where I don't really care what what the shop assistant thinks of my playing. I think once you get to a certain age you either 1) look like you have money or 2) look like you can put it on a credit card and worry about it later! Therefore I get treated a lot better in shops than I did in my teens and early 20s. I used to hate the way shop assistants played slap for a couple of minutes and then hand it to you. I tend to play unamplified to check each & every note to see what fret buzz there is and then just play a few of the songs I play with the band. My priority is finding a bass that is right for me, not wowing (or not!) some shop assistant who won't be working there next time.
  4. Done too. As a point of interest my dissertation was called "Rock Music: A bastion of conservatism or a force for change?" It's nearly 20yrs old now & the best thing about it was the title. I hope yours fairs better!
  5. Personally I think the link [url="http://www.rockandrollconfidential.com/hall/index.php?page=7"]http://www.rockandrollconfidential.com/hall/index.php?page=7[/url] is a bit mean. Some of those pictures are ok. Bands use walls, railways, forests etc. So what? I don't personally go a bundle on electric guitars being played in fields but each to their own. I wound up going through all of them just in case. None of my old bands are there but most of them could have been.
  6. I'd love one too, just on the strength on what I hear on these pages but it isn't on the cards at this time for me.
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  8. Cat Burrito


    [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='534097' date='Jul 6 2009, 08:01 PM']Nice price...you'll love it [/quote] Arrived today and I think it's a good solid basic tone. For £29 I certainly won't complain!
  9. [quote name='dougal' post='537180' date='Jul 10 2009, 01:05 PM']What sort of music are you going to play on said beast?[/quote] Originals in an Americana / alt.country band - think retro ala Dylan / The Band or modern like Bright Eyes or My Morning Jacket. I'm happy to learn some country / bluegrass stuff as well.
  10. Had you posted 6 days ago I'd have taken this off you but I've just snatched myself an EBay bargain of a different practice amp. I've heard good things about these
  11. I grew up there! Not personally as I'm working but I expect my Dad will be wandering around passing his expert comment on whatever acts he stumbles across (ex pro Jazz drummer and current Jazz bore!)
  12. [quote name='OldGit' post='536941' date='Jul 10 2009, 12:41 AM']+1 on those. Just back from a gig on skinny electric upright and it's hard work compared to a bass guitar but so right for that band.. A lesson with a good upright teacher (well not such an upright guy but a double bass teacher ...) got me started, pre-empted a few problems and was reassuring. The Powerball is good too. I'd not thought of warming down with it. Good idea. Best tip was the chicken wing right hand movement for plucking .. did your DVD cover that? Also it's not wimpy to use two fingers crossed as one to pluck.[/quote] Thanks guys. Is the powerball this? [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NSD-PowerBall-Gyro-250Hz-Amber-Classic-Power-ball-UK_W0QQitemZ130311021753QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Sporting_Goods_Exercise_Fitness_Fitness_Accessories_ET?hash=item1e572464b9&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A15%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C293%3A2%7C294%3A50"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NSD-PowerBall-Gyro-2...%3A2%7C294%3A50[/url] I only ordered the DVD today so I haven't got it yet. Everything has been bluff so far (my wife has fallen for it though). I may well look into lessons (or a lesson at least - there is a credit crunch going on).
  13. Stagg are doing some really good stuff these days and the reputation is changing from what they had a few years ago. If it's a first one I really would urge you NOT to buy online or at Argos... Try before you buy. Owning an instrument is hugely personal and it should feel right when you hold it, even if you can't play. Go to a few shops and have a look. Best of luck
  14. Finally after a 15yr wait, I've got a bass to be proud of! My wife agreed I could get one in 1994 & finally the time was right for me to pick one up. I've been warned about tendinitis & I have to say having played it all afternoon my forearms are a little tender already! What one piece of useful advice would have helped you in your road to learning? I've had no double bass lessons & have done little more than pick up a cheap Idiots Guide DVD on EBay. I hope you all like the pictures... they don't do it justice!!!!
  15. The MIM Classic Series are a lot of bang for your buck! I love CIJ / MIJ but the MIM Classics are awesome too
  16. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='535178' date='Jul 7 2009, 09:57 PM']you're talking about Uk companies that import MIJ/CIJ fenders into the UK, The question is more about why Fender the company try and keep most japanese made stuff inside Japan. EDIT: that seems a bit dismissive and rude. sorry, wasnt meant to be I've had two jap fender basses. A CIJ '57 RI and my '82 JV Squier. Both better than anything Ive played in any of the shops round here from the MIA/MIM ranges..[/quote] Yeah got that. It was just something recent that really annoyed me. I've been playing MIJ Fender for 20yrs and was just a little disheartened with the poor service. Back to the real matter at hands people!
  17. I contacted MIJ Fenders with a view to buying (spoke with him & everything). Credit card ready to do it. Never rang me back. Very poor customer service. So I bought a USA. I've got 2 CIJs and they are awesome. You got to keep the customer feeling valued though. Interestingly I had the same with another CIJ company too. Poor show
  18. I opted for a 15w little Kustom combo from EBay in the end.... at £29 & as new I thought it'd do the job. It's only for messing around after all
  19. Cat Burrito


    [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='504230' date='Jun 2 2009, 09:27 PM']I have a KBA-16 COMBO. I got it when I part exchanged my old peavey TNT combo (that peavey was so crap) Anyway this Kusto is good, and loud and handles 5 string ok too. I think a metal bass player (Trivium??) has an endorsement with Kustom, so they can't be too bad.. [/quote] I too just picked up this amp on EBay for £29. The endosements seem to come from a lot of metal players & a lot of country players too. I don't suppose they are endorsing my £29 bargain but I'm sure it'll be fine
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  21. I think there's more choice than ever before with ALL musical kit. That said, I just feel comfortable with a Fender P-bass. It suits my style, my tastes & my influences. That's just me though
  22. I used to just use a 1mm cheap whatever was available but I'm almost exclusively fingers now. I have one bass intro to one song where I need to cut through a little more so I use a pick there & I tend to revert to plan A again for that. If I play guitar I'm much more fussy. Perhaps because it's a 30 second intro I'm not so worried about slippage etc - it's just job done and discard!
  23. Anymore thought? Anyone? Surely more people have used a practice combo? I've been searching the threads and saw a girl raving about a cheap Eden 15W amp & a few people knocking Ashdown (which surprised me actually) but that's about it. My urgency for this has changed but I will be picking one up slow time now. I have my main amp, I have the PA so it really is just something small for acoustic jams were we don't need to mic the vocals. Cheers
  24. My Mum's family are (were!) all from that area and we used to travel up to see my Grandparents in South Shields in the 70s & 80s. I used to LOVE JG Windows (got my first instrument there in 1988). The shops were all great and I see a lot of online companies are from that area. As a personal view Newcastle is the rock n roll capital of Great Britain. Forget Tin Pan Alley & it's over-priced attitude - this place is the real deal!
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