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Everything posted by bubinga5

  1. Was watching Andrew Gouche on you tube and he seems to have total control of the instrument, it must be great to have total mind/instrument connection!! My question is, has anyone on BC got to this level of playing that they dont think about the physicalities? of playing, but can play what your mind and ears want you to play!? I can improvise over chord progressions, but this guy is something else.!!! I tell my self that its about the music i write as a whole, not the single element..which i soo believe!! My Holly grail is this connection , as im sure it is to all you guys/girls....practice practice practice hey!!! Of course im sure these guys work around progressions they know?? Andrew..
  2. [quote name='cheddatom' post='241525' date='Jul 17 2008, 09:30 AM']I think cubase is easy enough to learn if you are patient. I'm not sure about the hardware you've chosen. What are you going to be recording?[/quote] Will be recording Bass, Organ, Semi Acoustic Guitar. Prob record drums in a studio, then record the rest on top of that..I noticed that there are two Cubase, one less expensive than the other??? Another Q, if i use cubase do i need a digital mixing desk, as in the Yamaha N8, if not what do i use to plug instruments into?? I know i could use a DI box, but i would like the option of playing through multi channels...
  3. Hey people..Im im shortly going to buy some recording equipment, and was thinking a Yamaha N8, this is in a package deal with cubase. I dont have alot of experience using this program(or any for that matter) is it easy to use/learn.....am i better off starting with something more simple. I have tried to find a demo but to no avale..To be honest im new to recording..Have come into some money so i thought i would set myself up.. Then again i dont want to buy equipment i dont know how to use!!! Any advice???
  4. [quote name='urb' post='238236' date='Jul 12 2008, 10:27 PM']Yes I'm a massive fan of this stuff - Gene Perez rules! I've jammed along to this stuff for years now - and MAW's remixes actually make great listening too with loads of additional parts added - especially on the bass - Perez's b-lines are supremely cool - busy but always grooving. Good shout. M[/quote] Thanks URB for letting me know about Gene Perez!! its nice to know whos playing. I recently met Jonathan Maron from Groove Collective,who is an amazing bass player.. He said he used to practice to this sort of funky house..Also when you mix Gospel which house you get Andrew Gouche..I say no more.!!!! !!!! Can you let me know more about Gene Perez URB..
  5. [quote name='Josh' post='238204' date='Jul 12 2008, 09:30 PM']Any videos or links at all man?[/quote]Erm.. no. but listen to any Masters at Work and you shall see
  6. Hey people does anyone listen to house??? Chicago garage especially........Was listening to some house music today and was digging the bass playing..Im not talking judge jules or stuff like that, this was Masters at Work and Marshall Jefferson, Frankie Knuckles..The groove was amazing, and REAL bass playing. Im a big fan of Masters at Works cuts of Incognitos stuff..I couldnt tell you who was playing but it was bad ass!! Any one dig?
  7. ive always thought of it as posh funk..its in its best form when they keep it simple like rodgers and edwards did it. Forbiden lover...WOW.. +1 Lois Johnson,thay guy can compose a bass line!! Crown Heights affair rock too!!
  8. [quote name='bassjamm' post='237355' date='Jul 11 2008, 02:56 PM']I wouldn't dis-regard Mike Lull basses either mate, i've played them next to the Sadowsky's and the Lull's did it for me more than the Sadowsky's!!! Both are cracking though!!![/quote] Yeah bassjam ive been thinking about Lull basses but im not sure about the price???? Do they do an affordable range like Sadowsky? Also been drooling over Pensa basses!!
  9. Hey everyone..I have been mulling over the various Sadowsky Metro range and am interested in one of the 5 strings. Does anyone have any playing experience of the UV70 5 string. As it is a short scale bass, does this effect the B string??? Or i was looking at a Modulus Jazz, but i dont know if they do a 5 string?? Anyone??
  10. [quote name='Mike Brooks' post='230519' date='Jul 1 2008, 01:51 PM']A Physical Presence (Live Album) - Level 42[/quote] Uhh,, Mike Brooks of BGM??
  11. wow some l42 fans on hear!!! anything earlier????
  12. Hey people can anyone recommend the best slap bass album by certain artists. Im talking lots of slapbass lines.. Lois Johnson, L Graham..??
  13. [quote name='NJE' post='230317' date='Jul 1 2008, 09:39 AM']hello all, I have been playing my warwick 5 constantly over the past few months, and despite my musicman being one of the loveliest basses to play it just doesnt really do anything for me anymore sound wise. I have fancied a jazz type bass for a while, and at the moment I am really GAS-ing for a Elrick Jazz. There are a couple around second hand at the moment and was just wondering if anyone had any experience of any elrick basses, not just the Jazz? I dont think anywhere in the UK has them which is a bit of a problem. I am seriously thinking about ordering one from the states but it would be blind which is a concern, and I dont have the cash to fly over and try one which would be the ideal solution. Any information would be great. Many thanks, Nathan[/quote] Hi Nathan..I also have been gassing for a 5 string Elrick jazz, but have the same problem of not playing one...I have read reviews on harmony central, and seen clips on you tube of the Evolution. But alas this is not enough. I need to play one for myself..I think this is really important, as basses can be SOO different.... There was a elrick jazz for sale in the for sale section..I suppose all you can do is ask someone politely who has one, if you could try it out...Oh well i will just have to plump for a Sadowsky!!!!
  14. Hey people.. after much deliberation i have got it down to one of two basses that i will shortly buy,, I have played neither!!! What would you guys choose?? Sadowsky MS5 or Lakland 55-02....If any one has any other basses i should consider, please tell.....
  15. WOW..i love this bass!!! If you dont mind me asking how much did it all cost. Did you import it from the states???? Thanks.
  16. Defunkt are an old band, way back from 1977, who have worked with Meshell ndegeocello, Prince, Larry Graham, Talking Heads, you probably think they are cliched because they are doing old stuff. As for the tightness,maybe they are having a bad day? In fact they were the archetypal band, of funk in the seventies.....IMHO of course..
  17. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='227525' date='Jun 26 2008, 05:25 PM']yeah it sounds really sloppy to me, but she's got a great looking bass is it an F bass? I'm just guessing that from the body (bass) shape[/quote] Sloppy?? maybe its because my pc is not that loud.. The bass is an Elrick by the way.. I like the music, reminds me of Maceo Parker, but erm..not as good... Whats the beef with this band??
  18. Yeah im digging this band of great musicians..And Julian,..well what can i say!!! Would like to go, but live miles from London!! Kiwi you may have heard of these, but if not they are well worth getting...Raw Stylus, who arent together any more,( i think) but there only album is worth getting.. Also The Rebirth, these are a fantastic band from New York, one of my favorite albums.. Just spreading the soul..
  19. I work for an Electrical wholesaler and can get 10 9v batts for 5 squid... Any one want any batteries!!
  20. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='222989' date='Jun 20 2008, 03:07 PM']This one is at the GAllery in Camden for £1400 (no, its not mine). Real looker. [url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/seijazz5quilt.html"]http://www.thebassgallery.com/seijazz5quilt.html[/url][/quote]WOW, that bloody nice!!! thanks for the suggestions. Keep em coming..
  21. Hey people, some money has come my way, so im in the market for a new 5 string, my budget is £1400.00. I was thinking maybe Lakland?? What are the best instruments with the best B string out there. Im hoping for a long list so i can salivate over them!! Thanks in advance...
  22. [quote name='birdy' post='221157' date='Jun 18 2008, 09:54 AM']I just added to this thread as I didn't think my comment warranted a new one but just to let you all know that I bought a bass from www.bassandbeyond.com and had great customer service. The place was recommended to me by Tom Bowlus from Talkbass and the guy I dealt with, Jim, did me a good deal and took a hit on the shipping as well. Worth considering if you are looking to buy from the States. Steve[/quote]Thanks steve, this is usefull. When u say he took a 'hit' on the shipping, what did thy mean? Sorry dont know this street jive!!!
  23. "I couldn't care less about not being able to slap" Maybe you should, learning things that you dont usually do, or dont want to do, some times opens up different avenue's in your playing that you wouldnt expect...Play as many different styles as you can..Mikey may have been correct in saying that you may be sh*t hot, but you cant see it.. Do you know, or can you watch any other players who have been playing the same amount of time as you?? At the end of the day i wouldnt get too worried about how many different techniques you can pull off because a band you admire are doing them...some of the best bass players i know dont know dont know any techniques..slap tapping, nowt. there just very musical..and that came from listening and being patient.... I know how you feel, i been there. Try different musical styles and approaches. And also get a good teacher.(i think this is really important) They will help structure everything, so your learning will improve and grow!! Good luck!!
  24. Oh, just found this if any one interested. www.bassbacke
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