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Everything posted by TheButler

  1. Whilst i love the bass, i am still young and naive and want to continue my quest for 'that' sound. The band are doing increasingly well; we've got a UK tour in a month and an album primed for release. However, as things move along i'm hoping its now time for me to make a more personal mark upon that sound. I've hopefully taken care of the amplification side of things, but now want to focus on the bass. The P-Bass is, as i'm sure you all know, a bit of a one-trick pony. This one is no exception. I'm not going to dupe anyone under the false pretense that this can sound like anything other than a bloody nice P-Bass, because it can't - simple as that. It does what it does blindly well. Indeed, I really do love everything about this bass, but unfortunately i'm not in the circumstances to buy more basses to fill the tonal gaps that it inevitably leaves. The perfect scenario would be to buy another bass, but i can't justify that right now due to the amount of money i am putting out for all matters of things. I would love to buy more P-basses, but only i had something else to bridge the gap between sounds. Had i never owned a Jazz before this i wouldn't be aware of what aspects i was missing, damn. Blissful ignorance would be nice right now. Therefore, i'm looking for something with that little bit more versatility in the sound department. Something maybe P/J would make sense. I could add cash to the bass, albeit not much, and would only be looking to sell if i seen something in the classifieds that took my eye. I should add that this was fully set-up by a guy in Edinburgh 3-4 months ago. Its due to go in again to be set-up, intonation checked, action set blah blah and have D'Addario Flatwound XL Chromes .45-.105's fitted. I still like the idea of a Rick btw, thats the only thing i'd part-ex this for outwith the P/J sorta realm. Fire any questions you have away and i will do my best to answer. I would also prefer anyone that is interested to do the transaction in person. I can travel mutually and will be touring the UK, as i said early, at the end of May so could make life easier.
  2. [quote name='slaphappygarry' post='794729' date='Apr 2 2010, 11:37 PM']You guys deserve nothing but success Jamie. Love your new record. [/quote] How do you know which band i was talking about, eh eh!?
  3. [quote name='jakesbass' post='792720' date='Mar 31 2010, 11:31 PM']I have made a living from bass playing since I was about 21, I still play anything from 20 mins to 5 hrs in a day at home, I play nearly every day. I try to read a bit every day and I play along to albums and I improvise.[/quote] Ah, so thats how you're so darn good, eh? I'm not making a living from bass exactly, but i guess i should really get better rather than just stay in a mediocre comfort zone.
  4. I'm a student, and haven't read a book at home in ever.
  5. [quote name='RhysP' post='792403' date='Mar 31 2010, 08:22 PM']All you have to learn is that basically everybody in the music business is a many-faced untrustworthy bastard who would sell you down the river in a microsecond to further their own needs & ambitions. It's pretty much just like every other avenue of life really. [/quote] On the other hand i secured a pretty cool endorsement deal, and have a couple of hundred quid piece of software coming my way soon! I know what you're saying though, people will do anything to advance themselves, or get money - even at the expense of a disposable band's reputation or whatever.
  6. My girlfriend goes ape if she sees i am on here. She has put two and two together and made 4, in terms the time spent on basschat being reflective of money spent on bass. So, yeh... i view as text-only most of the time, hides the logo and layout etc, makes it much easier to conceal.
  7. I agree. I'm merely saying that there must surely be some objectivity in the aesthetic appreciation of music. Thatis a debate for another time perhaps. I like getting the reviews in, and i might have not made it clear, but there is nothing that annoys me more than a cut and paste. However, when the bottom line is ultimately, '' I want this music to sell, so i can pay my rent '' i suppose what i want is probably not best for me. My concern was that if every reviewer just cuts the PR junk then how can one get honest critique of a band? Negative reviews might be the consequence of bias, or as pointed out earlier, just to keep reader's happy, so where do bands sit exactly? I'm only 19, and i think i am just worried that i have rather a lot to learn about such a multi-faceted industry.
  8. [quote name='skankdelvar' post='790046' date='Mar 29 2010, 10:23 PM']Range of possibilities re: the one bad review you mention. Careful scrutiny of what was written / not written may (or may not) indicate one of the following: * Publication target audience may not be aligned with your genre / approach - hence you're a cheap easy target for the journo to pick off * Journo may just have been having a bad day and didn't much like your output * Your band (or whoever's handling your PR) may be on the journo's shitlist. * They gave the review to a junior who's trying to make a name * Your output is below par and they were the only ones to be honest (unlikely) Either way, it's not something to get 'upset' about. This is business, after all. If 'Loud and Quiet' is essential to your development, whoever does your PR should be tasked to turn the situation round. If not, backburner the relationship with the mag and let them come crawling back when you get big. Reviews should not be used as a mirror; they should be used as a tool.[/quote] Those observations were quite inline with my own actually. The magazine's demographic is not the people that would want to be buying our music, and so its easy pickings. In saying that, L&Q have ripped into some of my favorite bands in the past. It is actually the only negative review, but i guess one can't help but get hung up at first.
  9. [quote name='Doddy' post='790020' date='Mar 29 2010, 10:01 PM']Your friends will say you are awesome,and your enemies will say you suck. The truth usually lies somewhere in the middle.[/quote] I didn't think i had any enemies, and not many friends
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  11. [quote name='Eight' post='789940' date='Mar 29 2010, 09:03 PM']How objective a person are you? Criticism is your best friend in most walks of life - if you're honest enough with yourself to know when it's true. If you don't believe it applies, just ignore it and crack on. Doesn't really matter why they're writing it if you don't think it's valid.[/quote] Taste is a social and natural phenomenon like all other patterns of human cultural behaviour. I like criticism, but when i can't appreciate the one giving it's view point, i tend to think that i must be missing something.
  12. My band are starting to get lots of reviews at the moment, just before the album is released next month. For a start most of the reviews are just copy and pasting the PR stuff the publication gets sent, leaving them to do... well, not a lot really. Some other reviews are glowing, and have a lot of thought put into them with some jolly nice comments - hell, even i, of all people, got called 'talented!' There is one though, that stands out, we got from a magazine called Loud and Quiet which made for depressing. Think we got 4/10 and slated with some pretty nasty critique! I took it on the chin, and i think the others are getting over it now the reviews are coming in. I guess what i'm asking is, who can you trust? When most are recycled PR, and others either one extreme or another, it leaves us in a bit of a limbo. Is it as simply as people merely liking it or disliking it? Is there more involved, perhaps depending on the publication's demographic? It is difficult to take such crushing criticism on the chin, but maybe i'm just young and naive... lots to learn i have.
  13. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='785382' date='Mar 25 2010, 12:45 AM']Manly, lol. Counts me out. 900? Would that mean each speaker is rated 445w?[/quote] I dunno, i guess so
  14. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='784608' date='Mar 24 2010, 12:46 PM']Back on topic of size wieght and ohmage please? How far out the way is Nottingham?[/quote] Size i will have to measure, but the pics will give you a good idea i think Weight is a manly 35-40KG, none of that lightweight cabinetry pish! Ohmage is fixed @ 4ohm. The plate on the back says 800W, but Jff says it can take 900W. I could do Nottingham is you paid me some petrol monies - its a fair bit out of my drive to Hereford.
  15. I only found it after it ended Well, £2.19 is more than I've made from the band, the industry always winds, eh!
  16. [quote name='andy67' post='783381' date='Mar 23 2010, 01:22 PM']Damned cars and no luck eh! Go to partco at Murrayfield, get a cheap one and find someone to fit - cost effective! andy[/quote] I was thinking more along the line of: a) Get riveting bee) Get Welding c) Get to the scrappy d) Get a 3'' JT Sports Exhaust...
  17. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Midas-Fall---Eleven.-Return-and-Revert---PROMO-CD-ALBUM_W0QQitemZ310206107234QQcmdZViewItemQQimsxq20100313?IMSfp=TL100313128001r34358"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Midas-Fall---Eleven....313128001r34358[/url] I'm surprised it even got £2.19..!
  18. [quote name='andy67' post='783277' date='Mar 23 2010, 12:12 PM']Geezo! Time to get rid of that car, it's always needing sorted! andy[/quote] This is a different car, i'll 'ave you know! It needs a new back box, thanks to me neglecting the small hole 4000 miles ago, its now a large 5'' hole.
  19. I can detour by North Yorks. but Luton is kinda out of the way. With the Terror this thing was just silly. I never once managed to get the volume above 1 and the gain above 3 and i was playing some big venues (400-500 people) I'm still considering holding onto this and using it with the 400+ but then my car needs some bits and pieces Dimensions and detailed pictures are on their way... honest!
  20. Edinburgh - excuse my silly location in the profile...
  21. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=69975&hl=matamp&st=0"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...matamp&st=0[/url] Pics are in this thread. I will get pics that highlight the little tolex nick. I am going to Hereford...
  22. Still here: I can't shift on price. Trades/part-ex on the following: 2x15 or 4x10 Mesa Diesel - EV loaded Catalinbread SFT CIJ Jazz basses MIDI Controllers - Novation Launchpad, AKAI MPK Average Studio Monitors Apogee duet Sorry about the specific trades, but i'm trying to keep things to what i need.
  23. [quote name='krispn' post='777149' date='Mar 17 2010, 11:26 AM']Darn tooting it was quick - was trying to buy ine of these here in the UK and I think Clarky bought the one V&R had that I was after. Once spotted snapped up! Looking forward to giving it a good run with my rig and pairing up with the BassDrive for uber-rumble![/quote] Needless to say i'll be angling for a listen - and probably want one after doing so.
  24. I used to have a Tone Factor, owned it for maybe 2-3 weeks. Times were hard, so i sold it. To be honest, in hindsight, i never used it. My Line M9, which i've toyed with parting with more times than i care to remember also beats it for sheer versatility and the comparison between the sounds is quite minimal.
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