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Everything posted by Munurmunuh

  1. The Tribute Kiloton has the same combination of 1½" nut and 12" radius fretboard, I wonder if the profile is also the same?
  2. These days it's a Scimitar or nothing
  3. That's the one, thank you! The Headrush Gigboard is very similar, but £200+ more. Right, time to do lots of reading
  4. That's kind, but I think I've just concluded that I'm getting distracted by the money from my recent refund burning a hole in my pocket.
  5. It was similar to that, but I don't think that's the one. I'm wondering if I'm recalling a touchscreen on which you drag the individual effects into place.
  6. The specs for the neck profiles for the 424 / 1024 / 2024 are identical, but I know that in all manufacturing there are variations from one piece to the next. And my sample size is one. I can't recall ever reading that the 1024 neck feels any better than the 424 neck. So I'm going to conclude that kissing frogs when you've already got a prince is a waste of time. I can tell that the 424 neck pickup could be better, and know the 1024 neck pickup is better. But since my bass has the heights of the pickups balanced just right, the blend of the two produces one excellent tone. A better P pickup might leave me with a PJ tone that I don't like so much, so again, there's the risk of spending money for no net benefit. In any case, the position of the neck pickup on these BBs means that the P sound soloed will always be a little bassy for my taste. Which is a long boring way of saying, meh sod it. If anyone sees me mooching over a 1024 again, give me a kick.
  7. (The original title of this thread was Can't remember the name of particular multi effects unit, help!) The user interface on my Line 6 Bass Pod XT Live is so obscure I literally do nothing more than occasionally turn the treble knob a bit. However, as it sits between my bass and the Yamaha studio monitor, its amp/cab sims are essential for my practice set up. A couple of months ago I was looking at the website of a small unit that had a nice big display on which you construct a chain of effects and sims. The website was very sleek, I remember that.... Unfortunately I can't remember the name, and Google searching is getting me nowhere. I think the price was around £300, and it was much smaller than my huge Line 6. I can't remember if it was a pedal, or more of a desk top box. Probably the latter. I'm not in need of huge choice, just amp + cab sim, plus oh I dunno, distortion, compression and reverb, but I desperately want a user interface that doesn't feel like trying to launch a ICBM with a Vic 20.
  8. When I was a little boy living in a backwater town, my mum upgrading us from a Renault 4 to a Renault 6 was enough to impress me - a Cortina was what our friend's successful Dad had, miles above us. Which tells me to be more than happy with what I've got 🥰 Can't let talk of Cortinas pass without posting this:
  9. I do like playing along to that song, one of the first things I learnt after my many many years in the bassless wilderness. My 424 lacks an x, so of no interest to you. Something I won't know for a while is this: do I like the neck on my 424 because its a typical example, or because it happens to be a particularly nice example? Putting time and money into making the minimal upgrade to a 1024 and then finding myself with a neck I like less would be a real ¥&₩!€£?¥*#$ When people online start using car analogies, I never have a clue. I was vaguely under the impression that Jaguar was a classy outfit, and would have guessed it was equivalent to the 2024. Things must have changed since I last took any notice. Which was so long ago, the Mustang was not a model available in the UK. If you said the 424 was a Capri and the 1024 a Cortina Ghia, that might mean something to me.
  10. If I replaced my 424 with a 1024 like that, would the difference just be the cumulative effect of tiny improvements in quality everywhere, or would there be a couple of striking differences?
  11. Aged white plus that red tort you've put on it is a real step up from standard sunburst, looks fantastic.
  12. Thinking of your username, are we seeing nominative determinism in action here?
  13. Was it necessary to take those comments quite this badly?! 😢
  14. I found this post from 11 years ago
  15. From what I recall trying to read up a few years ago, Les Calamités had been around earlier in the decade, strongly influenced by cheerful jangly English bands this and that, and in turn being not uninfluential on bands such as the other. They broke up for a while, but someone got a couple of them to reform and they had a top 40 hit in France with that more heavily produced track. My favourite song of theirs is La Supermarché, which presumable shows the influence those couple of English bands whose names I've forgotten if I ever knew (Talulah Gosh are mentioned in one of the comments)
  16. I bought the Tranvision Vamp album and after one listen was so horrified with myself that I sold it to a friend for £1.50
  17. The one you know, Crash by The Primitives The one you probably don't, Crash's elder twin, Vélomoteur by Les Calamités
  18. A few days ago I was looking at the weights of various SB-2's on the Sweetwater site. 8.5 lbs was the light end of the wide range
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