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Everything posted by risingson

  1. I was watching an interview with Roger Sadowsky, he was saying that some of his customers claimed that the chambered bodies had a better sound than the non-chambered bodies, but I think in the case of the Sadowsky's I would have thought a large part of the tone was to do with the Sadowsky preamp.
  2. Just IMO, but... I've never really liked U2, I like Oasis, I love Radiohead, I'm not too keen on the Beatles but I love what they did, I like the Rolling Stones a lot, Elvis kind of bores me but I know he's great, Chuck Berry doesn't interest me, Pink Floyd = not my thing, The Police are great, Yes had one song I know and it's got a great guitar solo in it (Owner of a Lonely Heart I think it's called), Genesis = boring, Aerosmith have never appealed to me, Jimi Hendrix was great, Metallica = don't like most metal, Rush = indulgent nonsense but each to their own, David Bowie rules, R.E.M should worry less about the environment and more time writing better songs, I love the Velvet Underground, Iron Maiden all look like aging hairy handbags to me and try a bit too hard, Bon Jovi? I think Mum likes them, Jethro Tull? I think Dad likes them, The Who I saw live but I still don't totally get, The Beach Boys were superb, Prince, Michael Jackson AND Stevie Wonder are brilliant, Bob Marley was amazing, James Brown ditto, Steely Dan are one of my favourites, Queen I like, Abba had some great basslines, AC/DC did Back in Black didn't they? Or was that Van Halen?, The Allman Brothers I haven't heard much from, Earth Wind and Fire are OTT and completely brilliant, King Crimson I have never heard a song from them and don't have a massive desire too... And I absolutely despise the Beautiful South. Pick and choose your most the most controversial statement and go nuts.
  3. Pointless pointless pointless By all means if you can ever find a way to utilise a low F sharp, but a low G sharp? Aren't we getting into the realms of ridiculousness?
  4. Sorry guys, forgot about this post! Thanks for the kind words. [quote name='lushuk' post='414051' date='Feb 19 2009, 11:32 AM']Yes nice one, I like cover bands, good vocals harmonies etc, well done p.s crap name you should do bicyle race or bmx race:)[/quote] Haha, I hate it too... but people laugh at it and hopefully remember us a bit better in future
  5. [quote]It's sad but true, so to state that the 4 notes of the b-line to With or Without You means more than something they probably never heard is a bit silly, I mean its a fair point in some respects, but then I doubt most of them could even tell you thos four notes either, cos they are concentrating solely on the vocal in fact.[/quote] But why is this sad? Ignorance is bliss, what you haven't heard before can't have any emotional impact on you, where as what you have heard will. Not everyone wants to seek out the musings of Jaco Pastorius, where as some people (like me) have enjoyed his work. Some people want music served to them through radio and not have to actively seek new music out. That's reality. It might cheapen the musical endeavours of some people who might be more musically minded, but that's just life. U2 is a familiar sound that some people enjoy listening to.
  6. Amazing, and IMO the most influential player that has ever lived
  7. Wise words from the man who chooses to think and soap up at the same time. They write good tunes that a lot of people like, and some other people don't. I don't like U2, but even I can see that the Joshua Tree was crammed with well written tunes. To dismiss a band's entire back catalogue as 'sh*t' when they're so well loved by so many people isn't right.
  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='421022' date='Feb 27 2009, 03:39 PM']Yeah but you might also want to ask WHY is Paul Turner playing one? [/quote] I asked him. His answer? He likes them. That was good enough for me.
  9. Wanted a Celinder for years and still saving for a new bass. I would have had this off of you in a snap if I were ready to invest in a new instrument. Best of luck with the sale mate.
  10. I hope being a British site, there are some Alan Partridge fans here... a clip from where Alan pretends to his Ukrainian girlfriend that he's friends with Bono. Hilarious [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GRRhfCYfTs"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GRRhfCYfTs[/url]
  11. The current rig. It's heavy but the sound is 100% worth it. [attachment=21290:P1020535.JPG] [attachment=21289:P1020546.JPG] I usually bridge the channels for most gigs, but it's more than loud enough! EDIT: sorry for the sideways pics
  12. To most live venues (not all, but most) I'd say the positioning of the band is generally a bit of an afterthought. As for the whole issue of sound limiting, well from what we've encountered as a band before it seems like some dumbass from the health and safety sector of the government has decided that anything constituting even as much as a tap on the floor should be deemed as excessive noise. But there's just no way around it. Just some jerk flexing his muscles in a response from some of the public claiming some venues are too loud. Worse still, a lot of the limiters haven't been set up properly, and don't give an accurate portrayal of dB levels anyway, making them an even more superfluous attempt at noise control. We include a bit of a clause in our contract that basically states that 'sound limiters and the band, in the kindest possible way, don't get on', i.e. if you're having a wedding at a venue with a sound limiter then rip it out the wall before we get there otherwise we're going to get our power cut off.
  13. It's the sort of pub where if you did laugh out loud then you're in danger of getting a pool cue smashed over ya head!! [quote name='skankdelvar' post='422865' date='Mar 2 2009, 03:03 AM']I saw them at Earl's Court a few years ago and the audience had the highest proportion of fit women I've ever seen at a rock gig.[/quote] I thought that's why everyone who is anyone is in a band? Free booze, nice ladies...
  14. I just got back from a gig where we got requested by some drunk punter to play 'With or Without You'... I laughed to myself, thought of this convo and politely declined Sorry if my own opinions got out of hand. It's all in good fun!
  15. God, an Aguilar rig being abused by such a poor player What's next? Flea swapping to Fodera? Bono's performance in my opinion was weak, but the rest of the band were fine.
  16. [quote name='wombatboter' post='422441' date='Mar 1 2009, 04:28 PM']They have a guitarplayer with a unique sound who influenced thousands of other players, they have a good bassplayer who knows his place and has some great basslines (Stories for Boys, Mysterious Ways, etc...), they have a driving drummer who is solid and they have a powerful singer with charisma and something to say. They moved millions of people with more than a couple of great songs... What's more childish than saying " X sucks...." Instead of putting down creative people who have succeeded, try to write a good song yourself.[/quote] I've really got to +1 on this. I of course realise everyone is very much entitled to opinions, but if were to apply the logic of 'frontman = bit of a knob' to everything then you'd have to hate the Beatles, Gun's N Roses, Radiohead etc. I just don't think it should work like that.
  17. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='422272' date='Mar 1 2009, 11:18 AM']Presumably, when [b]you[/b] put forward the above as "fact", it is simply [b]your[/b] opinion too? Not sure too many people would want to be "as well looked up to" as U2 - at least not around these parts, although I wouldn't mind 10% of their ill gotten gains. Still, one man's meat etc. [/quote] No, that's still my opinion. I think a lot of people round here would like to be part of a successful band with massive success and a great love for their music, which (IMO) is exactly the same thing.
  18. [quote name='Prosebass' post='422244' date='Mar 1 2009, 10:28 AM']Its called free speech. We all reserve the right to slag off whoever we like whether the reasons in your mind are justifiable or not. And you reserve the right to reply. I think it is great that people speak their mind on these matters and if offense takes place then good. As a great politician once said "Nobody has the right not to be offended" I don't like U2 , never have I think Bonio is an arrogant c**t In his interview with Lauren Laverne he was up his own arse, condescending and sounded pretty ordinary in the songs they did. Even his own band members are very diplomatic in what they say about him. On Jonathan Ross he went into the crowd and laid across the laps of 3 women , it was creepy and even my Mrs said "who the f*** does he think he is" and that is exactly the question, who the f*** does he think he is ?[/quote] I was perhaps referring less to Bono's personality and more about their music. I agree free speech is all good, but I think it's too easy slag off a player like Adam Clayton. I don't actually think he's done much wrong in terms of bass playing, unless there's something I've missed?
  19. [quote name='NJE' post='421755' date='Feb 28 2009, 03:31 PM']THANK GOD! after so many years of thinking this band are completely useless I have found a whole bunch of people who think the same. Drastically overrated and just goes to show that expensive gear and good sound engineering does not make good musicians/bands.[/quote] ...in your opinion. I doubt many people on this site will ever be part of a band as well looked up too as U2, and I mean that in the kindest possible way. They're great songwriters, like them or not. I'm not a fan at all, but it does get my wick a bit when people put forward something as fact when it is simply their own opinion. I also don't think it's remotely fair to slag Adam Clayton off whatsoever, or his choice of gear, or his technique. Technical credibility has nothing to do with anything if you're part of a band that you're happy in, have written timeless songs with and have made a friggin' fortune with. I'd prefer to be him than Richard Bona, that's for sure.
  20. Both, but 90% fingers. [quote name='silddx' post='421829' date='Feb 28 2009, 06:07 PM']Some geezer at one of our gigs a while ago said any bassist playing with a pick is not worthy of the name and shouldn't be let near a stage.[/quote] Two words for that misinformed tw*t... Anthony Jackson.
  21. I might be interested in a swap for my Jazz if it's the right colour combo PM'ed anyways!
  22. Warm, rich, fat... basically, all the things I want to be when I'm older
  23. Get listening to Anthony Jackson (Chaka Khan), Louis Johnson (i.e. 'Off the Wall', Michael Jackson), Randy Hope Taylor (Incognito), Paul Jackson (Herbie Hancock), Rocco Prestia (Tower of Power), Meshell Ndegeocello, Prince's bass playing, Stuart Zender and Paul Turner (Jamiroquai), Freddie Washington (Michael Jackson, Patrice Rushen, Steely Dan), Bernard Edwards (Sister Sledge, Chic). They've all got the technique down... also for a more old-skool funk feel, Bernard Odum, Sweets Sherrell, (James Brown), George Porter Jr. (The Meters), Bobby Watson (Rufus). People think funk is all about the slapping, but it really isn't, it's more of a feel thing and choice of rhythm. It's definitely not something that can be taught, but if you listen to the players that funk really well then you get a better idea of how to really sit in the funk pocket! In the mean while check this out: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFcpBB4Yy_M"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFcpBB4Yy_M[/url]
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