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Everything posted by SteveXFR

  1. I've just started learning Liar by Rollins Band. I was listening to it earlier and it sounded like an interesting bass part
  2. Rollin - Limp Bizkit It's an awful song but one of their best!
  3. I wish I'd known about this when I had my Trace amp. They could have fixed it and sorted the cooling issues. Putting the cooling fan intake right next to the hot air exhaust wasn't a great engineering decision.
  4. I'd like all effects pedal manufacturers to standardise on input, output and power socket positions. It would make it much easier to wire boards neatly. What would be really nice is a wire free design with pedals clip on to the board with all connections integrated.
  5. I think that's so different you can't really call it better or worse, it's just a whole different thing. I like this version and I like the original but I couldn't pick one over the other as a favourite.
  6. No better but a LOT more expensive and with less consistent quality. It would be filled with tone helium though
  7. I've never played fretless so excuse my ignorance. What's wrong with lines?
  8. Is there a lack of fretless options because there's a limited market for them?
  9. Surely no musician wants quiet fans. A bit of cheering and applause is the minimum really.
  10. You sound like one of them experts. We don't like experts these days.
  11. Cats have even bigger egos than singers
  12. I doubt a 500w Elf would be that small. Double the size at least to get a big enough power amplifier plus cooling
  13. That's probably not unlikely. They've started bringing back some of the original Epiphone basses.
  14. Those pickups are a bit hot for my liking
  15. What would a 500w Elf offer that the dozens of other solid state 500w amps don't already offer? I'd really like a modern TE SMX amp with the 11 band EQ that is loud and doesn't go up in smoke and doesn't require a crane to shift it. I loved the sound of my old SMX but I blew it up three times and it wasn't loud enough.
  16. You'd have got closer to that bass tone if you kicked the cat
  17. My taste in music is not what one would describe as mainstream. Very few people I know like a lot of the same music as me. Rather than seeing it as isolating I've always enjoyed the experience of being in an audience with like minded people at shows. Maybe it's me talking (or typing) b0110cks but maybe there's a connection amongst that audience that couldn't exist in the audience of a band with mass appeal.
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