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Eldon Tyrell

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Everything posted by Eldon Tyrell

  1. Ok, I have to admit that I had deleted Pantera's hair metal days from my memory, however, Alice "in" Chains were never hair metal, Alice "N'" Chains were. Technically not the same band.
  2. I guess grunge was just a label and something the media came up with and record labels used to shift units. The bands I listed earlier are all very different. Alice is more metal-ish, Soundgarden more hard rock-ish, Nirvana more punk-ish, Pearl Jam more classic 70s rock-ish and Stone Temple Pilots are actually the most diverse of the lot - rock, bossa nova, a bit of Beatles etc. I saw STP in 2019 in the o2 in London Kentish Town and it was a great concert. One of my favs and sadly so far the last concert I've been to.
  3. Here is a quite extensive overview of some more albums that got released on the same day. My fav combos: March 8, 1994: Soundgarden ‘Superunknown and Nine Inch Nails, 'The Downward Spiral' Sept 29, 1992: Alice in Chains, 'Dirt' and Stone Temple Pilots, 'Core' https://ultimateclassicrock.com/albums-released-on-same-day/
  4. I thought on the late Mark Sandman's birthday today, it would be appropriate to share the link to this excellent documentary. I came across Morphine in the early 90s and was really taken by this unique combination of a 2 string slide bass, two saxophones and drums. The documentary is really worth watching and I have to admit that I did not know much about Mark's story. Well, be warned, it is a pretty dark and sad story. It also features some talking heads, including Mike Watt who tells us what the role of the bassist in a band used to be in the old days (from 28:15). Check it out!
  5. I did not notice the copy of Superfuzz Bigmuff but I did notice the Music Man Stingray 🙂
  6. Cools story. I never saw Nirvana live. However, I saw most of the other protagonists of the "grunge movement", i.e. Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots and Pearl Jam. Out of these, my fav are AIC. Saw them in the Manchester Academy in 2009, in the o2 in Bham in 2013 (with Walking Papers (featuring Duff McKagan and Screeming Trees's Barrett Martin) and Ghost), in the o2 in Leeds in 2018 and in the Arena Bham in Birmingham in 2019.
  7. I also remember them and the "grunge movement" as being hailed for washing away all the hair metal dudes.
  8. You are right and Mudhoney toured the UK in the same time period (also starting in 89). However, most people watching programmes from the BBC probably would not know them.
  9. Just watched this cool documentary on the BBC iplayer: "Between 1989 and 1994, Nirvana introduced a new and exciting brand of rock music to the UK – one that changed the musical landscape and influenced a generation of British youth. Thirty years on since the release of their seminal album Nevermind, this documentary examines the special relationship between Nirvana and the UK – including the role Britain played in paving the way for their global success. Featuring rare and unseen archive footage - as well as home movies shot by the band themselves - the film charts Nirvana’s rise from their very first British tour, performing in pubs and tiny gig venues, through to legendary (and infamous) TV appearances on The Word and Top of the Pops that helped cement their status as one of the biggest rock bands on the planet, taking ‘grunge culture’ from the underground to the mainstream." I especially liked the insights into their first UK tours in 89 and 90. My personal highlight: The "freestyling" dance on stage by a guy called Tony. That alone makes the documentary worth watching 😉 Also worth watching: Krist's stache Enjoy 👍 https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m000zx9h/when-nirvana-came-to-britain
  10. BTW, @cetera, why do you want a Euro X Spectorbird? You already have one of the most stunning looking Spector(bird) basses of all time! 🤩
  11. That's a good point. They have the templates, so that should may things easier. You may want to drop Taylor McLam an email ([email protected]) and ask about it. He seems to reply to emails quite quickly. Over at TB, someone asked him about an issue with the bridge on a recently purchased Euro LT and he replied quickly. Maybe it really just needs a handful of orders (maybe via a retailer, e.g. BD) and they'll do a special run. Worth a try.
  12. I get that Korg wants to make more use of Aguilar pickups and preamps and I also get that Korg wants to put Spector basses into the hands of more and more players. I am just getting a bit concerned that they are started to stretch the brand a bit too much. For example, for the Euro series alone, we now have the Euro Classic, the Euro LT, the Euro LX, the Euro RST and the Euro LE Squid. Plus Euro Bolt and Euro artist models (Hill, Sarzo (LX and LT), Wimbish, Bolan and Webster). https://www.spectorbass.com/series/euro-series/ https://www.spectorbass.com/series/artist-series/
  13. Agree and it really is one of the great BC mysteries why it is still available. G&L basses are killer basses. Earlier this year, I bought a used CLF Research L2K and that's already one of my all time fav basses. So, c'mon guys, a US G&L SB-2 in great condition, not too heavy and with an added tone control for £800? What's not to like? I am currently broke but hoping to put some money aside over the next months. So, I may go for it next year if no one else is buying it in the meantime.
  14. Cool stuff 👍 It also shows that Spector basses are not only for hard rock and metal.
  15. Agree, the Covid pandemic has messed up things big time. I am still itching for a Special 4 HH with the cool raspberry burst finish and black hardware. There aren't any in the UK though. I guess I could order one via BD but £2,999 is a bit much, esp. if you consider what they cost in the US. Sweetwater has one (and it is actually the only 4 sting Special they have in stock at the moment) for $2,499 (£ 1,900) but they do not ship to the UK. Maybe some time next year, I will ask a relative in the US to buy it and then send it over to me. Even with shipping costs, VAT and customs, it should cost me significantly less than buying it here in the UK. My other hope is that EBMM makes the Specials available in their Vault. I recently bought a TC sig bass that way and it worked out very well.
  16. My fav finishes are red, black, white and natural. However, even I could not resist the lure of a sunburst P bass from the 70s (sorry, no tort, I could not go that far ; -)
  17. First demo of the new series. I've never heard of the guy in the video but he is pretty good. A bit too much slapping for my taste though.
  18. Some further info: As it is a 2003 model, it should have solid maple wings and the first version of the Spector Tonepump as its preamp. The nowadays common maple/walnut/alder "sandwich" body wings for the Euro got introduced a year later in 2004 (start of the Euro LX series).
  19. Wow. I like what I am seeing here. Great looks. Classic Spector finish. However, it is not a Rebop, which are bolt-on. Looks more like a Euro 4 to me. Definitely from 2003 (the serial number is NB 2637. You have to add (1) to the first digit to determine the year. So, 2003). I always wanted a Spector with that finish. Would have loved to buy it, but I am broke 😞 GLWTS 👍
  20. Problem is you are already a Grand Master. Where can you go from here? Maybe Grand Master II (like Professional II)? Or Grand Master 2nd Dan? 🙂
  21. Just saw this over at TB- A new, but not yet officially announced, Euro Series - Euro RST. Key features seem to be the roasted maple necks, empress wood as body wood (aka paulownia, known to be very light), the three new finishes and Aguilar humbuckers and Aguilar OBP-2 preamp. The latter makes sense thanks to Korg's recent acquisition of Aguilar. https://www.guitarcenter.com/Spector/Euro-4-RST-Electric-Bass.gc What do you think?
  22. Here is a nice US SB-2 that comes with a tone control. Nice weight, decent price (no affiliation with the seller!): Soundclips:
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