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Everything posted by Ander87

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  2. Ah cheers @Lw.! Glad to see this finished with the right pickup and covers etc. Now it's all about just playing it... Having said that, I may well send the neck over to Mark to paint the headstock matching with the body.... ... and it started to tickle me adding a J pickup to the purple bass! When I ordered the bass it was gonna be my only P and wanted to keep it as a 'pure p' but now that I've two more basses it may add to the variety of tones.... Not a thing I desperately need, but could happen - with a 4 way tone switch for J/ PJ parallel / PJ series / P it could be very interesting! I'd keep it to two pots and not drill the side for the jack, keep the original lay out.
  3. Ander87


    I know eh? I can be a super gassed up person, but I genuinely think P basses is where my heart is - at least it has been for the last 7 months, quite a stable thing considering...! The problem is I had been playing guitar for a while and I was used to the fine stuff lol. Having said that, 1k£ a bass is a justified budget considering I gig them all three and I'm in 2 bands etc...
  4. I am that person that loves p basses with jazz neck. Add to it the problem that I need them to be 4kg max I scouted around for options (the most notable being the Fender Boxer PJ for that 1k£ budget) but I returned it as I didnt love the tone, a bit waffled. I am now settled with the limelights on jazz necks! With different Nordstrand pickups and ranging from 3.6 to 3.75kg. I'd post a picture but I've been plugging it all along everywhere already ha!
  5. Ander87


    I've tried a lot of everything in my 3 years as a bassist. Musicman Stingray Specials, Alpher customs, Sadowsky metros, Merlos, Sei Bass, Sandberg, Lakland, Fender Boxer japan, headless Ibby 5's, Dingwall D-Roc.... After all that, my 3 basses now are all p basses with jazz necks...! passive electronics all of them with sweet spots via tone switch (killswitch, bypass, 22pf, 47pf) and different pickups across them - NP4V, NP4A and P Blade by Nordstrand. I think tones depend a lot with the type of music you do, but I'm glad to see that a P bass will have your back for most of music produced - for what I do (motown/soul/neosoul/pop/rock/punk) these cover me plenty. I can say this is the happiest I've been after roaming so many different basses... I would not say no to a PJ Alpher though, but price/tone ratio is solid with these Limelights:
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  7. other pickup options and cases remove, sold separately. I'll throw in the case if you collect or make it easy/quick sale.... £850 for a full custom sweet bass on swamp ash and ebony board...!
  8. Ooooooooft!!! Just received my Nordy NP4V, along with the La Bella flats I had on the latest acquisition (charcoal frost). I'm sure this is old news for many of you, but... LUSH. The Nordy has more of a BKP '58 character wrapped up in velvet, still punchier than the CS '62. Perfect for motown bits but, definitely great for punk and the like with rounds and covers off. The mojo of these covers is undeniable...!
  9. Hey! Yes indeed - I tried to get it some months ago but it resurfaced and did not miss the chance!
  10. Welcome to the club @vincbt, that is a lovely looking bass! Here's my 3 Limelight P's with J necks: The purple goes on a Nordy P blade for dirty stuff, the White on an NP4V for the vintage tones, and charcoal grey on an NP4A for bright and punchy. Yours reminds me of one....
  11. Ah indeed! So far my reference vintage pickup. Still clean and no noise and lots of thump, love it from neo soul to punk rock and in between. like I said I’ll regret it but my other two basses gave Nordstrands and thought I’d round it up with an NP4V…
  12. A couple pickup options removed as sold already. You won't regret buying this fantastic bass!
  13. So my reference pickup is on sale...! Genuinely my most favourite vintage but present/punchy tone. I'll probably regret this but here we go. These are new for £140 so I reckon decent price for a hand wound pickup! Postage on top.
  14. Well! Mr. White got new covers with some foam at the base…
  15. And the radius I’m not entirely sure, would say 9.5”?
  16. Hey Dave! Thanks for taking good care of him 😀 the contrary for me, always after these jazz neck p basses…! The gig went great and really enjoyed Bristol! Can’t always bring mementos this nice from a gig so that made it nicer yet!
  17. Thanks a lot for the heads up buddy, I would have missed out with this crazy week otherwise! Ander.
  18. Well. So the story is I tried to buy this bass some 2 months ago and it ran out of my hands when it was in Milton Keynes right next door to me in Northants. Because I had missed this chance I started bothering folk to see if they'd let go of one of their jazz necked P basses - that's how my Olympic white came to me. Thanks to @Reggaebass and encouraged by @Cuzzie, I was made aware this charcoal frost bass was back on sale! In Bristol now.... just where I had a gig last night! So this beautiful, gorgeous bass came with me: The colour of this thing is sensational!!! Very very well achieved, like the Sean Hurley P - but also can look almost grey in many pictures/light angles And the whole family together: the purple for my punk rock band and dirtiest tones with a Nordy P blade, the Olympic White is the bright and punchy one with a Nordy NP4A (can totally recommend this pickup, the punch of a stingray and grind of a P!), and this new addition will go likely on an NP4V with labella flat wounds... AND YES, I'M INSTALLING THE JAGUAR MUTE!!! Will report on that...! I have to add I love how different each bass is, you'd think all of them being jazz necked p basses they'd be redundant, but a change of pickup/strings and they're totally different - even before plugging them they've different tones....! I'm a happy happy happy guy! Ander.
  19. If I do it'll be me the one that's hanging from it!!
  20. Haha! folk can't complain that I don't offer flexibility aye?
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