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Everything posted by RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE

  1. Thanks for your kind suggestions, please keep'em coming. I must say that I'm getting tempted by the Walkabout Scout. They are so....expensive ,but awesome! I have an Eden NemesisNC-250,which is what I have been using (band love it,drummer gives me a lift in his car). That sounds great . I guess I'm still undecided .Maybe I've started a nice thread herewhere you can show me some more nice pics. Thanx for now
  2. Howdy! I think that most of us here know to some extent their requirements for sound, portability,gigging etc. However,have you thought about what amp you would like to own once you stop gigging and just have that 1 special amp next to your fave bass on display in your bedroom/music room /living room? Well I do like the look of a retro amp , or something stylish just like our guitar folk have.(Why should guitarists have all the fun?) I am on the lookout for something not too expensive, that does the job.I saw a creamy,beigey leather effect combo when I was looking in Sound contol(rip). Trouble is I can't remember the name of it. I'm not after anything really loud as I just want it to look good-but do it's job. I'm trying to get away from the usual black colour.(Not too keen on Orange) Small is probably better. If you can help me with this odd request please let me know.
  3. Well, back in the day when they first came out I ordered a Bass whammy from a stockist in Leics.(Cheapest price etc.) However, I received the RED one for Guitars! Couldn't fathom out how to use , so I sent it back as they didn't have bass version. I purchased the Boss ME8-B instead. These were more expensive at the time, but are now cheaper when they crop up.
  4. If you're looking to gig, then I would suggest something that is fairly powerful(250 watts). For the price range ,you're probably looking at used stuff. Whether you want to use a head amp and cabinet or combo, that's up to you. Trace Elliot, Warwick are good in this price range. I think that someone on this forum may still be selling an Eden combo . I have one of those ,and they are good...
  5. Would like to join/form fun rock covers band.(Free/Bad co. -kaiser chiefs/ green day). Age 40+ PM me if interested Thank you
  6. Yuk! Cheapo bass, by cheapo makers trying to make this look pricey! Horrible!
  7. I don't know his user name , but got a pm from Al clutter. Very nice man. Thought I'd say somekind words about him . Nice guy. He came, he saw, he paid! Bye Trace , will miss you
  8. This sounds like my kind of band. Same agegroup as me. Very similar(and probably some of the same) material that I do. But unfortunately as I have no transport & live in Twickenham I can't go for this band. Shame! Hope you get someone soon.
  9. Shame about the age thing. At a young looking 45 I think I'm just a little too old. I have rehearsed at AIRPLAY STUDIOS , and IAN is a top bloke! My plight is a little different. I live in Twickenham , don't drive and am in a covers band ripped.co.uk (on lemonrock, don't know how to put links here). Mr. Drums, went to Tailand for a few months. I'm waiting for his return. Mr. Guitar we think has quit. He is mid 30's but was being mothered too much and got slightly egotistic. I play covers, at my age it's probably the quickest way of gigging. If I start gigging again soon , I'll get a small combo and this should make it easier to travel.(unless I get another friendly bandmate) Good luck with your search
  10. Getting gigs (imho) is a pain in the a$$! What I've been finding is that in London &surrounding areas is difficult. Step 1: Record demo cd Step2: Take it into as many pubs that allow for more than 2 people Step 3 : Keep on ringing the phones of all concerned Step 4 : keep all other band members as mellow as possible (like Guinness-all things come to those who wait!) Step 5 : allow for guitarists unexpected holidays! I may have missed out on a few things, please let me know if I have. It's all worth while in the end tho'
  11. Hello ,and welcome. Oh, by the way..I'm new here too. Hello all!
  12. Thanks for the kind words guys. I'm here to stay. Sorry if it looks like I'm just using this site for selling. I never knew it existed until yesterday,(I use the American one quite a bit tho') I've just been looking at a few topics and replied to a couple already. All I have to do now is participate a bit more, and will be getting involved with gear porn etc. I like it here Cheers RATM
  13. After learning to play on an old Hondo11 copy of Fender precision,which was like having to grab a large tree I was delighted that when it was time to buy my first 'proper' bass My friend & teacher recommended a Washburn Status. I have a few basses , but this has been the main bass most of the time. I managed to get a Steiney custom xm2 a few years back , from a German evil bayer. After a small repair it may be my fave bass now. I really want the Trans trem /whammy bar one tho'. When you see some of the pubs that you can play, the headless is perfect. They also don't upset the drummer when you turn around! G**ta$$tists are the main objectors to headless. Too many seem to be worried about how it looks. I suppose that headless wouldn't look right playing Slayer etc. which I love, but they are perfect for cover bands of any material. I don't think they are back in fashion -yet! If they do , I may make a bit of cash on my original steiney when I get old. At the moment it looks like imho that Gibson Thunderbirds are poular right now. I did have a Hohner professional once, and somebody thought it was a gun! Also, a guitarist from a previous band told me to be careful in his neighbourhood.... One other thing, I think that the full bodied headless look cooler.
  14. Howdy one and all! Well, this post may seem a little baffling. But please bear with me.I started playing again after a long lay off, and as I have always wanted a Trace I never thought that I'd be looking to offload one! It's a great amp which I purchased from an evil bayer for £350.00. It sounds and looks immaculate, although I haven't tried the di socket . Why am I selling? Well, it is a trifle heavy(nearly as heavy as my sister in law) and as I live in a first floor maisonnette, I got fed up with the dents it was making in my wall in the hallway.I have gigged with it once,and it was good as you would expect. I am looking for £285.00 or thereabouts. Buyer collects ,as I don't drive. I live in Twickenham. If it doesn't go, I'm not too bothered as it looks cool in my music room. Now, onto the Eden Nemesis nc-250. I love this amp, it is lighter than the Trace and the band love it . You don't really see these much in the uk. I'm not sure whether or not I want to sell right now. (I made a bid for a GenzBenz,purely for portability) Again I purchased from an evil bayer. It has a small dent on the head , but nothing to worry about. I have used this live and rehearsals a lot . It was serviced before I purchased it . If someone really wants it,£300.00 and it's yours. I carried it onto a bus ok, but it was walking to the bus stop that was getting to me. Could possibly go for an exchange(ie Gallien Freddy Krueger,Markbass or similar)250 watts tho'. Won't post pics just yet as it's Monday ,and am worn out. If I receive reply ,I will post pics. Cheers, thanks for looking. RATM
  15. Well, I'm trying to reduce the size of my equipment. Could bid £400.00+ if you are interested. I live in Twickenham . I don't drive , and this looks good. My first post on this site
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